Love LA Launches To Demonstrate and Proclaim The Gospel 24/7
/Editor's Note: Below is an announcement from Love L.A., which is "a week of the citywide church coming together to engage the heart of God in worship and prayer and out of His presence to go forth and engage our culture with acts of love and the proclamation of gospel truth," organizers said.Friends of the gospel and lovers of L.A. -
It’s almost here. After nine months of laboring, meeting with pastors and building lifelong relationships, preaching the gospel all over the city and mobilizing the churches, we are excited to announce the FINAL LIVE TRAINING EVENT on Saturday (10/28/17) from 12 - 4 pm at St. James Methodist Church which is located at 2033 East Washington Boulevard in Pasadena, CA. You must complete a training event to participate in outreaches throughout the week. You do not need to complete training before the launch outreach, but you will need to complete training to participate in any other Love L.A. outreaches. Spanish translation will be available (Traduccion en espanol sera disponible).
Then we will have dinner and re-gather for the LAUNCH EVENT for LOVE L.A. at the same location on Saturday from 6 pm -12 am. We will be engaging God’s heart with believers from all over Los Angeles and establishing a resting place for the manifest presence of God, and then from that place of corporate encounter, we will be sending worship and outreach teams to 20 different locations. A fragrance to Jesus will rise from all over Los Angeles as we begin to gather in the harvest and demonstrate and proclaim the gospel. Please invite friends to come and be part of the launch event.
For those who are not able to complete the live training event (which is preferred), video training will be available online or on location in the training room at the Love L.A. Firebase.
The Firebase is where we will be doing 24/7 worship and prayer as well as 24/7 outreach. After the launch event, 24/7 worship will continue at the Pasadena International House of Prayer (PIHOP) which is located at 1403 North Lake Avenue in Pasadena, CA. Make sure you check in at the info desk at 1401 North Lake Avenue and then go into the prayer room at 1403 or head to the briefing room to go on outreach.
Please give generously to Love LA. Take a minute to pray about donating online now at for Jesus and the Harvest,Love LA