Every Man Ministry's Online Live Stream: Strong D (Part 2)

Join Pastor Kenny Luck for Part Two of “Strong D” this morning 6:45 PT here or on the Every Man Ministries Facebook Page.“Strong “D” is usually a description we use in the area of sports. Championship teams are characterized by high power offenses and strong defenses — strong D,” said Luck, the founder of Every Man Ministries and author of Dangerous Good.“In the spiritual life you have to have a strong D as well, but the “D” stands for discipline, where you take possession of your energy in a moment and you say no to your fears and your feelings and your comfort, and you say yes to doing what you know you ought to do because you love God.“Are you known for your strong D? The Bible says you can’t love God without it and he wants to take you to a new level of self discipline and impact through his Spirit today.”Luck can be seen live every Thursday morning at 6:45 am PT on the Every Man Ministries Facebook Page, https://www.facebook.com/everymanministries/, streaming from his men’s Bible study at Crossline Community Church in Laguna Hills, California.Don’t forget to tell a friend and share this!

City Transformation and Social Justice Start With Dangerous Good

The model for positive transformation taking place in a city has already been provided by Jesus and a movement of "dangerous good."The belief that issues such as violent crime, homelessness, dissolved families, and the abuse of women can be resolved by simply providing more of the commonly applied tactics falls woefully short of what a movement of men led by the Holy Spirit can accomplish, author and men’s ministry leader Kenny Luck said recently.“City transformation is documented in the Book of Acts,” said Luck in his Every Man Ministries vlog (SEE BELOW). “Matthew 11:20 tells us that Jesus did miracles in a city when he wanted to create repentance, to produce a change of heart toward belief in Him as the son of God and salvation.“This was his city transformation model. He wanted cities to repent. He provided tangible miracles as evidence of his power that were easily seen in demonstrable ways.”Together LA - City Transformation Dangerous GoodIt is this model that begins with individual men, small groups, and movements that can provide positive results in cities such as Los Angeles today.“There are social justice issues that will not be resolved by money, education, more politics or more activism,” Luck said. “They will be resolved by transformed men who stop buying prostitutes, who start fathering their families, who stop beating their women, who stop committing violent crimes and felonies, who stop killing each other, who stop divorcing and start staying with their women, and start bringing life and health to their city on a large scale."He explains that the men documented in the Bible (Acts) who became followers of Christ became spirit filled and in this process they started changing, enabling them to “love, heal, and bring God’s justice in the city.”He adds, “The miracle people witnessed in the city of Jerusalem was men taken over by the Holy Spirit and that created a tsunami of salvation and collateral blessing and transformation across that city.”In addition, opposition from others came then and will now. Such a movement of activated Christ followers in today’s times will produce “a massive blowback by evil.” As Luck said, “They go together.”To counter the opposition and tackle social injustice it will take a “dangerous good movement of spirit empowered men” or a movement of “dangerously good men,” Luck said. 

The Harvey Weinsteins and Broken Male Culture Can No Longer Hide

Discussions about Harvey Weinstein, the #MeToo campaign, and all points inbetween continue to demonstrate the ripple effect well after it was revealed that one of Hollywood’s most powerful men abused women as part of a hideous routine that was kept secret.The waves of revelations coming from not only the Hollywood entertainment business, but other industries as well are of tsunami proportions leading one to believe that the Weinsteins of the world can no longer hide.“The Lord has allowed Weinstein's perversion to be revealed, because He wants to do something dramatic," writes Reverend David Kubal, who is the President and CEO of Intercessors for America (IFA). “He has shifted the intercessory battle from the special forces to the Church at large, calling us all to pray..."Pastor and Every Man Ministries founder Kenny Luck took the opportunity of the Weinstein reveal and aftershocks to share (WATCH VIDEO BELOW) that his ministry has already been on mission to reverse the cycle of immature, unhealthy men through the power of the gospel and the example of Jesus Christ.“Broken male culture has lost its ability to do one thing — hide,” Luck said. “That means other-centered and healthy masculine expression should make itself known and be appreciated.”Harvey Weinstein and Broken Male CultureSetting the current Hollywood-centric news aside, he said he began his ministry as the result of witnessing a growing broken male culture (in the U.S. and worldwide) that was inflicting much pain among women.“It was back in 2000, because of issues like this, it was less widely publicized, but it was the treatment of women that got me to start Every Man Ministries,” Luck said. “I call out broken male culture but I don’t stop there.”He said he wants to “reach men with the message of hope and identity that would help them transform from being in a broken male culture to a healthy male culture.” In an effort to break male stereotypes, Luck said he wants to let people know that there are millions of men who want to do what’s right in God’s eyes and be “dangerous good just like Jesus was.”TLA AD Every Man Show bannerKubal and others make the easy claim that: “Prophetic intercessors and Hollywood insiders have known about the power and perversion at the top of many entertainment companies for decades, yet this perversion has been hidden.”“There is obvious demonic activity in a man who has a three-decade reputation for perversion and power. We don't have to wonder about this one,” Kubal writes. “In the second most powerful town on the globe – second to Washington D.C. – the stakes are high for our enemy to do what he can to enslave and destroy. I am writing about Hollywood, because there is a significant connection in the spiritual realm between the two most powerful cities in the world. A purified Hollywood would dramatically affect Washington, DC.”He adds, “Many strategic warfare missions have gone into Hollywood to fight these powers of darkness and pray for the love of Jesus to invade Tinseltown. Many great ministries focus on praying for Hollywood (check out my good friends at http://hollywoodprayernetwork.org/).”Kubal asks for prayer for the following:1. Pray for purity. ‘Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.’ (Matthew 5:8) So many in Hollywood are chasing fame and fortune to fill the ‘God hole’ in their hearts, which ultimately leads to despair. Perversion leads to deeper levels of perversion, while purity leads to higher levels of fulfillment.2. Pray for boldness. ‘What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?’ (Romans 8:31) Now is the time for the Church to pray for those who know the dark secrets to come forward without fear of losing work or their fame.3. Pray for salvation. ‘Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.’ (Acts 4:12) We must pray for the salvation of movie executives that God would save their souls and that they would have dramatically impact Hollywood.”

Every Man Ministries Founder Kenny Luck On Weinstein and Broken Male Culture

Kenny Vlog #3 from Every Man Ministries on Vimeo.

The Casting Couch, Harvey Weinstein, and How to Navigate Inside Hollywood

Thriving Men's Weekly Bible Study Launches Worldwide Community

A thriving men's weekly breakfast and Bible study that has had up to several hundred men attend in Orange County, California, early Thursday mornings, is now global with an Every Man LIVESTREAM, men's expert, author, and pastor Kenny Luck said.

Every Man Bulletin: A Worldwide Community of Men is Gathering

Luck, who is the founder of Every Man Ministries, said he is "gathering men around the world" using the Every Man LIVESTREAM on Facebook [UPDATE: The online community has been thriving for several months] at 6:45 am PST.Men from Laguna Hills, California (home of the live broadcast), are joining men from Hong Kong, Europe, New York, Sydney, Nairobi, Chicago, Indonesia, Australia, and all points in between to become like Christ and live the Spirit-empowered life, EML producers said.To join this community of God's men simply LIKE and land on the "Every Man Ministries" Facebook Page on Thursday at 6:40 am PST. Pastor Kenny's Study will begin 5 minutes later.Livestream Announcement from Every Man Ministries on Vimeo.More than 500,000 small group and individual meetings have taken place in the last year using the popular "Get Healthy and Get Strong" leadership pathway resources available through Every Man Resources.

On the Web


Every Man Livestream - Kenny Luck

Could Today's Activism Be Going in the Wrong Direction?

TLA AD Every Man Show bannerWhat is really going on in culture today, both practically and spiritually speaking? Could the rampant activism we see now be going in the wrong direction?Today's problems don’t simply exist at a level that's clearly visible to everyone and commonly talked about. They exist at another level. And really, the problems are only one problem — the heart of the guy who lacks character. The poor and wrong choices men make create a lot of the injustices. For example, the choices men make are the impetus behind sex-trafficking, domestic violence, the orphan epidemic, and fatherlessness, just to name a few.What would happen if all the energy spent on today's activism, which addresses problems only on the surface level, went to the root level instead?As a men’s expert, Kenny has a different perspective than today's activists. The problem will never be solved by skimming the issue or simply reacting to the issue. The only way to talk about solutions to the issues of injustice is by changing the heart, character, and conduct of a man. When you do that then you are talking about a solution.The best response is to deal with the issues where they actually exist: in the hearts of men.Listen to a brief word from Kenny on this topic below!Kenny Luck on Activism from Every Man Ministries on Vimeo.Published with permission from Every Man Ministries.

Men's Pastor Aces Matthew McConaughey Lincoln Commercials in Retreat Promos

LAGUNA HILLS, Calif. — As a way to promote an upcoming men’s retreat, Men’s Leadership Pastor Kenny Luck teamed with his church’s creatives to knock out stellar video spoofs of a couple of the ethereal Matthew McConaughey Lincoln car commercials.TLA Kenny Luck Lincoln commercials


Complete with his impersonation of McConaughey as the introspective dreamer driving a Lincoln into the city night and also stalled on a 2-lane highway in front of a bull, Luck performs both a voiceover in thoughts and speech in the actor’s typical Southern drawl.“Sometimes, you gotta go to the mountain, get through the valleys,” Luck (in full McConaughey mode) says in the nighttime video produced by his Crossline Community Church team. “Not talkin’ about reminiscing or chasing ghosts. You stop making excuses. Dive in. Go to the men’s retreat. Can’t lead a family without God’s tools, God’s word, God’s spirit… that’s what we need. Get your questions answered. Who is God? Does He care? Does He hold the universe between His fingers?“Some say, ‘Can’t go to the men’s retreat.’ Yes, you can. I went to the men’s retreat long before they sold t-shirts. Not to be cool or to make a statement. I just like it.”Kenny Luck is the Men’s Leadership Pastor at Crossline Community Church. Prior to Crossline he built and led the Men’s Ministry at Saddleback Church. He is an ECPA Platinum Award Winning author who has authored and co-authored 20 books for men which include RISK, DREAM, FIGHT, & SOAR and his latest men’s movement book Sleeping Giant. As Founder and President of Every Man Ministries, Kenny personally reached millions of men and is spearheading the Sleeping Giant movement which is revolutionizing men’s ministry in the local church, freeing men spiritually, and empowering family health worldwide.

Passion to Ignite Spiritual Health – Every Man Show on Drive-Time

Passion to Ignite Spiritual Health - Every Man Show on Drive-Time

LOS ANGELES — Every Man Ministries’ founder Kenny Luck is excited to share with you that his message and passion to ignite men to spiritual and relational health is now available on the Every Man Show during afternoon drive time (3 pm) on KKLA 99.5 FM Monday-Friday.As both a local and national men’s ministry leader, and expert author who has fine-tuned his teaching on Biblical principles for two decades, Pastor Kenny said that a “spiritual blast zone of good” has been increased not only by the use of radio broadcasts, but by Podcast on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and TuneIn.TLA Kenny Luck Ignite Every Man Show"When I was commuting from Torrance back to Orange County on the 405, I remember how the programming on 99.5 preserved my sanity and connected me to God,” he said. “It was a lifeline. That's why it is both humbling and exciting for The Every Man Show team to have that same opportunity in our new 3pm slot.“I know that lives will be changed forever, men will be activated, and Spirit empowered transformations will take place.”Pastor Kenny adds, “So many new relationships with Southern Californians are now underway and the feedback has been so positive already. The greatest gift we can give communities across the southland is a spiritually and relationally healthy man. That is the spiritual blast zone of good that God wants us to bring in our new slot.”The Every Man Show, produced and co-hosted by Anthony Dever and One Ten Pictures, is also available online through KKLA’s website and app.“For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous” (Rom. 5:19, NIV).“Two men. Two choices. Two blast zones. Two outcomes: life or death,” Luck says, referencing the verse from the book of Romans.“Our mission is to create a movement of God’s men who are empowered to lead others on a meaningful journey into personal character and leadership, ultimately having a positive impact on generations of women, children and families,” he stated.Luck recently told TogetherLA.net that “our nation is finally ready to address the chaos and dysfunction happening in our cities and communities. But the root of that chaos and dysfunction is not political, it’s not ethnic, it’s not even cultural. It is a spiritual breakdown of the family and the vacuum of spiritually and relationally healthy men leading those families.”In addition to listening and praying, would you like to make a charitable contribution to further our radio ministry right now? Please do so by going to https://www.everymanministries.com/donate.Thank you!

Urban Youth Workers Institute Invitation to ManHood Camp LA

Youth workers are invited to bring themselves and the young men they mentor to ManHood Camp LA hosted by Urban Youth Workers Institute. The camp, which organizers said will feature a ManHood challenge and a Rites-Of-Passage journey, is scheduled to be held at Biola University on Friday and Saturday (7/28-7/29)."ManHood Camp is an event designed for youth workers to bring their high school and middle school guys to gain practical wisdom, inspiration, and tools for becoming the men God created them to be," said UYWI camp organizers. "Learn from dynamic speakers who will keep it real and share valuable insights that they wish someone would have taught them when they were in high school."


UYWI states that skillshops offered at the ManHood Camp are designed to give campers "a hands-on lesson for things every guy should know how to do." The various skillshops, as described on the organization's website include:

– Grease MonkeyWhips, Rides, American Muscle, Import Racing, Rarris and Lambos. We get it, you like cars, then it helps to know your way around one. Learn how to change a tire, jumpstart a car, check the oil and brakes. Gentlemen, start your engines!– The Dapper GentlemanWhen it comes to interviews and making a first impression it takes skill to dress to impress. In this skillshop, you’ll learn how to tie a necktie, dress for an interview and make a first impression.– Fit ChallengeBeast MODE, Gainz, and Do You Even Lift Bro? It’s impressive to see professional athletes do amazing physical feats, but every pro still needs to master the basics. Come out to test your fitness and learn the fundamentals of getting fit.


Urban ministry leaders are scheduled to discuss biblical principles as they relate to life's challenges. Topics and speakers include:

– Hang Time with Jesus by Tommy NixonCome learn how to have an actual relationship with God and how that fits into your everyday life. Walk out with a plan on how to grow deeper in your relationship with Christ.– What Just Happened?: Navigating The Blast Zone by Eric VasquezIn this workshop we’ll discuss 3 areas surrounding Anger. React, Remorse, Rebuild• React (Proverbs 15:18): We’ll explore our triggers and discuss our buttons that are frequently pushed. Here we’ll hit on the ways we react that are unhealthy and ungodly.• Remorse (2 Sam. 12) (Isaiah 55:8-9): We’ll touch on remorse “guilt” and begin to introduce the idea of forgiveness (a Christ-like forgiveness). Youth don’t always see the lasting results of their anger.• Rebuild (2 Sam. 12): We’ll begin to equip the young men with tools to rebuild their brokenness due to anger.– Lust & Porn: When Sex Becomes Unsexy! by Jose RodriguezIt feels good to indulge, but what happens when it becomes an addiction versus a God given gift. We will have a talk as real men, dealing with real issues. We’ll discuss the lies, the truth and what God has to say about it all. Let’s explore ways to fight against our failing flesh.– How to Treat a Woman by Adrian GreerAs men, we are bombarded with conflicting messages that shape our ideas of how women should be treated by men. In this workshop, we will address some of these messages, examine the various ways these messages are sent to us and consider our response to it all in light of God’s Word. We will equip you to more fully understand and more full walk our your call as Christian men.– Strength in Numbers: Who’s in Your Squad? by Matt SanchezWhether you see it or not, most people have an entourage around them that influences them to some extent. The difference in people’s entourages can often times determine the course of your life. Who you surround yourself with is a very important aspect to your well being in life. Chances are people are around you, but are they the right people?– From da Hood Life to da Good Life by TBDFatherless-ness, drugs, gang life, teenage parenting, and incarceration, sounds like a movie, right? This is the reality for many young men growing up in the hood. So how can you go from the Hood life to the Good life? In this workshop you will learn how to experience the freedom and peace following Jesus gives to all who are willing to make the commitment.– INTEGRITY – what is it? by D.A. HortonOur World is in desperate need of Godly men who will lead with integrity by confessing their sins to God, confronting their shame with the gospel, in order to model compassion to the godless.– Our Words are the #Hashtags of our Hearts by D.A. HortonA man’s words and actions reveal what’s in his heart.– Guys Ministry: Restoring Manhood, Breaking the Fatherless Cycle (Youth Workers Only) by Larry AcostaOne of the greatest priorities in youth ministry should be your ministry to build up young men. We have to do what we can to help kids heal through their father wounds and to give them the tools that will begin to prepare them for life, marriage and family. Come and learn the core elements for shaping a guys’ ministry and gain practical resources for helping guys transition to healthy, God-honoring Manhood.

What is Manhood Camp?Camp organizers state that young men will be challenged to "overcome the pain of their father-wound and to dare to allow God to re-write their future.""We envision young men learning the core competencies for becoming leaders worth following, men of integrity, discipline, and purity and one day…loving and faithful husbands and dads," said UYWI.

For more information, including registration, schedule and location click here: ManHood Camp LA 2017 hosted by Urban Youth Workers Institute

manhood camp

New ‘Stand Up and Fight’ Video Reveals Benghazi Hero’s Spiritual Battle  

After defending lives at the Battle of Benghazi, former special operative contractor Mark “Oz” Geist, not only had to deal with physical recovery from severe wounds, but had to fight to recover from emotional and spiritual wounds as well.


In a new program video, Stand Up and Fight, by Every Man Ministries and produced by One Ten Pictures, released on Friday, Geist talks with founder Kenny Luck and co-host Anthony Dever about how he battled the spiritual war confronting him during and after his assignment in the Middle East.

Geist, who was contracted by the U.S. to help protect diplomatic personnel inside Libya, not only gave the program hosts a detailed account of the Battle of Benghazi in which he was hit and wounded by three different IEDs landing within 15 feet of him, but shares how his survival and that of others could only be described as divine intervention by God.

Known by his fellow warriors as “Oz,” he gave remarkable details during the exclusive interview of the battle from his perspective, one that includes being part of the Global Response Staff (GRS) that was told to “stand down.” While Oz and the team were unable to save the lives of U.S. Ambassador to Libya J. Christopher Stevens and three others, many lives were saved on the night members of Ansar al-Sharia attacked the American diplomatic compound and CIA annex in Benghazi.

Every Man Ministries Offers FIGHT Book Resources and PROMO Discount Code

Pastor and author, Kenny Luck, said he is excited for listeners to hear from Geist, firsthand through the Stand Up and Fight program video, something more meaningful than sound bites often driven by political spin.

“What differentiates this interview from most coverage the public has seen or heard reported about The Battle of Benghazi is the discussion of the transcendent ‘meta-themes’ of freedom, sacrifice, and the high cost of liberty in any form,” Luck said. “In today's culture, events such as Benghazi get chopped up and parsed out to the media hyenas which, in turn, gets over-politicized and sound-bited.”

Luck said the interview with Geist, who co-authored the book 13 Hours: The Inside Account Of What Really Happened In Benghazi which later became the premise of a movie, goes even deeper towards revealing “transcendent philosophical and spiritual themes that are allowed to  burst through in a truthful and refreshing way.”

In conjunction with the release of the Stand Up and Fight video, Every Man Ministries is offering a special promotional discount of 15% off resources that utilize Kenny Luck’s book, FIGHT.

“Many men ignore the dangerous spiritual war surrounding them. And that willing surrender ensures the total destruction of all they hold dear. This eight-session study can help men respond to the fight with boldness and duty. The DVD Leader Kit will equip men—in a devotional setting, accountability partner setting, and in group-to do spiritual battle with the enemy. This includes recognizing the deceptions about doing true spiritual battle, realizing the roles men play at the front lines, and rescuing the captives from the enemy's stronghold,” Luck states.

To watch the captivating interview with Mark Geist in Stand Up and Fight simply go to the homepage of Every Man Ministries ( http://www.everymanministries.com/ ). To take advantage of the discount (ends July 5, 2017) on the FIGHT book and curriculum, go to EMM’s class resources page, and use the promo code “fight15”.

“Stand Up and Fight” was produced by Every Man Ministries in association with One Ten Pictures, Executive Producer Jeremy Gant. Press and media contact, Anthony Dever, anthony@everymanministries.com.

What is Men Standing Against Trafficking (MSAT)?

Men Standing Against Trafficking (MSAT) is an initiative birthed from the CARE 18, a multi-sector collaborative committed to mobilizing faith and community advocates to support the efforts of service providers, government and law enforcement agencies fighting local human trafficking.The idea came from Brad Fieldhouse, who is currently the executive director of City Net, and based on some initiatives that were done years earlier and centered on ending or at least reducing homicides in Compton. The idea to get men involved in the fight against human trafficking is key and strategic, as they provide most of the demand side of sex trafficking. There is a lot of work being done on the other end of things as well, including but not limited to legal advocacy, policy change, rehabilitation and healing for survivors, job training, etc.Men Standing Against Human TraffickingHowever, when it comes to actually preventing human trafficking in the first place, there is room for improvement. That is where MSAT comes in.The idea is threefold:• To stand at or near trafficking hotspots to raise awareness in communities where trafficking is happening so those communities will engage in the fight against it as well.• To stand as witnesses against the perpetrators in those communities who are paying money to have sex with trafficking victims (many of them underage...or were when they were coerced into it).• To provide a first experience and next steps for men who want to get involved in this battle but have traditionally been on the sidelines, or worse, the main perpetrators.The actual process of a stand involves gathering men for a brief introduction to the issue of sex trafficking and how they can fight it. They then grab some signs (e.g. Men Standing Against Trafficking, Real Men Don’t Buy Girls, etc.), go to an intersection, and stand as a silent witness for an hour and 18 minutes. The timing is specific to remind the men why they are there — to stand for the victims of CSEC (Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children), kids 18 and under. They have flyers available for people who want to know more, and they are usually well-received. There have been incidents with people countering the groups, but even more examples of people who have been inspired, educated, and blown away by this grassroots movement.The initial stand was in June 2015 at MacArthur Park. For the first year, it gained momentum with numbers and circle of influence, moving from hotspot to hotspot monthly: Hollywood, Long Beach, South LA, Pomona, Pasadena, Van Nuys, and Santa Ana. Eventually, the organization came to a point where it could multiply — meeting at various geographies in the same month.Currently, there are five MSAT sites which meet quarterly: Pasadena, Orange County, Pomona, Long Beach, and South LA.If you are interested in starting a new MSAT in your community, please contact Bryan Cullison at bcullison@worldimpact.org or visit the following websites to learn more:www.care18.org/msatwww.care18.org/fiatMen Standing Against Human TraffickingHeadline banner photo: Toviah Photography/Albert Halim.

Men Like To Get Together, But Can They Go Beyond 'It's All Good, Bro?'

In a study by Men’s Health it was revealed that the top two ways men stay connected with friends are 1.) texting, and 2.) “get togethers.”The reason we prefer these ways are twofold: texting fits the factual, short, bottom line style of communication we appreciate and “get togethers” feed our need for closer, interpersonal camaraderie and connection with each other. Whether it’s just the guys or the guys with the gals we usually huddle by gender and “dive deeper.” Guys usually assemble around wherever the meat is being grilled and sample it with a beverage in hand. At the same time, the girls keep it real in the kitchen while prepping for the meal and talk about, well, everything. That’s where the similarities end because guys do not talk about everything.In fact, guys prefer to keep it on the surface when we get together. We stick to sports, work updates, kids sports, house projects, power tools, cars, working out, and our favorite recreational pursuit. So let’s get this straight: in the one setting with the most potential power in our lives to build strong friendships we, by habit or by choice, keep things on the surface? Exactly. Like a bunch of icebergs, we present the tips of our lives while the big stuff causing emotional heartburn, relational pain, or spiritual darkness (like our marriages, temptations, families, finances, and inner demons) stay buried, unprocessed, and unresolved. We leave with full stomachs and empty souls, more lonely than when we first arrived because no one knows what’s really going on in our lives. The irony is that most of us spin it at these gatherings and say when asked “It’s all good bro.”Every Man Ministries research shows that 9 out of 10 men have a current issue they are facing that feels “out of control” in their lives that they would love to resolve. That fact combined with our willingness to “get together” should get us rethinking what it means to connect and help each other. Specifically, we need to stop limiting getting together just to “grill and swill” and start banding together to help our closest friends defeat what is defeating them. We have to help our friends get from the “red zones” of life as men into the “end zones” of victory as men, husbands, and fathers. We have to help them score touchdowns in life versus settle for field goals or, worse, go “three and out.” But how?The good news is that the recipe for having a men’s small group meeting at your house today looks no different than it did over two thousand years ago. Tell the guys your having them over, light the grill up, serve some beverages, eat like you mean it, and feed the soul while you feed the body. In fact, do it like Jesus and become a “Red Zone” friend who gets his buddies into the end zones of victory with God and people. Study Christ’s film and learn.“When they [his friends] landed, they saw a fire of burning coals there with fish on it and some bread…After they had finished eating Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon, son of John, do you truly love me?” (John 21:9,15)That’s what you call “meating” with the guys and then “meeting” with the guys for the purpose of bringing a man from the red zone to end zone of life. And we all know what happens after men successfully cross the line into the end zone.They dance.


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Kenny’s Guamanian Rib Marinade

2 Cups Soy Sauce1 Cup Fresh lemon juice24 oz. of your favorite Beer2 tablespoons of black pepper2 tablespoons of minced garlic1 Tablespoon Sesame OilMarinate pork or beef ribs overnight. Grill and serve. Expect moaning.KENNY LUCK is an ECPA Platinum Award Winning Author, who has authored and co-authored 20 books for men. Kenny is the president and founder of Every Man Ministries. As the former men’s pastor at Saddleback Church in California and current leadership pastor at Crossline Community Church, Kenny has found the proven way to improve men’s ministries around the world. Sleeping Giant is this blueprint, and gives men the tools they need to lead and understand their own men’s ministry. Watch Kenny’s teachings at EveryManMinistries.com and start your men’s group today!Follow Every Man Ministries now on Facebook, Twitter (@everymm,) and YouTube.

Nation Ripe For Alternative Solution to Unrest Says Every Man Ministries President

People living in cities and communities throughout the United States are ripe for an alternative solution to the current unrest in the nation and the answer does not lie within politics or culture, Every Man Ministries Pastor and President Kenny Luck recently said.


“At Every Man we believe that our nation is finally ready to address the chaos and dysfunction happening in our cities and communities. But the root of that chaos and dysfunction is not political, it’s not ethnic, it’s not even cultural,” said Luck, whose ministry has helped thousands of men with their spiritual journeys for nearly two decades. “It is a spiritual breakdown of the family and the vacuum of spiritually and relationally healthy men leading those families.”Los Angeles Radio Show Plans to Expand Into Chicago, Philadelphia MarketsThe Every Man Show, which was launched as a radio program last year in Los Angeles (99.5 KKLA), has produced phenomenal results in reaching the city of 10 million people with the message of Jesus Christ specifically targeting men. Now, Every Man Ministries is seeking support to expand the show into the Philadelphia and Chicago markets.“At Every Man we know that when a child comes to Christ, 3 percent of the family will follow,” Luck said. “When a mom comes to Christ, 17 percent of the family will follow. But when a dad or father comes to Christ, 93 percent of the family will follow.”The act of men becoming believers in Jesus is an agent and catalyst for family health.“For the last 16 years Every Man Ministries has been building a grassroots network of churches,” Luck explained. “We’ve been building an ecosystem of resources and web platforms and curriculums to support and fuel a community-based revival of Christ-centered masculinity in the home.”Expanding into Philadelphia and ChicagoEvery Man Ministries seeks to secure broadcast time for the next 12 months in Philadelphia and Chicago. “We need to drive the grassroots, social media, and church campaigns to begin movements of transformation partnering with the churches of those major metro urban cities to reach and transform the hearts of men,” Luck said.Where do you come in?“Here’s where you come in. We are sponsoring over the next two weeks the Matching Grant Challenge for the Every Man Show. The good news is that we’ve already have had $100,000 come in of the $250,000 that we need to raise to get these two new time zones online,” he said.What do you do?You go to EveryManMinistries.com/challenge and join this unprecedented, historic movement of God through the Holy Spirit that’s going to transform the hearts of men, families, homes, communities, and cities from the inside out because we know that’s the real solution.Media contact: Alex Murashko - Email: alex@togetherla.net Phone: (949) 547-0907

Fantasy Island: Every Man Ministries' Founder on Porn Epidemic

One of the most popular TV shows of back in the 1970s was “Fantasy Island,” starring Ricardo Montalban playing the role of Mr. Roarke, a suave, tuxedo-clad host who, along with his sidekick, Tattoo, greeted his visitors by proclaiming: “Welcome, welcome to Fantasy Island.”Let’s talk about Fantasy Island.The story lines, weaving extravagant fantasies of the newly arrived quests, didn’t always work out the way they wanted. In fact, their fantasies actually brought them back to reality, making them want their reality more than the fantasy. This “ah-hah” moment is sorely needed by male guests visiting the new fantasy islands of today.Someone has to talk about this idea of fantasy because it has become an epidemic – not only here in the United States, but globally. I’m not talking about innocent fantasies, childhood dreams, like the Disneyland fantasies. I’m talking about millions – more likely billions – of men chasing manly fantasies, mainly pornography and extramarital sex. These guys are experiencing the same thing guests on the fictional show did — the promise of fantasy only delivers a moral hangover, a cheap release, and a numbing shame that exposes his lack of character.  The “ah-hah” in front of today’s fantasy islanders is resolving to accept our responsibilities as men and reject the double life of Fantasy Island.Today, pornography revenues in the United States exceed the revenue of ABC, CBS and NBC combined. Indeed, the revenue of the pornography industry is larger than the revenues of Apple, Amazon, Google, eBay, Microsoft, Netflix and Yahoo! – combined.This problem is so large it’s not only plaguing men globally, but it’s creeping into the lives of our mothers, our wives, our sisters, our daughters – even our grandchildren. There is nothing more obviously evident than the New York Times best-selling trilogy called “Fifty Shades of Grey,” three books which chronicle the dark secrets of Anastasia, a college student who desires to be dominated by Christian, a tortured man who has particular sexual tastes (fantasies).  The caricature of “Christian” is stunning.  He is so lost and needs so much help.  Where have all the good men gone?These disturbing cultural trends should hit every Christian man in the mouth and reboot his moral compass as this country heads towards moral, spiritual and cultural implosion.…But I’m not discouraged. As we go through our series called Fantasy Island, you will embrace reality and reject fantasy. We can turn things around. We need, however, to turn to God for spiritual direction and revival. Our reality is the reality of God’s glory: His redemption, His love for us.Men, let God bless you!  Pray about your decisions to embrace reality or live a life of fantasy. The choice is yours, and God is waiting for you to make the decision.Join Every Man MinistriesFantasy ranges from innocent to indecent. From Disney dreams to dark diversions, it is the wallpaper of popular culture offering every man an alternative relief or escape from reality. Why is fantasy so powerful? Why is it so destructive on so many levels? Most importantly, what does fantasy reveal about a man’s relationship to reality? Watch this eye opening session with men’s expert and pastor Kenny Luck and learn why fantasy is an island.GO DEEPER:  Watch the Fantasy Island videos from Kenny.Try the 30-day Free Trial and sign up for the Every Man Ministries Newsletter.Kenny Luck is the president and founder of Every Man Ministries. As the former men’s pastor at Saddleback Church in California and current leadership pastor at Crossline Community Church, Kenny has found the proven way to improve men’s ministries around the world. Sleeping Giant is this blueprint, and gives men the tools they need to lead and understand their own men’s ministry. Watch Kenny’s teachings at EveryManMinistries.com and start your men’s group today!Follow Every Man Ministries now on FacebookTwitter (@everymm,) and YouTube.