Reformation: New 95 Theses Calls Out Segregation in American Church

On the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation, the Mosaix Global Network posted "95 Theses" calling out systemic segregation in the American church, said the organization's co-founder, Mark DeYmaz, on Tuesday.The 95 Theses were written by 95 faith leaders from the US and around the world, including Michael Emerson, Brenda Salter-McNeil, Mark DeYmaz, Dr. John M. Perkins, Jenny Yang, Choco De Jesus, Ed Stetzer, Miles McPherson, Michael Frost and many more!

READ: Top 7 Answers For Racial Reconciliation From a Christian Perspective

As co-founder and president of the Mosaix Global Network, it is my sincere hope that our collective words will a) help fan the flames of this legitimate Movement of the Holy Spirit in our lifetime, (b) spur important conversation, (c) inspire conviction, and (d) motivate literally 1,000s of pastors, church planters, ministry leaders, etc., to take action in their own local churches, in order to advance systemic change, over the next few years.


October 31, 1517, is traditionally considered the day that German priest and scholar Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses for consideration at All Saints’ Church (more commonly, Castle Church), in Wittenberg, Germany. Legend suggests that he did so by nailing them to the church door, although this cannot be proven. In so doing, Luther aimed to bring about reformation in the church by addressing widespread abuses in his day. Furthermore, his emphasis on justification by faith was never intended to abandon consideration of faithful witness, but just the opposite.As Luther writes in The Freedom of a Christian, union with Christ by faith involves caring for our neighbors in love. To care for our neighbors, that is for those very different than us as defined by Christ (Luke 10:25-37), and thus to fulfill the whole Law beyond mere love for God (Matthew 22:40; Galatians 5:14), requires proximity (Ephesians 4:1-13f.).1 For Christians, fundamentally, this means walking, working, and worshipping God together as one in and through local churches beyond the distinctions of this world that so often and otherwise divide. In so doing we provide a credible witness of God's love for all people on earth as it is in heaven.This biblical expectation, i.e., this specific mystery ("of Christ," Ephesians 3:4; "my (Paul's) gospel," Romans 16:25, 26; "the word of God in its fullness, the mystery," Colossians 1:25-27), was first revealed by the Spirit to His holy apostles and prophets (Ephesians 3:2-6) with the intent that "...through the (local) church, the manifold (Gr. polypoikilos -> "much-varigated: marked by a wide variety of colors, i.e., of cloth or a painting." Thayer's Greek Lexicon) wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms," (Ephesians 3:10). Therefore, as the Apostle Paul challenged the collective church at Ephesus (Ephesians 4:1-6ff.), and today as well, believers are to walk worthy of this calling: namely, to be one in the church for the sake of the Gospel.

Call to Reformation

Whereas Exists:

  • Misunderstanding and misapplication of the homogeneous unit principle
  • Self-centered human nature
  • Personal preferences rooted in privilege
  • The collective pain of marginalized people groups
  • The enmeshment of politics, capitalism, and Christianity
  • Stubborn pride, theological arrogance, and incomplete exegesis
  • Spiritual forces of wickedness in heavenly places

The below statements are intended to challenge erroneous yet entrenched thinking, approach, and practice that…

  • has led to the systemic segregation of churches by race, class, and culture
  • perpetuate injustice in the church and society at large
  • validate the preferential treatment of some over others
  • undermine collective witness
  • call into question the sincerity of words in the absence of works
  • hinder efforts to advance a credible message of God's love for all people, the very Gospel, itself, in an increasingly diverse and cynical society
  • cannot and should not be any longer perpetuated

We, the undersigned, submit the following for consideration and discussion. In so doing we boldly call for a new reformation, and challenge local churches in the 21st century to embrace 1st century understanding and praxis, whereby men and women of diverse ethnic and economic backgrounds will be encouraged, equipped, and established to walk, work, and worship God together as one in systemically healthy multi-ethnic and economically diverse congregations…

  • as envisioned by Jesus Christ on the night before He died (John 17:20-23)
  • as described by the New Testament writer, Luke, in describing the local church at Antioch (Acts 11:19-26; 13:1), and
  • as prescribed by the Apostle Paul throughout his life and writings (e.g., Ephesians and Romans)
  • for the sake of the Gospel (Romans 1:16; 16:25)
  • on earth as it is in heaven (Revelation 7:9)

Indeed, it is our sincere hope that existing pastors, church planters, and other ministers, lay and vocational, alike, as well as entire teams of church staff, denominational and network leaders, professors and seminarians, and more, will take time to read, reflect, and respond to these statements as the Holy Spirit leads, with intentionality, and join us in bringing reformative change to churches throughout the United States and around the world.In the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ,Amen

95 Theses Concerning Unity & Diversity in the Local Church

Editor's Note: Below are 10 of the 95 Theses selected to give an example of what Mosaix Global Network has set out to do. DeYmaz told that this movement to unify the church continues beyond this 95 Theses. "God commands us to remain in His love. What, then, is the specific command? To love each other not as the world loves us: divided, segregated and fearful. Rather, as He has loved us by laying down our lives for one another. I’m not sure how anyone can possibly lay down their life for another when we can’t even agree to come together for something as beautiful and natural as worship (let alone to pray and break bread). So-called love for one another that serves to reinforce an image of our preferences only becomes an idol of our own likeness." - Robyn Afrik • Afrik Advantage • Holland, MI[ictt-tweet-blockquote hashtags="" via=""]How anyone can possibly lay down their life for another when we can’t even agree to come together for worship. - R Afrik[/ictt-tweet-blockquote]"If the local church is intended to provide an approximate picture of what a future together looks like in the kingdom of heaven, then our ethnic and economic divisions only, sadly, provide others – those outside the faith – with an inaccurate, incomplete, and unattractive picture of God and eternity. Unity without diversity is just uniformity."- Ray Chang • Pastor, Ambassadors Church • Brea, CA[ictt-tweet-blockquote hashtags="" via=""]Unity without diversity is just uniformity. - Ray Chang, Ambassadors Church, Brea, CA[/ictt-tweet-blockquote]"If the words of Jesus are true – that every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and no city or house divided against itself will stand – then it is unthinkable for the local church to gather according to their cultural idols and preferences, dividing ourselves by our ethnicities or spiritual gifts. With the power of the Holy Spirit and the Good News we can and must be better than our cultural distinctions. We must be united in the thoughts, words, and deeds of Christ throughout all tribes, tongues, and ethnicities."- Benjamin Cloud • Pastor of AMADEO Church • Queen Creek, AZ[ictt-tweet-blockquote hashtags="" via=""]With the power of the Holy Spirit and the Good News we can and must be better than our cultural distinctions. - B Cloud[/ictt-tweet-blockquote]"Racial diversity is not something to be tolerated in the church; it is something to be celebrated in the church. Why? Because the gospel of grace is a worldwide announcement celebrating ‘no more separation!’"- Ben Dailey • Lead Pastor, Calvary Church • Dallas/Ft. Worth, Texas[ictt-tweet-blockquote hashtags="" via=""]The gospel of grace is a worldwide announcement celebrating ‘no more separation!’ - B Dailey[/ictt-tweet-blockquote]"Without sacrifice, diversity remains a nice, romantic ideal. In the spirit of reformation, we must move from efforts and ideals to sacrifice and service for diversity to become reality in the church."- Wilfredo “Choco” De Jesús • Senior Pastor, New Life Covenant Church • Chicago, IL[ictt-tweet-blockquote hashtags="" via=""]Without sacrifice, diversity remains a nice, romantic ideal. - Wilfredo "Choco" De Jesús[/ictt-tweet-blockquote]"Systemic inequities and racialization within the American church have unintentionally undermined the very Gospel we love and for which we live. An increasingly diverse and cynical society is no longer finding credible the message of God’s love for all people as proclaimed from segregated pulpits and pews. Jesus both commands and expects believers – individually and collectively – to love God and our neighbors; biblically speaking, those very different than us. Indeed, the Apostle Paul’s entire life and ministry was devoted to advancing a gospel of Gentile inclusion in opposition to an otherwise all Jewish understanding of the Gospel, local church, and coming kingdom of God. For nearly twenty years, then, I have been asking myself and seeking to address one simple question: If the kingdom of heaven is not segregated, why on earth is the local church?"- Mark DeYmaz • Founding Pastor and Directional Leader, Mosaic Church; Co-founder and President, Mosaix Global Network • Little Rock, AR[ictt-tweet-blockquote hashtags="" via=""]If the kingdom of heaven is not segregated, why on earth is the local church? - Mark DeYmaz[/ictt-tweet-blockquote]"The God who sanctifies the church is far more freakishly “other” to us than are our neighbors. If we cannot abide in the discomfort of difference with them; if we cannot relinquish any measure of preference and control for the love of people that we can see, then how can we claim to desire an encounter with the Holy One whom we have not seen? The discomfort of diversity—the fear, selfishness, and pride we must surrender—is part of God's sanctification curriculum."- Rev. Dr. Elizabeth Childs Drury • Professor and Pastor • The Wesleyan Church[ictt-tweet-blockquote hashtags="" via=""]The God who sanctifies the church is far more freakishly “other” to us than are our neighbors. - Elizabeth C Drury[/ictt-tweet-blockquote]"The best way to learn to love one another across racial lines is to do life together and get to know one another's back stories. This begins the process of identifying and eliminating our implicit biases. Multi-ethnic churches are a critical way to do racial reconciliation."- Kevin Haah • Founding Pastor, New City Church • Los Angeles, CA[ictt-tweet-blockquote hashtags="" via=""]The best way to learn to love one another across racial lines is to do life together. - Kevin Haah[/ictt-tweet-blockquote]"Redeeming the soul of America from the sin of racism requires the church to face its own historic complicity in that sin. For the church, this is where change must begin."- Dr. John A. Kirk, Director of the Anderson Institute on Race and Ethnicity, University of Arkansas at Little Rock • Little Rock, AR[ictt-tweet-blockquote hashtags="" via=""]Redeeming the soul of America from the sin of racism requires the church to face its own historic complicity in that sin. - J Kirk[/ictt-tweet-blockquote]"The pursuit of racial unity and diversity in the multi-ethnic church is a blood issue. The blood of Christ purchased women and men from every tribe, tongue, people, and nation; our reconciliation with God and with one another. The slain Lamb thus deserves the reward of His suffering: the diverse familia of God sitting at God's table. And by the way, no one group owns the table as God built it with the wood from a blood-stained cross. His blood is powerful enough to heal and put to death for us historical hostilities. No follower of Jesus gets a pass on the work of reconciliation."- Inés Velásquez-McBryde • MDiv Candidate, Fuller Theological Seminary • Pasadena, CA[ictt-tweet-blockquote hashtags="" via=""]No follower of Jesus gets a pass on the work of reconciliation. - Inés Velásquez-McBryde[/ictt-tweet-blockquote]


About MosaixMosaix is the central hub for all things Multiethnic Church. Founded in 2004 by Mark DeYmaz (D.Min.) and George Yancey (Ph.D.), Mosaix has organized, mobilized, and resourced the growing Movement by casting vision, connecting leaders of like-minded leaders, conferencing, and coaching. Throughout that time, since 2001, the percentage of churches having at least 20% diversity in their attending membership has risen from 7.5% to 13.7%, and to 14.4% among Protestant Evangelical churches. According to sociologist Michael O. Emerson, author of the seminal work, Divided By Faith, Mosaix has played a preeminent role in driving such statistical change.

Halloween Facebook Wars: Overcoming Evil with Good

Last year around this time, I wrote a blog post on the controversial topic of Halloween. Soon after, the attacks began from an unexpected source — a few of my Christian Facebook brethren.The first indication of conflict came through a vicious e-mail from one of my blog followers who was appalled over my “Bring the light into the darkness” stance to the holiday, and not condemning it altogether. Before I knew it, I logged in to find another sister who had even claimed to be a fellow ex-witch, defriended me from her online friendship without any explanation.To this day, I’m not sure if it was done just to impress her controlling boyfriend or the online conversation she had with my manager over my refusal to harbor “hate” in my heart for those who would greet the kiddos at the door.What’s most disturbing about these defriending’s on Facebook, is witnessing Christian brethren blinded by self-righteousness, falling prey to the enemy’s tactic to cause division within the body of Christ and seeing it come to fruition. So often, the enemy ensnares Christians into believing they are taking a firm stand for Christ when in actuality he has deceived them into thwarting their focus away from the real battle. We would be wise in learning to love one another despite our differences and recognize who our enemy really is.“Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” — Romans 12:21This approach is rather humbling and goes against our natural “fleshly” way of thinking but then our ways are not… God’s ways.What evil have you taken a stand against today? Perhaps it’s the psychic hotline you saw advertised on TV or that “Witches’ Ball” being held in your own town. I couldn’t possibly be suggesting you do good for these people... or could I? After all, doesn’t scripture also say to hate evil and cling to what is good?It is true that God hates evil and desires us to avoid participating in evil practices, but in Luke 6:35-36, Jesus tells us: “For he is kind to the ungrateful and the evil. Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful.”If our heavenly Father who hates evil is kind and merciful to the ungrateful and the evil, wouldn’t it seem we should follow His example and do the same? How then can we put “overcome evil with good” to practice? Rather than standing outside the building hurling insults in the name of Jesus at the psychics on the hotline, we could pray for them to receive a better job that would be more financially rewarding and pray for the truth to be revealed.In a world where evil lurks around every corner and hate is prevalent it’s easy to fall prey to its seduction. We so easily find ourselves responding to our adversaries with hatred rather than loving them despite our shortcomings.We become a manifestation of evil when we lash out with tongues flaring, and eyes glaring with revenge… all at what we presume is our stand against the very evil that we unknowingly have succumbed to. In this place, we can no longer be used by God as our emotions erupt in an outburst of the hatred harbored in our hearts.Scripture tells us we are to love our enemies, do good to those who persecute us and overcome evil… with good. A Godly response in an evil environment can only be achieved by humility, compassion, and love. By doing good we reap coals on the heads of evildoers and bring the light of Jesus’ love into the darkness.Ultimately, we look to see what Jesus’ response was to this dark and imperfect world. He could have destroyed it in an instant but rather He lay down and died on the cross offering His sacrificial love. While He walked this earth He spoke the truth to evildoers but He did so by His example of Love… not with hatred. Love is stronger than the grave… and mercy triumphs over judgment. More importantly, “He who does not love does not know God, for God… is love.” (1 John 4:8)Sometimes, we forget the evil of our own ways, before coming to Christ, and take up a judgmental attitude as if the lost are walking in darkness just to provoke you to anger. We seem to confuse our goal as destroying our enemies and are all too quick to forget that God desires all to be saved. We actually hinder those who don’t know God rather than welcome them with the love of Jesus. “Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you.” (Matthew 7:1-2)Just some spiritual food for thought! Not just for Halloween, but for a lifetime.Selah Ally Tower is the author of “A Witch’s Encounter with God” and “From The Craft to Christ.”‘A Witch’s Encounter With God’ A True Story About Escaping DarknessSelah Ally Tower - Halloween

The Harvey Weinsteins and Broken Male Culture Can No Longer Hide

Discussions about Harvey Weinstein, the #MeToo campaign, and all points inbetween continue to demonstrate the ripple effect well after it was revealed that one of Hollywood’s most powerful men abused women as part of a hideous routine that was kept secret.The waves of revelations coming from not only the Hollywood entertainment business, but other industries as well are of tsunami proportions leading one to believe that the Weinsteins of the world can no longer hide.“The Lord has allowed Weinstein's perversion to be revealed, because He wants to do something dramatic," writes Reverend David Kubal, who is the President and CEO of Intercessors for America (IFA). “He has shifted the intercessory battle from the special forces to the Church at large, calling us all to pray..."Pastor and Every Man Ministries founder Kenny Luck took the opportunity of the Weinstein reveal and aftershocks to share (WATCH VIDEO BELOW) that his ministry has already been on mission to reverse the cycle of immature, unhealthy men through the power of the gospel and the example of Jesus Christ.“Broken male culture has lost its ability to do one thing — hide,” Luck said. “That means other-centered and healthy masculine expression should make itself known and be appreciated.”Harvey Weinstein and Broken Male CultureSetting the current Hollywood-centric news aside, he said he began his ministry as the result of witnessing a growing broken male culture (in the U.S. and worldwide) that was inflicting much pain among women.“It was back in 2000, because of issues like this, it was less widely publicized, but it was the treatment of women that got me to start Every Man Ministries,” Luck said. “I call out broken male culture but I don’t stop there.”He said he wants to “reach men with the message of hope and identity that would help them transform from being in a broken male culture to a healthy male culture.” In an effort to break male stereotypes, Luck said he wants to let people know that there are millions of men who want to do what’s right in God’s eyes and be “dangerous good just like Jesus was.”TLA AD Every Man Show bannerKubal and others make the easy claim that: “Prophetic intercessors and Hollywood insiders have known about the power and perversion at the top of many entertainment companies for decades, yet this perversion has been hidden.”“There is obvious demonic activity in a man who has a three-decade reputation for perversion and power. We don't have to wonder about this one,” Kubal writes. “In the second most powerful town on the globe – second to Washington D.C. – the stakes are high for our enemy to do what he can to enslave and destroy. I am writing about Hollywood, because there is a significant connection in the spiritual realm between the two most powerful cities in the world. A purified Hollywood would dramatically affect Washington, DC.”He adds, “Many strategic warfare missions have gone into Hollywood to fight these powers of darkness and pray for the love of Jesus to invade Tinseltown. Many great ministries focus on praying for Hollywood (check out my good friends at”Kubal asks for prayer for the following:1. Pray for purity. ‘Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.’ (Matthew 5:8) So many in Hollywood are chasing fame and fortune to fill the ‘God hole’ in their hearts, which ultimately leads to despair. Perversion leads to deeper levels of perversion, while purity leads to higher levels of fulfillment.2. Pray for boldness. ‘What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?’ (Romans 8:31) Now is the time for the Church to pray for those who know the dark secrets to come forward without fear of losing work or their fame.3. Pray for salvation. ‘Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.’ (Acts 4:12) We must pray for the salvation of movie executives that God would save their souls and that they would have dramatically impact Hollywood.”

Every Man Ministries Founder Kenny Luck On Weinstein and Broken Male Culture

Kenny Vlog #3 from Every Man Ministries on Vimeo.

The Casting Couch, Harvey Weinstein, and How to Navigate Inside Hollywood

Love LA Launches To Demonstrate and Proclaim The Gospel 24/7

Editor's Note: Below is an announcement from Love L.A., which is "a week of the citywide church coming together to engage the heart of God in worship and prayer and out of His presence to go forth and engage our culture with acts of love and the proclamation of gospel truth," organizers said.Friends of the gospel and lovers of L.A. -


It’s almost here. After nine months of laboring, meeting with pastors and building lifelong relationships, preaching the gospel all over the city and mobilizing the churches, we are excited to announce the FINAL LIVE TRAINING EVENT on Saturday (10/28/17) from 12 - 4 pm at St. James Methodist Church which is located at 2033 East Washington Boulevard in Pasadena, CA. You must complete a training event to participate in outreaches throughout the week. You do not need to complete training before the launch outreach, but you will need to complete training to participate in any other Love L.A. outreaches. Spanish translation will be available (Traduccion en espanol sera disponible).


Then we will have dinner and re-gather for the LAUNCH EVENT for LOVE L.A. at the same location on Saturday from 6 pm -12 am. We will be engaging God’s heart with believers from all over Los Angeles and establishing a resting place for the manifest presence of God, and then from that place of corporate encounter, we will be sending worship and outreach teams to 20 different locations. A fragrance to Jesus will rise from all over Los Angeles as we begin to gather in the harvest and demonstrate and proclaim the gospel. Please invite friends to come and be part of the launch event.


For those who are not able to complete the live training event (which is preferred), video training will be available online or on location in the training room at the Love L.A. Firebase.


The Firebase is where we will be doing 24/7 worship and prayer as well as 24/7 outreach. After the launch event, 24/7 worship will continue at the Pasadena International House of Prayer (PIHOP) which is located at 1403 North Lake Avenue in Pasadena, CA. Make sure you check in at the info desk at 1401 North Lake Avenue and then go into the prayer room at 1403 or head to the briefing room to go on outreach.


Please give generously to Love LA. Take a minute to pray about donating online now at for Jesus and the Harvest,Love LA  

Thriving Men's Weekly Bible Study Launches Worldwide Community

A thriving men's weekly breakfast and Bible study that has had up to several hundred men attend in Orange County, California, early Thursday mornings, is now global with an Every Man LIVESTREAM, men's expert, author, and pastor Kenny Luck said.

Every Man Bulletin: A Worldwide Community of Men is Gathering

Luck, who is the founder of Every Man Ministries, said he is "gathering men around the world" using the Every Man LIVESTREAM on Facebook [UPDATE: The online community has been thriving for several months] at 6:45 am PST.Men from Laguna Hills, California (home of the live broadcast), are joining men from Hong Kong, Europe, New York, Sydney, Nairobi, Chicago, Indonesia, Australia, and all points in between to become like Christ and live the Spirit-empowered life, EML producers said.To join this community of God's men simply LIKE and land on the "Every Man Ministries" Facebook Page on Thursday at 6:40 am PST. Pastor Kenny's Study will begin 5 minutes later.Livestream Announcement from Every Man Ministries on Vimeo.More than 500,000 small group and individual meetings have taken place in the last year using the popular "Get Healthy and Get Strong" leadership pathway resources available through Every Man Resources.

On the Web


Every Man Livestream - Kenny Luck

Salvation Army So Cal: Not Just Bell Ringers and Thrift Shops [VIDEO]

The Salvation Army in Southern California is active in the community through more than just bell ringers and retail stores. The Salvation Army's mission encompasses providing goods and services to those in need, from the Zahn Emergency Shelter to the Westwood Transitional Village to the Bessie Pregerson Child Development Center.These facilities, our Corps, and our programs address homelessness, addiction, poverty and more without discrimination.To learn more, contact your local Southern California Corps through produced by Zemma Productions.Salvation Army Bell RingersNOT JUST BELL RINGERSThe Salvation Army's presence in Southern California dates back to 1887, when an open air street meeting was held on the corner of Temple and Broadway in downtown Los Angeles. To this day, a plaque remains in the sidewalk to commemorate the event.Prior to this meeting, a church, or Corps as it is known in The Salvation Army, had been established in the Skid Row area of Los Angeles Street. In 1892, the Corps moved to First Street where The Salvation Army occupied almost the entire block with a hotel for transient men and a men's industrial complex, the forerunner of today's Adult Rehabilitation Centers. In 1899, The Salvation Army opened a rescue home for young, expectant mothers in Los Angeles known as Booth Memorial Center.The Army's work expanded quickly in Los Angeles with the opening of other Corps and facilities for social welfare programs. One example is The Salvation Army Los Angeles Day Care Center, which opened in 1920 for mothers working to assist the war effort. Even today, L.A. Day Care serves approximately 250 children of parents employed in the downtown Los Angeles garment and produce districts. Other programs in the city assist families living with HIV/AIDS, men and women working to overcome addictions, disabled veterans, evacuees from disasters, senior citizens trying to live on a fixed income, and children who need a safe place to go after school. ...READ MORE>>>>>><<<<<<TLA Salvation Army Hollywood banner

Millennial Vision Caster Answers Call to Mobilize 15,000 for Revival in LA

Dustin Lang, who is an education pastor at Young Nak Celebration Church, has a vision to mobilize 15,000 Christians from different churches, backgrounds, and ethnicities to begin praying for and proclaiming the gospel to Los Angeles.TLA Dustin Lang Revival LALang, 30, is seeking revival in L.A.His vision includes leading a group called Revival LA which helped facilitate a gathering of "believers who are desperate for a revival in Los Angeles" at Bel Air Presbyterian Church on Friday (Oct. 20).Those in attendance worshiped, listened to preaching, prayed, and experienced the transformative power of the Holy Spirit, organizers said. Information about how to get involved with Revival LA was also sharedPastor Josh Thompson (Legacy City Church) was the scheduled speaker and worship was led by The Bookouts.TogetherLA had a chance to interview Lang via email recently. Our questions and his answers are below.TogetherLA: Tell me a little about yourself.Dustin Lang: I grew up with everything - comfort, good friends, loving family, and success - but felt so empty. In my 8th grade summer before entering high school, I realized that this void could only be filled by Jesus. At this time, God drew me to Him, convicting me of my brokenness and need for a Savior. And in 9th grade, I gave my life to the Lord. Everything changed.I serve as the Vision Caster for Revival LA. I also serve as the Education Pastor at Young Nak Celebration Church.TLA: How did Revival LA start? How did you become involved?Lang: Revival LA started in the summer of 2014. In an extended season of prayer, God began expanding my heart. Instead of solely carrying a burden for my local church, I began experiencing a deep desire to see revival take hold of Los Angeles. During this same time, I also developed a discontentment over my ministry. It wasn't that I disliked serving. I loved it. But I was always disappointed in the responses I heard. They complimented our programs, the preaching, and the professionalism. However, there was nothing said about God's power. It was then that God convicted me to hold a worship service for 500 (I served in a church where the average midweek attendance was 25). I didn't know how this would be possible. But I stepped in faith, prayed, and spread the word. That night 500 people came. 40 gave their lives to Jesus, the majority recommitted their lives, and people were healed of chronic illnesses. When the event was over, people were in awe. I finally had a response that seemed fitting for people who experienced the transformative power of the gospel.After this event, I was driving through Los Angeles when God placed a conviction on my heart. Instead of 500, the number was 15,000. God called me to mobilize 15,000 believers from different churches, backgrounds, and ethnicities to begin praying for and proclaiming the gospel to LA. I had seen ministries that held large events in Los Angeles. These were invaluable in creating momentum in the church. However, I wanted to form a ministry for Christians in Los Angeles who would commit themselves year after year to pray and share the gospel in LA. That's how Revival LA was born.TLA: Who is the core team made up of?Lang: Our core team is currently made up of 4 individuals. Jennifer Lee (also my soon to be wife) is our Communication Director. She oversees all forms of communication from social media to emails to advertising. Andrea Valani is our Event Coordinator. She sets up for our events and will soon be co-leading our ministry team of volunteers. Peter Robinson is our Videographer. He creates videos for our social media and web platforms.TLA: Why is Revival LA important?Lang: Revival LA is important because Los Angeles needs revival. The church is not growing as quickly as other religions and this is a problem. Revival LA aims to spark a fire for the gospel to be preached, prayer to be sown, and a city to be revived. We are committed to the city and will continue serving until our vision is fulfilled.TLA: Why is Revival Night important?Lang: Our Revival Night is aimed at bringing new life to non-Christians and renewed life to Christians. We want to mobilize an emerging generation to develop a burden for prayer and evangelism. On this night, we'll come together as one church to lift up our Lord and Savior. We'll also be sharing exciting news of how people can become a part of the Revival LA movement.TLA: What would you like to see happen as the result of Revival Night?Lang: I would love to see souls saved, hearts set on fire, and a city shaken through prayer.TLA: Is there anything else you would like to add?Lang: If people would like to get involved, they can do so through this link:

‘Same Kind Of Different As Me’ Rises Above Protests, Slogans on Racism

The closest I’ve come to experiencing the pain of racism is when I was called “commie” by several of my fellow junior high classmates during the Cold War period of relations between the U.S. and U.S.S.R. (Russia).However, that somewhat public ridicule and humiliation was mostly the result of youthful immaturity and social ignorance. Some of that may have even been passed down by the taunters’ ignorant parents.The emotional pain, if only lasting for a short time, experienced by this Los Angeles-born child to Eastern European parents who escaped communism, not embraced it, is faintly related to the sin of racism, but nowhere near the black experience in America.While most of the buzz about the movie Same Kind Of Different As Me by Paramount Pictures and Pure Flix releasing on Friday revolves around issues of homelessness, there is also an aspect of this true story that can’t be missed — racism.It is not only the way the film so vividly captures Denver Moore’s (played by Djimon Hounsou) deep pain as the result of living through racism manifested in all ways, including physical, that makes the movie a must-see, but it is the way a solution to the problem is presented that goes way beyond slogans and protests.Same Kind of Different As Me - RacismBelow are parts of the obit published by the Dallas News after Moore’s death on March 31. 2012.

Denver Moore was a feared warrior, hardened during his 22 years living on the streets of Fort Worth. He was the baseball bat-packing alpha male of the homeless when Ron Hall, a Dallas art dealer, started trying to befriend him in 1998......Mr. Moore was an unlikely candidate for 20th-century prophet.Born in rural Louisiana, he grew up with an aunt and uncle on what amounted to a plantation in Red River Parish. He never attended school and labored for credit he used to buy necessities at the company store.He was roped and dragged by the Ku Klux Klan when he was a teenager for helping a white woman change a flat tire on the plantation, Mr. Hall said. He vowed he would never speak to another white woman or trust a white person.In 1960, Mr. Moore hopped a freight train to Fort Worth, where he lived for a few months before moving on to Los Angeles.Several years later, he returned to Louisiana, where he was convicted of armed robbery in 1966.Hungry and living in a hobo camp, Mr. Moore attempted to rob a bus driver, using a rusted revolver that had no cylinder. He threatened to kill the driver but left when the man said he could not get the change out of the bus till.Mr. Moore was arrested, pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 20 years in the Louisiana State Penitentiary in Angola, known as the Alcatraz of the South. He was released in 1976 and returned to Fort Worth.In 1998, he met Mr. and Mrs. Hall, who had been volunteering for a couple of weeks at the Union Gospel Mission, looking to find the man in Mrs. Hall’s vision. One evening, as they were preparing to serve a meal, a fight broke out as the homeless men left a chapel service.

So, as the story is beautifully told in the movie, we are witness to the the most powerful weapon against hatred, ignorance, despair, evil, and social injustice. That weapon is love, and not the love of the world, but the love of a relationship with God through Jesus. We see love blast through real-life racism.[ictt-tweet-blockquote hashtags="" via=""]In 'Same Kind of Different As Me' we are witness to the most powerful weapon against racism.[/ictt-tweet-blockquote]Practically speaking, the hope and solution demonstrated in this movie come from a relationship with God and relationships with others.TLA Same Kind of Different As Me - RacismeThis is not a “bible-thumping” movie, however, it is a movie that clearly re-emphasizes what the Bible already says:You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself. — Luke 10:27Put away your pre-conceptions of “Christian” movies. Put away the distractions of a world gone mad and go see Same Kind of Different as Me.One more thing. Please realize that you can be part of the solution by simply going to see this movie with a friend.Need more of a nudge? Read this: What If We All Made the Same Kind of Difference?

4 Pastors Get Real About the City – Together LA Pop-Up

It may have seemed like a daunting task to figure out what’s broken in Los Angeles then offer a simple solution.But that’s not what four Christian leaders from various parts of L.A. set out to do during a panel discussion at Philosopher’s Cafe in Santa Monica on a recent June evening. Co-hosted by Together LA, the panel — Broken City – Is there hope for Los Angeles? — began with moderator Steve Snook of Metro Church giving a heads up to the direction the discussion will go.


Together LA- Michael Mata on Koreatown, Los Angeles from One Ten Pictures on Vimeo.

The Casting Couch, Harvey Weinstein, and How to Navigate Inside Hollywood

The phone rang. It was the TV commercial producer, and he wanted to know if I'd shoot the spot topless. I'd just been cast a couple hours before, but he'd "forgotten" to ask me before I left if I would film the commercial with only a bow tie and bikini bottoms.He said he had lots of requests over the years from customers who buy his industrial tools (the products in his commercial) to do a second version with the model topless. When he did, his orders increased. But when I said no, he began to bully me and say I must be prudish and old fashioned. Then he said if I wasn't willing to shoot the spot topless, then he didn't want me at all. He added a few other sleazy comments. I chose the high road and told him to find someone else, and I'm sure he did.Hollywood is full of people who are desperate for stardom. Ultimately, I knew God had protected me from what could have been an even more difficult situation if he had confronted me on the set and pressured me, which often happens to unsuspecting talent.TLA Kathleen CookeI have worked in Hollywood for over 25 years as an actor and producer so when the Harvey Weinstein sex scandal erupted recently I wasn't surprised. Unfortunately, the "casting couch" still exists today and is sometimes used by those who are in powerful studio and production positions. They prey on the vulnerable who are young and beautiful and use their positions of influence to manipulate the desperate who want to become famous.I also speak and teach on faith, media, and culture and it's a regular occurrence for me to be asked how to navigate the pitfalls and challenges of Hollywood — and the sex and nudity question always comes up. How should aspiring actors and other entertainment professionals confront the sexual harassment and nudity issues as a Christian working in Hollywood?Here are 3 things I always say:Take One – Don't come to Hollywood unless you're ready.I'm not just talking about studying and working on your talent. I'm talking about being firm in your faith and what you believe. The Bible challenges us to "defend our faith." In the Old Testament Daniel was chosen to be the king of Babylon's showcase star. He was told to conform to the culture and to eat and drink food which was against his values. So he made a stand. Did God protect him and save him? You bet, and then elevated him to a higher position. Daniel was prepared because he put God first.Take Two – Don't come to Los Angeles or New York if you aren't able to handle money – or the lack of it.It's expensive to live in LA and NYC. Rent, food, and transportation costs continue to skyrocket. It's when your rent is due, your car is in the shop, and you're eating Top Ramen for every meal that suddenly the request to undress for a scene starts to not look so bad. And it's not just about women — pornography and solicitation are nearly as prevalent for men as it is for women. When the need to survive is staring back at you, the lure of big bucks and stardom is easy to understand and that's when actors begin to succumb to the pressure.[ictt-tweet-inline hashtags="" via=""]Hollywood moguls like Harvey Weinstein have used their power since the beginning of the industry – but the truth is, it happens everywhere.[/ictt-tweet-inline] The competitive world of Hollywood just has an overabundance of desperately seeking individuals looking to be famous. So don't come into this business unless you can survive on the roller coaster of financial ups and downs.

Most Disturbing Harvey Weinstein News is Employees Sworn to Secrecy, Says Gretchen Carlson

Take Three – Don't come to Hollywood unless you have a support system.You have to have a trusted advisor in your corner that you can depend on to give you sound advice (even when it's not what you want to hear). The pressure is too great. A Hollywood career is similar to a drug habit. Each time you work on a project it elevates you and brings attention, money, and momentary happiness. It also brings with it a gnawing to go further, bigger and to do more.But if that next gig doesn't come the way you want it, or as fast you want, your self-esteem can collapse. To fight this giant you have to have someone to stand with you and bring clarity. It's why I'm on the Hollywood Prayer Network's board of directors that works toward the goal of attaching an industry professional with someone who will pray for them and stand with them.Will the problem of sexual harassment and abuse ever go away in Hollywood? Probably not. But if you're wise, surrounded with support, and grounded in prayer and God's Word you can not only survive, but thrive. When I wrote my devotional book "Hope 4 Today: Staying Connected to God in a Distracted Culture," I discovered that research studies confirm that if you read the Bible at least four times a week, your behavior actually changes. And in situations like a challenging career, you'll have a better chance to fight off the arrows of a morally fallen world.The bottom line? Your chances of success in Hollywood (and anywhere else) actually increase when you regularly engage in God's word.What scripture verse will you stand on when the pressure is on and the escape path is blocked? Know it and then know the name that gets you in the door every time – heavens door, Jesus Christ.Kathleen Cooke's new devotional "Hope 4 Today" encourages readers to engage with God. As co-founder of Cooke Pictures and The Influence Lab, she publishes a monthly newsletter. Find out more at, or reach her on Twitter @KathleenRCookeThis commentary published by permission of Phil and Kathleen Cooke.

The Harvey Weinsteins and Broken Male Culture Can No Longer Hide

What If We All Made the Same Kind of Difference?

Ron Hall didn’t plan to write a book. In fact, his formerly homeless friend Denver Moore pushed him into doing it together. In the beginning, no one wanted to publish it—38 submissions and 38 “no’s” from publishers later, they had to publish it on their own. Who would’ve known their book Same Kind of Different as Me would sit on the New York Times bestseller list for 3 straight years? What single thing could take this story and spread it to so many people … and change so many hearts? Only the latent power of kindness, and the lives it changes forever.[ictt-tweet-blockquote hashtags="" via=""]Ron's Life's Work Was Really About Art; Maybe This is Why God Decided To Paint Such a Story With His Life.[/ictt-tweet-blockquote]He sold paintings worth millions of dollars. He was living the good life. So good, and yet he walked down a path that almost destroyed his marriage. Against all odds, his wife Debbie forgave him, and God slowly restored their broken marriage.All this led them down a path to the story he wrote. He owed his wife. Big time. One night, God gave Debbie a dream of a “poor, wise man who would change their city.” It was more than an ordinary dream … it unsettled her and she couldn’t get it out of her mind. She even saw the man’s face in her dream.Same Kind DifferentThe next day, they drove around their city to search for this man from the dream, Ron was in tow, and after hours of driving, they stopped at a gospel rescue mission. Everything around the building was run down. No one cared much for this area of town, or the people that hunkered down here. So many without a place, or people, to call home.Reluctantly serving these people alongside his eager wife at the mission led them to what happened next. A man busted in kicking and screaming. Ron cowered behind the food counter. Yet as the angry man walked out,DEBBIE CRIED OUT, “THAT’S HIM! THAT’S THE MAN FROM MY DREAM!Ron, you have to talk to him. That’s the man from my dream!” Ron would have preferred never seeing the man again.Slowly, after months of effort, and Debbie’s fiery persistence, Ron was able to talk with the man from Debbie’s dream. His real name was Denver he said. No one had known his real name in many years. Such was the life on the streets, life in the shadows.Their unlikely friendship grew and grew, and eventually Ron and Denver would call each other their “very best friend in the world.” Ron had given many a check to help the poor, but this was different; this time he gave himself in friendship. That was something more valuable than gold.Denver found in Ron and Debbie people who truly cared for him in way he hadn’t experienced in his whole life.Eventually Denver did get off the streets, and carried on Debbie’s passion to help those in need. Slowly, but surely, just as his own life was transformed by the power of kindness, he in turn played a key role in transforming his city, and providing hope for many on the streets. He convinced Ron to write their story down, which is why you are reading this today.


Here are 4 practical ways we can start changing the life of one:1. BRING A GROUP FROM YOUR CHURCH TO SERVE AT YOUR LOCAL RESCUE MISSION OR SHELTER.Let’s make sure the forgotten people are forgotten no more, and that someone wants to know their name and their story.2. PICK ONE NEEDY PERSON IN YOUR COMMUNITY TO ENGAGE IN RELATIONSHIPRemember, there are about 1-2 homeless people for every 1 church in America. Your church may not be able to do everything, but you can help one!Share a meal with one person, and hear their story, and simply listen. Simply listening could change a life forever.Begin to look for ways to stay in touch with one person, and provide in smalls ways for their practical, social, emotional and spiritual needs. You may not know where to start, so just take it an interaction at a time.As your friendship with one person develops over weeks, months or years, work with the local shelter or rescue mission to help in any way you can as a local church or group, to help get shelter and a job if the one you are loving and serving is capable to move forward.3. BRING A GROUP FROM YOUR CHURCH TO SEE RON AND DENVER’S STORY ON THE BIG SCREENSame Kind of Different As Me” is releasing in theaters nationwide on the weekend of October 20.[ictt-tweet-blockquote hashtags="" via=""]I believe it is perfect timing, a movie for "such a time as this" in our nation that is so divided.[/ictt-tweet-blockquote]Plus, it will energize, mobilize and move you to tears what God can do when we reach outside our comfort zone’s to the life of someone in great need.Watch the trailer, find a showtime at a theater near you, and get your tickets to see "Same Kind of Different As Me" at can also access, free materials for a 4-week church-wide campaign.4. LOOK FOR SIMPLE WAYS TO SHOW KINDNESS, AND MAKE A DIFFERENCEAfter watching Ron and Denver’s story, look for other ways to do a “simple act of kindness” to other people in your city, whether they are homeless or not.We never know how far we can all go, until we step out and touch the life of another.Join in the "Make a Difference Day" this month by doing a random act of kindness, and share your stories using #SameKindMovie.The above content originally appeared at Think Eternity.

Most Disturbing Harvey Weinstein News is Employees Sworn to Secrecy, Says Gretchen Carlson

The most disturbing fact to come out of the news of sexual harassment by Harvey Weinstein is that his company required employees to agree to keep his deplorable actions a secret, said former Fox News host Gretchen Carlson recently."Once again we have the revelation that for 30 years a powerful man has harassed women and the companies they run have enabled it, covered it up, and shut up the victims," Carlson, who said she's been a Christian for as "long as she can remember," told The Lily. "This happens in all industries and it must stop. Most disturbing is that fact that this company required employees to agree to secrecy before they were even hired. Women who are brave enough to complain about harassment are forced to sign confidentiality agreements. So, the harassers are free to harass again, sometimes for decades, and the women are forever silenced."The Lily introduced its interview story with Carlson this way:

After 11 years with Fox News, host Gretchen Carlson was dismissed from the network in June 2016. Two weeks after being fired, Carlson made headlines when she sued then-Fox News chief Roger Ailes for sexual harassment. The suit prompted an internal investigation of Ailes’s interactions with women throughout the company.The controversy quickly mounted.Just weeks after the Carlson filing, Ailes was out of a job, though he left with a princely sum. Later in the summer, Carlson secured a $20 million settlement from Fox News’s parent company, 21st Century Fox, as well as an apology.

Carlson continues to speak out about her experiences at the network and this week, her new book, “Be Fierce,” was released.When asked about her efforts to empower women, Carlson said she is donating all proceeds from the book to her "Gift of Courage" fund. Also, as part of her foundation’s work, she is partnering with the All In Together Campaign, a nonpartisan women’s civic leadership organization, on the Gretchen Carlson Leadership Initiative to empower and train underserved women to get involved in civic and political leadership — and to have a voice, she told The Lily. "I’ve always believed that when women’s voices are heard, on an equal footing, whether that’s in local communities or the halls of Congress, change can happen. The GCLI will hold workshops in nine cities across the country in 2017–18 and also offer women in lower socioeconomic statuses helpful counseling on domestic violence and sexual harassment."Gretchen Carlson on Harvey Weinstein

Kathie Lee Gifford Honors Late Husband Frank on TODAY: 'He Saw Jesus'

Kathie Lee Gifford's performance of the song "He Saw Jesus" nearly a week ago on the TODAY show in honor of her late husband Frank Gifford continues to resonate with thousands of people by way of the video clip provided by producers.Frank, a legendary sports broadcaster who played in the NFL, died suddenly at age 84 in the couple's Connecticut home two years ago. Kathie Lee's wide-ranging career includes being a television host, singer, songwriter, comedian, and actress. She is perhaps best known for her 15-year run on the talk show "Live! with Regis and Kathie Lee," which she co-hosted with Regis Philbin.

"I found my husband on the floor one beautiful Sunday morning. He saw Jesus, and Jesus took his breath away," Gifford sang in the lyrics co-written by country musician Brett James. "No I didn't lose him, I know right where he is. ’Cause he was never really mine, no he was always His.""And though I miss his kisses, I can't fill that empty space, it helps when I remember that sweet look on his face when he saw Jesus," she continued.Gifford says she wanted to do more than just sing a song in remembrance of her husband, she "wanted to do some good in the world."All of the proceeds from the song sold on iTunes will go directly to Franklin Graham's organization, Samaritan's purse.

"I hope it brings hope to people," she said.Graham responded on social media to Gifford's generosity with gratitude."A big thank you to my friend Kathie Lee Gifford," he said in a Facebook post. "She has a great heart for helping people."TLA Kathie Lee and Frank Gifford - He Saw JesusThe song is a great example of how God turns sorrow into joy, Gifford said."It’s so amazing how God, if you trust him, will take your ashes and make beauty out of it," she said. "He'll turn your mourning into joy if you just let him."

READ Las Vegas Shooting: Why Did God Allow This to Happen?

2020 Vision: What Does 'Getting to Zero' Mean?

What does “Getting to Zero” mean? Getting to Zero is the idea that we want to see zero children waiting for families here in our community — zero kids having to go to bed each night still praying for a mom and dad.No child should be left to wonder whether they are worthy of love.An ambitious plan to eliminate the number of vulnerable children without a caring family in Orange County by 2020 using a church-to-church partnership with the county was launched earlier this year.While this sounds like an outrageous goal, we’ve already seen the miraculous happen! The country of Rwanda has already modeled what Getting to Zero can look like, when they made the bold decision to close all their orphanages and get over 3,000 children into family care through the help of the local churches. Looking at their amazing progress – and the remaining challenges – helps paint a picture of what this vision could mean for Orange County.Now, five years into the work of Getting to Zero the country of Rwanda is approaching its goal of closing all orphanages throughout the country as children are being placed in families out of the orphanage or reunited with their families. Despite this progress, in some orphanages children remain waiting to receive a family – either because finding a willing family is a challenge or often times, there are orphans ages 18 and older who grew up in the orphanage, never learned life skills to survive on their own, and therefore feel unable to leave the orphanage setting. What does all this mean for the work of “Getting to Zero”? Even when orphanages have closed, the task of caring for vulnerable and orphaned children is far from done.The work of the Orphan Care Initiative goes far beyond simply “closing orphanages.” The tools and training we provide through the work of the local churches in Rwanda is developing a child welfare system for a country that will ensure that no children grow up outside of family care. If you take the case of the United States, we have no orphanages – in their place we have a system for identifying vulnerable and parentless children, sourcing families to foster and adopt them, and training and monitoring those families so that they are successful. If you look at Rwanda through that view, the work has only begun. There is now a stellar example in Western Rwanda – where the Orphan Care Initiative has focused our efforts at the request of the government – of what it looks like to reintegrate children into families well with the wrap around support of the church.ZERO by 2020 VisionHowever, much of the rest of the nation returned children to families without the wrap-around support of the churches, which is so critical to the long-term success of an orphanage-free child welfare system. Our most recent Orphan Care PEACE trip saw this firsthand as they conducted trainings in Kimonyi, an example of an area where the orphanage recently closed but families had never received any information on how to address the trauma their children have experienced in the institution. When the government realized these families were struggling, they specifically asked for the Orphan Care Initiative to intervene with training and support.Getting a child out of an orphanage and into a family is only the start of the journey of helping that child and family succeed long term. In that way, future Orphan Care PEACE teams remain critical to delivering several important, world-view shifting messages:1) The value and need for adoption in a culture coming out of dependence on orphanages.2) Teaching churches how to deliver the evidence-based adoptive parent training that allows families to help heal hurts of children who have come from the orphanage and other hard places.3) The truth that EVERYONE in the church is called to care for the orphan, and the church can help members get on mission in this area in a variety of ways.The Rwanda Orphan Sponsorship is a piece of this support system designed to help children remain in, reunite with or regain family through adoption. Families brought into the sponsorship program receive support to help care for their child in the form of a monthly amount from their local church. As part of sponsorship, parents become part of a savings group to learn how to grow and manage their money, and they receive lay social work support from the church and agree to attend parenting training. In return, the families agree to use the funds to pay their child’s school fees, enroll them in medical insurance and tithe back to their local church. Because these funds go directly to the family from their local church, many families receiving sponsorship don’t know there is a Western donor on the other end, they just see it as their local church coming alongside to support them.This post was originally published on the #ZEROby2020VISION site here.

Can the Anthem Become an Idol? MATT INGALLS COMMENTARY

In the year 112, two women led the Christian congregation in Bithynia (modern Turkey). We know almost nothing about them: neither names, nor stories. We do know they were enslaved, which meant their rights were limited—no right to marry, have control of their own bodies, keep their children, make money, etc.


Their station in the world would have depended entirely upon the will of their master(s), who we know nothing about. But a pagan governor of the time, Pliny, wrote a letter to Emperor Trajan concerning these two extraordinary women and their flock. He tortured them for their confession of Christ as Lord. And though it is a bit up to interpretation, he likely executed them for their stubborn insistence upon the reign of Christ.These nameless heroes of the Church’s infancy help us capture the tenor of the early Church’s moment. They and Christians like them posed a threat to Rome’s order. In his letter, Pliny writes that the Christian message is so well-received in his region that the pagan temples go empty and the sacrifices to the pagan gods go undone—which up-ended the local economy that revolved around pagan sacrifice. So, he felt the need to send a signal to the Christian dissenters, that their obstinance and divisiveness would not go unchallenged.Pliny offered the women a chance to escape his wrath. They had only to curse Christ and offer solemn reverence to an image of Caesar. Instead, they held to their convictions. Thus, they lost Pliny’s mercy, while gaining a share in the suffering of Christ. I pray they found Christ’s joy in their final moments.THE DANGERS OF PLEDGING BLIND ALLEGIANCEThe sacrifice and “protest” of these women is a far cry from taking a knee at a ballgame, but I think we can learn a thing or two that might help diffuse the explosiveness of our current ruckus.First, we should be very wary of Christians telling people to follow their country blindly... READ FULL COMMENTARY AT RELEVANT MAGAZINE.

Christmas Comedy Movie Producers Share Film's Progress in Exclusive Journal

Producing and acting in a Christmas comedy movie simply has to be Jenn (Gotzon) Chandler's sweet spot.Jenn has quite an extensive resume of films that reflect her passion to share redemptive stories filled with hope — and in God’s perfect timing, the love found in a relationship with Jesus.Together LA has been invited to track with Jenn and the producers (which include her husband, Jim) of the family, Christmas comedy movie "The Farmer and The Belle" as they make the film to be released next year.The TLA exclusive journal will feature stories from the behind-the-scenes making of the movie from concept to the theater screen.“There is so much that goes into the making of a movie,” producers said. “Our goal as a collective team is to have as many members in the production share their experience, along with some honest, fun videos from behind the scenes of making The Farmer and The Belle, our family, Christmas comedy movie based on Christian values.”TLA Jenn Gotzon a Christmas comedy movieFilmmakers ask that TLA readers join them in prayer for all those involved in the ministry of making this movie.“Our prayer is to make The Farmer and The Belle into a Christmas perennial classic (like 'Elf' or 'Home Alone') with Christian values. The film is created to bring families together as a holiday tradition for generations to come,” producers explain. “It’s a funny and heart warming movie to watch around Thanksgiving to usher in the presence of Christmas and the real love of Jesus.”

A Real Life Fairytale: Actor/Producers Jim and Jenn (Gotzon) Chandler Tell Their Story

In addition to reading the movie’s journal at TLA, audiences can follow The Farmer and The Belle on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and get updates on the website at

FREE Promo Code for The Farmer and The Belle

Producers remind readers to be sure to share the ongoing journal posts and hashtag: #TheFarmerandTheBelle #ChristmasComedyMovie #RealLove.TLA Christmas comedy movie The Farmer and The Belle journal

Who Really Sponsored the Las Vegas Shooter?

IGNITE LA MEN'S CONFERENCEFor registration and more information go to the conference website: is nearly 100 percent agreement from all political sides and viewpoints that the horrific tragedy that transpired in Las Vegas was an act of evil. So, why does so much of the reactionary movement since that event drift away from the root of the problem to focusing energy instead on gun control or racial perspective or other issues?The vast majority of the reactions that took place after the mass shooting in Vegas are normal. After something like this happens we tend to deal with it from the outside in, but when we do that we miss dealing with the root issue.Let’s bring the discussion of how and why into the level at which it actually exists, which is the nature of evil. At the root of the issue: beliefs drive behaviors. If beliefs drive behaviors, who is sponsoring the beliefs?Kenny Luck VLOG#2 from Every Man Ministries on Vimeo.Somewhere along the way Stephen Paddock believed a lie, a justification, a rationalization, an evil belief that resulted in the loss of many lives. The devil sponsored that lie because he is a liar and a murderer seeking to control the flesh of men to produce what he wants, which is murder. Jesus talked with perfect clarity and perfect authority when he talked about the devil. In fact, he gave the devil two names: he is the father of lies and murderer from the beginning.In the Bible, God says very simple things about the mind:1) Your mind is made for God2) Your mind is evil’s target3) Your mind is going to make the differenceWe have to win the battle of the mind, which will ultimately bring behaviors that bring life and bless others.

READ MORE FROM KENNY LUCK VLOG: Could Today’s Activism Be Going in the Wrong Direction?

Could Today's Activism Be Going in the Wrong Direction?

TLA AD Every Man Show bannerWhat is really going on in culture today, both practically and spiritually speaking? Could the rampant activism we see now be going in the wrong direction?Today's problems don’t simply exist at a level that's clearly visible to everyone and commonly talked about. They exist at another level. And really, the problems are only one problem — the heart of the guy who lacks character. The poor and wrong choices men make create a lot of the injustices. For example, the choices men make are the impetus behind sex-trafficking, domestic violence, the orphan epidemic, and fatherlessness, just to name a few.What would happen if all the energy spent on today's activism, which addresses problems only on the surface level, went to the root level instead?As a men’s expert, Kenny has a different perspective than today's activists. The problem will never be solved by skimming the issue or simply reacting to the issue. The only way to talk about solutions to the issues of injustice is by changing the heart, character, and conduct of a man. When you do that then you are talking about a solution.The best response is to deal with the issues where they actually exist: in the hearts of men.Listen to a brief word from Kenny on this topic below!Kenny Luck on Activism from Every Man Ministries on Vimeo.Published with permission from Every Man Ministries.

Steve McQueen's Missing Bullitt Car: The Big Reveal [EXCLUSIVE VIDEO]

In the process of working on a biography and documentary about Steve McQueen (with Marshall Terrill), Harvest pastor Greg Laurie took a special interest in the discovery of the long-lost car used in the film Bullitt.So much so, that Laurie sent car fanatic and pastor Steve Wilburn of Core Church LA to Mexicali, Mexico to witness the official validation of the iconic 1968 Ford Mustang GT.Wilburn, a former pastor at Harvest, took the recent opportunity to help promote the upcoming documentary (Steve McQueen: American Icon) at SoCal Harvest by bringing a member of his church, who is rebuilding the car, to the press room. The documentary helps to reveal McQueen’s journey to a faith in Jesus, not common knowledge about the actor described as Hollywood’s “King of Cool.”“When I called Ralph Garcia (Jr) about this car I’m thinking there’s no way this guy has the missing Bullitt. This car has been missing for 49 years,” Wilburn said. He told [WATCH EXCLUSIVE VIDEO BELOW] that Garcia was able to relay facts about the car, including photos, to him that began to convince him that the vehicle was authentic.Wilburn said that from the moment the conversation about the car began, Garcia conveyed that he simply wanted the car to help glorify God.Garcia had heard about Laurie’s effort to tell the story of McQueen at last year’s Harvest event. Five months later, Garcia found the Bullitt car and contacted Laurie and was then referred to Wilburn. He went to Core Church LA to meet with Wilburn and “fell in love” with the church and became a “Core Church family member.”Laurie wrote about the discovery of the car:This wasn’t discovering the Ark of the Covenant or the Ten Commandments, but the discovery stopped me dead in my tracks for two reasons.First, I own a 1968 Bullitt myself. Not the original, of course, but a very close replica. You can call it my “midlife crisis!” People either “get it” or they don’t. On more than one occasion, when I have parked it in the lot, I will return with two or more admirers (always guys) standing by it with lots of questions.Secondly, this story was of special interest to me because I’ve just spent a year of my life working on a new biography and documentary of Steve McQueen (with Marshall Terrill).McQueen was Hollywood’s “King of Cool” for a reason. His legacy lives on in a new generation as his image is ubiquitous in culture (especially hipster culture). He also still appears in modern films like the recent remake of The Magnificent Seven. Yet, for most boomers like me, we can’t forget when we saw the original version of The Great Escape as McQueen played Virgil Hilts in a role that propelled him to super-stardom. Then there’s his role as the detective Frank Bullitt.He literally flies his car through the streets of San Francisco in what is regarded by many as the greatest car chase scene in cinematic history. Steve McQueen was not cool because he drove the Bullitt car. The Bullitt car was cool because Steve McQueen drove it.At the time, Steve McQueen was the number-one movie star in the world, and he is still used as a point of reference for masculinity and “coolness” to this day. He was (and is) the definition of an American icon.Only in America – with America’s dream – could McQueen transform his hardscrabble beginnings into epic stardom. Yet, until late in his life he struggled to find meaning in life, and he suffered because of it.Bullitt with Steve and RalphIt might have been because he was born into a home of an alcoholic mother and a father that left him early in life, but eventually he found himself on the wrong side of the law more than once. Then, as his star began to rise higher and higher he began to chase harder and harder after every pleasure this planet had to offer.But notwithstanding all his fame and fortune, a colossal vacuum lived rent-free in Steve McQueen’s heart, a yawning chasm, a lack of purpose rooted in the absence of functional, involved parents. He spent his whole life avoiding his mother and searching for his father—searching for someone or something to stand in for him, someone to love him.He had the best cars money could buy, the most beautiful women at his beck and call, drugs galore, booze until the well ran dry, and much more.While still the top movie star on the planet, and with all the money and power in the world, he decided to search for more than this world could offer. That was the story I was interested in, and I chased it till I found it. Everyone knew about McQueen’s Bullitt! but I wanted to find McQueen’s salvation. Read full post here.READ>> Las Vegas Shooting: ‘Lord, We Need You Now;’ Firestorm of Reactions

Crowder on God, the Dodgers and Los Angeles

Well, maybe David Crowder didn't talk specifically about the Dodgers, but there are players on the team that agree with his perspective on sports, the entertainment industry, and faith in God.MLB All-Stars Clayton Kershaw, Adrian Gonzalez, and a couple of other Dodgers joined Crowder, a big name in the worship music genre, in being a part of Christian Faith Day. The postgame event was held after a game against the Colorado Rockies earlier this month.Crowder spoke with TogetherLA from the Dodger dugout after his performance with his band."First of all, to have access on a platform like this, you know, people are coming to the game, they got lots of stuff wrapped up in the entertainment side of it, but also there's passion that's directed towards an event," Crowder told TogetherLA. "To take that energy and point it in a direction that I feel is worth giving your life to and leveraging what you've been given on planet earth and to be a part of a group of people that believe in the same thing on the field and what they've been given. That's the best we can do."God puts stuff in your hands and as long as you keep your hands open, that's OK. He'll put stuff in and He'll take stuff away. As long as you keep your hands open. That's the way I'm getting by, anyways."TLA Crowder

Dreamers are American in Every Way Except on Paper

The roughly 800,000 people who have benefited from the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program — more of whom live in Los Angeles than anywhere else in the country — are American in every way except on paper.

By Erwin Raphael McManus

Now the president has decided to not renew DACA, giving Congress a six-month window to find a permanent solution, through legislation, to this complicated issue. Christians throughout our country are raising their voices, calling on this administration and on Congress to set aside differences and quickly come together to ensure that these young people can continue to contribute and thrive in the country they consider their home.As a follower of Christ, I find myself with a moral imperative to speak out for these who are dependent upon us to advocate on their behalf.Dreamers DACA Erwin McManusWhile I understand and respect the importance of borders and security, those protected by this policy are worthy of our compassion and concern. This is not a question of border security — these individuals have already been in the country for many years, some for decades.We know that these individuals are not a threat to public safety: each has already passed a criminal background check as a prerequisite to being granted deferred action.They are not to be feared but embraced as immigrants who define the American spirit... READ FULL STORY AT THE CHRISTIAN POSTErwin Raphael McManus is the founder of MOSAIC, a church with locations in Hollywood, Santa Monica, and South Pasadena, and the author of The Last Arrow.

READ: ‘There Is No Neutral Ground Here,’ Erwin McManus Says to The Church [Interview]