'Because of Grácia' True To Teen Life; Moriah Peters Shines Light

It's been a long time since I've been a teenager.However, while watching an advanced screening of Because of Grácia (film released this weekend) I was transported back to my high school days rather seamlessly in this engaging movie that challenges the commonly accepted focus of teens and offers up the truth in the form of one student in particular who is living out their faith in God.In its promotion, Because of Grácia may try too hard to avoid being tagged a Christian film. I root for efforts like these often, but mostly pray for a good film irregardless of its label.Chase Morgan would love to live up to his own name and pursue something great. It's his senior year and he’s still as insecure as ever but Eastglenn High's newest student is about to turn that around. Grácia is a girl with charisma, intelligence and conviction but she’s not as “put together” as Chase and his best friend OB might think. A dark past gives her a unique connection with Bobbi, a misunderstood classmate with a pushy boyfriend and disconnected father. As Bobbi struggles with a life-and-death decision and Chase risks rejection, Grácia challenges her friends, teachers and even herself to step outside the status quo. Because of Grácia’s inspiring strength, those around her are finding it easier to speak up and fall in love.In the end, it's not about how the film is packaged, but the fact that it is well made, funny, real, and carries an important message about life.Writer/director/producer Tom Sines, who teaches film in Canada, said he originally wrote the story as a stage play. When interviewed by the 700 Club, Sines said, "There is a demographic that I don't see in films that I see in my classroom every day and that's Christian young people trying to live out their faith. So, I started writing out a story about a kid named Chase Morgan and all I started with was the premise was that he was in his bedroom trying to get up the courage to call a girl and ask her out."Because of Grácia stars former American Idol contestant, Moriah Peters, who says her appearance on the show mirrors the experience of her character in the film.The Hollywood Reporter stated that Peters, then 16, tried out for American Idol and told judges Simon Cowell, Randy Jackson, Kara DioGuardi and Avril Lavigne that she was a Christian who was saving her first kiss for marriage.Peters said the celebrity judges praised her looks and her singing, but belittled her chaste lifestyle. One judge told her, "You're trying to be too perfect," while another told her, "Go out, kiss a guy, come back," she says.Because of Gracia Moriah PetersPeters' character is similarly saving herself for marriage. She also sings and is called “perfect” in the movie, just like on American Idol seven years ago."I honestly thought the director built Gracia’s character around my high school experiences," she said. “I was allowed to simply be myself, and it wasn’t difficult to dive into the controversial and tense circumstances."There is more than one hot button topic brought to the surface in Because of Grácia and that makes the film very gratifying to after-movie discussion lovers. Go see and discuss amongst yourselves.

Urban Youth Workers Institute Invitation to ManHood Camp LA

Youth workers are invited to bring themselves and the young men they mentor to ManHood Camp LA hosted by Urban Youth Workers Institute. The camp, which organizers said will feature a ManHood challenge and a Rites-Of-Passage journey, is scheduled to be held at Biola University on Friday and Saturday (7/28-7/29)."ManHood Camp is an event designed for youth workers to bring their high school and middle school guys to gain practical wisdom, inspiration, and tools for becoming the men God created them to be," said UYWI camp organizers. "Learn from dynamic speakers who will keep it real and share valuable insights that they wish someone would have taught them when they were in high school."


UYWI states that skillshops offered at the ManHood Camp are designed to give campers "a hands-on lesson for things every guy should know how to do." The various skillshops, as described on the organization's website include:

– Grease MonkeyWhips, Rides, American Muscle, Import Racing, Rarris and Lambos. We get it, you like cars, then it helps to know your way around one. Learn how to change a tire, jumpstart a car, check the oil and brakes. Gentlemen, start your engines!– The Dapper GentlemanWhen it comes to interviews and making a first impression it takes skill to dress to impress. In this skillshop, you’ll learn how to tie a necktie, dress for an interview and make a first impression.– Fit ChallengeBeast MODE, Gainz, and Do You Even Lift Bro? It’s impressive to see professional athletes do amazing physical feats, but every pro still needs to master the basics. Come out to test your fitness and learn the fundamentals of getting fit.


Urban ministry leaders are scheduled to discuss biblical principles as they relate to life's challenges. Topics and speakers include:

– Hang Time with Jesus by Tommy NixonCome learn how to have an actual relationship with God and how that fits into your everyday life. Walk out with a plan on how to grow deeper in your relationship with Christ.– What Just Happened?: Navigating The Blast Zone by Eric VasquezIn this workshop we’ll discuss 3 areas surrounding Anger. React, Remorse, Rebuild• React (Proverbs 15:18): We’ll explore our triggers and discuss our buttons that are frequently pushed. Here we’ll hit on the ways we react that are unhealthy and ungodly.• Remorse (2 Sam. 12) (Isaiah 55:8-9): We’ll touch on remorse “guilt” and begin to introduce the idea of forgiveness (a Christ-like forgiveness). Youth don’t always see the lasting results of their anger.• Rebuild (2 Sam. 12): We’ll begin to equip the young men with tools to rebuild their brokenness due to anger.– Lust & Porn: When Sex Becomes Unsexy! by Jose RodriguezIt feels good to indulge, but what happens when it becomes an addiction versus a God given gift. We will have a talk as real men, dealing with real issues. We’ll discuss the lies, the truth and what God has to say about it all. Let’s explore ways to fight against our failing flesh.– How to Treat a Woman by Adrian GreerAs men, we are bombarded with conflicting messages that shape our ideas of how women should be treated by men. In this workshop, we will address some of these messages, examine the various ways these messages are sent to us and consider our response to it all in light of God’s Word. We will equip you to more fully understand and more full walk our your call as Christian men.– Strength in Numbers: Who’s in Your Squad? by Matt SanchezWhether you see it or not, most people have an entourage around them that influences them to some extent. The difference in people’s entourages can often times determine the course of your life. Who you surround yourself with is a very important aspect to your well being in life. Chances are people are around you, but are they the right people?– From da Hood Life to da Good Life by TBDFatherless-ness, drugs, gang life, teenage parenting, and incarceration, sounds like a movie, right? This is the reality for many young men growing up in the hood. So how can you go from the Hood life to the Good life? In this workshop you will learn how to experience the freedom and peace following Jesus gives to all who are willing to make the commitment.– INTEGRITY – what is it? by D.A. HortonOur World is in desperate need of Godly men who will lead with integrity by confessing their sins to God, confronting their shame with the gospel, in order to model compassion to the godless.– Our Words are the #Hashtags of our Hearts by D.A. HortonA man’s words and actions reveal what’s in his heart.– Guys Ministry: Restoring Manhood, Breaking the Fatherless Cycle (Youth Workers Only) by Larry AcostaOne of the greatest priorities in youth ministry should be your ministry to build up young men. We have to do what we can to help kids heal through their father wounds and to give them the tools that will begin to prepare them for life, marriage and family. Come and learn the core elements for shaping a guys’ ministry and gain practical resources for helping guys transition to healthy, God-honoring Manhood.

What is Manhood Camp?Camp organizers state that young men will be challenged to "overcome the pain of their father-wound and to dare to allow God to re-write their future.""We envision young men learning the core competencies for becoming leaders worth following, men of integrity, discipline, and purity and one day…loving and faithful husbands and dads," said UYWI.

For more information, including registration, schedule and location click here: ManHood Camp LA 2017 hosted by Urban Youth Workers Institute

manhood camp