State of LA Housing Market

Whether we personally are trying to save up for a house, we know friends who have moved from Los Angeles because of the cost of living, or we know those who are trying to survive month to month, we all feel the pressure of the housing crisis in Los Angeles. It seems like everyone is affected.In the most recent Bisnow conference in DTLA, the state of the office and housing market was the topic of conversation. As many of the LA business people gathered, the issue in Los Angeles of rising construction costs (a 113% increase in the last 3 years), the limited space for affordable housing, the ongoing parking dilemma (more cars in LA than any other U.S city), and the issue of wages not keeping up with market values (tenants need to earn $47.52/hr to afford medium asking prices) sparked conversation around a housing problem that doesn’t seem to have a quick solution.Bob Champion, Founder and CEO of Champion Real Estate Company, explained, “California falls short on average of 150,000-200,000 units per year. This means that Los Angeles has to create 2.2 million units just to catch up with the demand.”In addition to the general short fall, the city is still waiting for the 10,000 affordable units it intended through proposition HHH. According to a recent report from the California housing partnership, Los Angeles needs 516,946 affordable units to just meet the demand of low-income housing.If that wasn’t bad enough, a current prediction shows a slow in employment growth in LA over the next couple of years.However, despite the outlook, most don’t foresee a slow down of developing in Los Angeles anytime soon. For the areas where businesses are creating a demand for housing, space may become the only issue.The conclusion: Los Angeles will continue to sprawl into neighboring regions as businesses, schools, and production companies look elsewhere for space. And because of this, the people will follow.So although Los Angeles will continue to be a highly transient city, there is potential to impact the community we find ourselves. As Victor MacFarlane, CEO of MacFarlane Partners and current developer in DTLA eloquently put it, “building projects have the potential to create a center of gravity to change a neighborhood.” Given the fact that the housing problem in Los Angeles isn’t changing soon, the question remains how we together can create these places of center of gravity to love our neighborhoods and respond to those being affected by the crisis.

God Moving In Los Angeles: A Conversation Worth Having

In what began as a conversation about the movement of God in the City of Angels a few years ago in the form of a three-day conference continued last summer in a panel discussion with four pastors from four corners of the county. And in light of all that's transpired over the last three years, with God still on the throne, it's important to continue that conversation.BY ALEX MURASHKOLos Angeles, like other major cities in the U.S., has become an even greater flash point for communal voices meeting in such places as City Hall to display a viral sort of anger that has escalated to unprecedented heights. A physical statement at ground zero for all demonstrations (protest and celebratory) doesn't even scratch the surface of the dangerous vitriol taking place online through media of all sorts.That's why we felt it important to republish parts of the discussion from the summer of 2017 with links to other related stories at TLA below.Is there hope for the City of Angels even though it often appears so broken, so filled with spiritual poverty among its people that a diagnosis may very well be — beyond repair? The answer as expressed by the four pastors that met at Metropolis Santa Monica was a resounding: “Yes, there is hope!”The pastors on the panel were Steve Snook of Santa Monica, Michael Mata of Koreatown, Cedric Nelms of Long Beach, and Brannin Pitre of Pasadena, all sharing their heart for the city they not only minister to but reside in.Michael Mata, director of the transformational urban leadership program at Azusa Pacific Seminary and a Together LA speaker, is an experienced urban planner and pastor. He has spent over 30 years in leading and equipping others in urban transformation through the creation of community and church-based programs. His work has focused on community transformation, youth leadership development, public health, intercultural outreach, and multiethnic ministry. Mata serves as community transformation specialist for Compassion Creates Change, Inc., and was the director of Tools for Transformation for World Vision’s U.S. programs.Mata lives in and loves his neighborhood — Koreatown.“Even though it’s called Koreatown, 70 percent of the people are not Asian,” Mata told TLA. “Even with this great vitality of humanity it’s broken in that we don’t have the interaction as we should.“We live in close proximity to each other, almost 200,000 people within two-and-a-half square miles, and we bump into each other and we eat in the same places and we hear each other’s music but we’re not necessarily connected. Rarely do we actually know the name of our neighbors — actually I do, but many people don’t.“[Residents] live in high rises, in homes they’ve invested in, they live with multiple families or extended families, and they are struggling to survive because even though there’s a sense of great economic energy there, the per capita is one of the lowest in L.A. County.”

Immigrants and young professionals consumed with ‘making it’

“So, you have a population that’s come to the United States who are contributing and being very productive but it seems their lives are consumed with ‘making it,’ maybe not so much becoming affluent, but certainly surviving,” Mata explained. “In that regard, we need spaces, we need a way to come together. Certainly in 1992, when our community was the second flashpoint in the riots, our community did come together.”Churches in the area and various religious institutions gathered together, he said, and asked “How are we going to rebuild together?”Within less than a year, Koreatown did rebuild, he said.The infusion of energy and “new life and looking for the future” gave way to a retreat of sorts.“We all went back to our regular spaces of work, relationships, and of cultural identity,” Mata said. “So those spaces or that bridge are sorely lacking and that’s where I think the faith community can come in.“We have great historic sanctuaries in K-town. Beautiful French-Gothic structures, some of them thousands of square feet, but on Sunday mornings they are pretty empty because the populations that once populated the pews are no longer living in the area. We have a new influx of not just immigrant people but young professionals and some churches are being more successful at that.“But that’s the space where God calls us to be reconcilers,” he adds. “We need to step up as a faith community to be that person, or that facility, or that body that brings people together and helps us to know one another even though we may not have the same beliefs or traditions. Nonetheless, we are living in the same space so why not move beyond just residing to becoming members or members of a community becoming neighbors to one another.”In talking about Pasadena, Pitre said, “We have a context in which we are divided racially. We’re divided economically. We are divided by educational bounds. We’re divided by political bounds. There’s just a great sense that at any given block in the city of Pasadena you’ll find somebody that’s completely different and aligned differently from you, which can cause a great sense of brokenness.“My joy in that is that it also provides an endless sense of opportunity.”Videos and photos by One Ten Pictures.Read Pitre’s discussion about how the Together LA conference, held more than three years ago, happened in a two part series at the Christian Post here: Interview Church Planter Brannin Pitre: Los Angeles Is on the ‘Cusp’ of a New Mov’t; How Tim Keller’s Church Supported Vision LA (Pt. 1) and here: ‘Together LA’ Organizers: There’s More to Loving a City Than Planting Churches (Pt. 2)We’d love to hear from you! Please join the conversation in the Comments section below. Thank you!>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<< 4 Pastors Get Real About the City – Together LA Pop-Up Part 1 (Michael Mata)Urban Church Planter: First, What Does the City Need? Part 2 (Cedric Nelms)‘Beautiful’ Westside Striken with Spiritual Poverty a Unified Church Can Cure – Part 3 (Steve Snook)LA Pastors’ Bottom Line: We Want to Help the City That We Live In – FINAL (Brannin Pitre)

Stories From Skid Row: Angela's Story

After Angela and her four children were evicted from their apartment, they were reduced to sleeping in the metro station. An officer noticed and referred them to Union Rescue Mission.LETTER FROM REV ANDY BALES, CEO UNION RESCUE MISSIONIn Los Angeles, women and children make up 40% of all people experiencing homelessness. This is unacceptable.TLA - URM Stories - Angela - homelessnessAngela's story is representative of the 215 single mothers and children who currently reside at Hope Gardens. URM also provides emergency shelter to an additional 280 parents and children at our Skid Row location, totaling in over 500 family members in need, each with their own story of pain and perseverance.We are currently the leading provider of emergency shelter for families experiencing homelessness in the county. We never turn away a woman or child.This is why your continued support is so important. Together we can continue to restore lives, one family at a time.Listen to Angela's transformative tale of hope now (above).Blessings,Rev. Andy Bales, CEOStories From Skid Row: Homeless in High School

Houston, We Have a Problem; The 'Others' Are Everywhere

The Others are everywhere. They lurk around every corner, in every mall, and in every restaurant and school. They serve you at theaters, teach your kids, take your money at the bank, and pour your coffee. Can you feel it?BY BOB FABEY Editor's Note: This article is an excerpt from Bob Fabey’s book NotMyJesus taken from the “Houston, We Have a Problem” chapter with permission. Fabey's commentary is also part of TogetherLA's series: How Would Jesus Vote?Can you sense the cold tingling down your spine when you think there are people out there who aren’t like you? It’s real, my friends, and if you aren’t careful, they’ll get you!They will change culture and laws, teach your kids the wrong things, infect society with their viruses, and kill the dreams of millions. They will challenge your worldview and communicate ideas you don’t like. They will vote for people you won’t vote for and push agendas you don’t agree with. Simply put, they are out to ruin you.This is how people felt about the Jews in Nazi Germany in the 1930s, and it’s what helped turn a previously respected group of people into objects. Once people are objects, it doesn’t take much for you to begin treating them as such. Ask the Rwandese what that produces. They will tell you what genocide looks like.When people are The Other, they are "less than." They are no longer someone’s child, mom, or dad. They are nothing. They have no feelings that count, no thoughts of value, no redeeming qualities or anything that could contribute to anyone. When that is the case, you can treat them any way you like. You can place them on rail cars like cattle—to begin with. And you know where this mentality leads.The truth is, we do this all the time. Maybe not literally, but in our minds. Every action begins as a seed in the mind, so those kinds of thoughts need to be challenged. Each human being has dignity. Every person on the planet deserves equal treatment, even when they disagree with you and even when they make you angry.Think about what happens when you find out your friend, co-worker, or family member voted for Trump for President. Maybe you voted for Trump, and you’ve experienced people condemning you because of it. You may have ten thousand things in common with someone, but if they vote for the wrong candidate, they are out!Maybe you vote for abortion because you believe it is the woman’s choice and you have experienced people calling you names. Perhaps you are gay, or you have gay friends, and the issues surrounding gay marriage produce conflict and Othering.Honestly, you can pick any topic and there will be someone who disagrees and who will be happy to let you know you suck because you disagree with them. Men vs. women, dogs vs. cats, Ford vs. Chevy, Mac vs. PC—disagreement occurs all the time. These disputes are producing something in us as a society that didn’t exist just a few decades ago.READ: America, Fireworks and JesusForty or 50 years back, a disagreement didn’t mean you hated someone; it meant you disagreed. Now, disagreement implies that you are full of hate, stupid, and not worthy of the skin you are outfitted with. The prevailing ethos is that if you disagree with someone, you hate them.This hate, real or perceived, drives an incredible wedge between people when name-calling, culture-bashing, and Othering is the norm. It is normal to belittle. It is normal to attack. It is normal to make fun of those who don’t agree with you. This isn’t to our credit, and once we do these things long enough and with enough ferocity, we are only steps away from cattle cars.Bob Fabey (, author of NotMyJesus, is an Anglican priest with over 20 years of ministry experience with a variety of organizations. He holds a Master's Degree in Divinity and a B.A. in History from the University of Montana. Although Montana will always be his home, he resides in the greater Phoenix area. He loves to travel and hang out with his wife and kids, practice Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and drink coffee.TLA - NotMyJesus Bob Fabey

Jesus Didn't Fit Politically or Socially; Probably Wouldn't Now Either

If Jesus walked among us today he would probably not fit neatly into any of our political categories.BY ROBERT CHAO ROMEROMatthew 25 MovementI don’t think he would endorse the full political platform of either the Republicans or the Democrats because each party has biblical blind spots. Two thousand years ago, Jesus didn’t fit neatly into any of the major social groups of his day either.


The Sadducees were the party of the religious and economic elite, and they controlled the Temple. Their response to the weight of Roman colonialism was political compromise — partner with the Empire, and protect their own personal interests as much as possible. The Pharisees of Jesus’ day largely overlapped with the Zealots, and their approach was to obey God’s law, pray hard, and wait for the right moment when God would sanction their military revolt.The Essenes embodied a third response to the corruption of their day — withdraw from society and form a separatist religious enclave.Jesus did not align himself with any of these three approaches, and so earned the scorn of all. Like the Zealots, Jesus and the early church spoke prophetically against the evils of Roman imperialism, yet also taught his followers to love their enemies and to go the second mile (Matthew 5: 41, 44). In alignment with the approach of the Essenes, he taught his followers to be holy and set apart (Matthew 5:48; 1 Peter 1: 15-16), and yet also to be salt and light in the midst of a broken world (Matthew 5:13-16). And, to those who would seek to emulate the pattern of the Sadducees and others by mixing their divine calling with the pursuit of earthly riches, Jesus warned:“No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.” (Matthew 6:24).We see echoes of these three approaches today in the United States. Our modern day Sadducees align themselves with elite economic and political interests, and are willing to compromise their moral values through political alliances which support their self-interest. We have our Zealots — on the right and the left — who, fueled by animosity towards their enemies, lack an overarching vision of the Beloved Community which includes all. And, we have our contemporary Essenes, Christians who have given up on the world and seek to be a self-segregated community unto themselves.Now, as then, I think that Jesus would confound all of these approaches and categories, and earn the support and scorn of right and left, conservative and activist alike. To the church in America today, I think he would remind us of his own prayer, and also the words of Paul:“I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.” (John 17: 20-21).“Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ… The eye cannot say to the hand, ‘I don’t need you!’ And the head cannot say to the feet, ‘I don’t need you!’… But God has put the body together, giving greater honor to the parts that lacked it, so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.” (1 Corinthians 12: 12, 21, 25-26).As the Body of Christ in Los Angeles, we need one another. I need you. You need me. And this cuts across political opinion, cultural heritage, and different views of immigration. As sisters and brothers, we cannot afford to divide ourselves. And this is not just sloppy sentimentality.We should lean into our differences of opinion, rest in the tension, and seek the Holy Spirit together to come up with practical solutions for the tough problems of our day and the suffering we see around us.We must show equal concern for one another, giving greater honor to the parts that lack it in our society, and suffer with one another. This is what Paul taught. And this is what Jesus modeled for us in his life and public ministry — in Galilee.History teaches us a lot about how Jesus might vote were he to live in the United States today, based upon his social context of Galilee. Galilee was the place where Jesus was raised and did most of his public ministry. When God chose to become incarnate in human flesh, He chose to be a Galilean. In contrast to Jerusalem, which was the socio-economic, political, and religious center of the Jewish community, Galilee was looked down upon as a distant borderlands region and cultural backwaters where Jewish, Roman, and Greek cultures mixed dangerously and uncomfortably, and where Jewish residents were bilingual and spoke with an accent.Galileans were the uncouth and unrefined “country bumpkins,” or, to use another analogy, Galilee was “the hood.” Nazareth, Jesus’ hometown, was shunned even by Galileans themselves. As Nathanael famously quipped, “Nazareth! Can anything good come from there?” (John 1: 46). Most Galileans were peasants and farmers, and they pined under the weight of double oppression. They were exploited by the economic and religious elite of their own people, as well as crushed by the injustices associated with Roman imperialism. And when Jesus launched his movement to transform the world, he began in Galilee and, from this exploited community, chose his first followers and movement leaders. Latino theologians say that this was all no accident, and that Jesus’ selection of Galilee offers a special window into God’s heart.They call it the Galilee principle: Those that society rejects, God calls His very own.The Galilee principle offers another clue as to how Jesus might vote were he to live in Los Angeles today. Jesus would probably vote in such a way that extended special compassion to those of the Galilees of the present — South L.A., East L.A., Compton, San Bernardino, Santa Ana, and all those places that are shunned and overlooked by mainstream society. He would care about their families and kids who didn’t have enough to eat or have access to affordable housing, healthcare, or a quality education.He would be deeply disturbed by the 75% rise in homelessness in Los Angeles, and the 55,000 people in Los Angeles who have no place to call home. And his heart would break for the thousands of Latino families who have been inhumanely separated due to unjust immigration laws, as well for the thousands of children who have been ripped from their parents’ arms at the border and placed in cages.Having been a child refugee himself, Jesus would deeply empathize with their suffering.In this historic moment, let us offer ourselves “as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God,” for this our “true and proper worship” (Romans 12:1). Let us not conform to the political patterns of this world — right or left — but be “transformed by the renewing of our minds.” As we follow the Messiah of Galilee in this way, we will be able to “test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will,” and according to faithful biblical conscience, vote accordingly (Romans 12:2).TLA - Robert Chao RomeroRev. Robert Chao Romero is "Asian-Latino," and has been a professor of Chicana/o Studies and Asian American Studies at UCLA since 2005. He received his Ph.D. from UCLA in Latin American History and his Juris Doctor from U.C. Berkeley, and is also an attorney. Romero has published 15 academic books and articles on issues of race, immigration, history, education, and religion, and received the Latina/o Studies book award from the international Latin American Studies Association. Together with his wife Erica, he is the co-founder of Jesus 4 Revolutionaries, a Christian ministry to activists, as well as the co-chair of the Matthew 25 Movement in Southern California.

When a Church Skips Sunday Service To Help a Cause

I couldn’t believe we decided to cancel our Sunday service.


On July 1st at Thrive LA we asked our entire congregation to skip church and go participate in a fundraiser hosted by a local small business on behalf of families separated and detained at the border. It wasn’t even a Christian event.The event raised over $15,000 for free legal aid for those families, helped us form amazing relationships with a positive witness in our community, and helped catalyze our congregation towards lifestyles of service.I’m glad that our church was able to contribute and serve in this way, but we easily could have missed the opportunity. I’d never been part of a church that had ever done something quite like this before, so when one of my ministry leaders approached me with the idea I had a lot to consider.

Sundays Are For Sermons, Aren’t They?

In my tradition, to cancel a Sunday service is unheard of and radical. I wondered, “Will we get a really low turnout for this event? Are we capable of communicating it well? What will happen to attendance the week before and the week after? Is this even allowed?”I believe there is unique value when the church gathers together regularly for praise, teaching, communion, and baptism. But ultimately, we decided that we would be missing out if we didn’t use this particular Sunday for a different kind of worship — a worship through service and collaboration.We concluded that giving our congregation a unique opportunity to serve and give was more valuable than any one message I could give or any momentum we would lose. We did this to be a witness to our community and to meet the needs of families, but we also felt like it was a strategic way to give the new believers and non-believers in our congregation a vivid lesson on the biblical value of sacrificial service.

Who Wants To Be a Political Pastor?

The hardest part was the fact that social justice can be really complicated. To engage our church in a fundraiser for these kids meant that we were unavoidably associating ourselves to a political issue in tense political times. We had no control over people’s assumptions about our motives and our political stances.To be clear, I didn’t become a pastor as a way to implement political change. I became a pastor because I love introducing people to Jesus! I don’t like talking about politics and I usually like it even less when churches talk politics. For most of my ministry I’ve tried to avoid controversial political conversations to focus on faith in Jesus.On the one hand, the primary mission of the church is to make disciples. Yes, we teach those disciples to love their neighbor, but if we allow the American political cycle to define our priorities we are going to be distracted and bogged down.But on the other hand, when did God’s people receive permission to pass by our hurting neighbor because it was complicated or inconvenient? If we aren’t training our people to stand with the hurting, the poor, and the marginalized, can we really call ourselves a church or call our people disciples?Most people want to live in a just and moral world; it’s just that we don’t have divine revelation on exactly how to get there in every situation. Just as Jesus had a zealot and a tax collector on his team, I have people on both sides of the political aisle in my church.TLA - Andrew Alesso with familyServing at this fundraiser was never intended as a corporate stance on every nuance of immigration in America or on any particular political leaders. We simply said, “We must do our part to love children who are in a tough spot right now.”I can’t claim to be the expert on candidates or policy, but I can be bold and winsome in asking people from every walk of life to adopt the values and character of Jesus. We can’t allow the noise around politics to keep us from making disciples who love with action. We have to be willing to do whatever it takes to show others how to live and act with the mind of Christ.

The Value of Partnership

At the end of the day, I want to see people come to faith in Jesus as Lord and Savior. His gospel provides peace with God, but it also offers healing and reconciliation for families, communities, and nations. It invites every generation, political tribe, and ethnicity into a beautiful and messy family.This event allowed us to partner with local businesses and non-profits without making it about us. Serving in this way built gospel bridges. Jesus and his church are receiving favor in our neighborhood because we were willing to be humble and courageous at a crucial moment.You may be like me, squeamish about politics and the church, but I pray we each have the boldness to do whatever good deeds will bring gospel favor to the neighborhoods in which we serve.Andrew Alesso is the pastor of Thrive LA located in the Silver Lake area. The church opened its doors just 9 months ago. He recently retweeted: "There are some needs only you can see. There are some hands only you can hold. There are some people only you can reach." - Timothy KellerPhoto: Pastor Andrew Alesso with wife, Katie, and son, Daxton. 

Families Belong Together Rally Missing Christians?

It seemed like every people group imaginable showed up to support the #FamiliesBelongTogether march in Downtown Los Angeles on Saturday (6/30/18) — except for Christians.


TLA - FAMILIES BELONG - FAMILY - SIGNSTens of thousands of people crowded the steps of City Hall as they chanted, sang songs, and held signs in display of solidarity against the separation of migrant children from their undocumented parents. The incidents of such action at the nation's southern border came into focus recently under the President's call for zero tolerance. Donald Trump has since given an executive order to stop the practice.While I can’t be sure that the majority of people in the crowd weren’t Christians, judging by the signs I read, the T-shirts I saw, and the language I heard, we were definitely outnumbered … I think.We are indeed living in strange times when the loudest voices fighting to keep families together are non-Christians. This is not an indictment of non-believers (because I know they love their children), but rather a question as to why this issue seems to be so confusing for Christians.While most believers agree that the current situation is bad for families, they cannot seem to reconcile with the fact that the law has been broken — the consequences of such (while not condoned) have resulted in unfortunate circumstances.As Attorney General Jeff Sessions put it, “I would cite you to the Apostle Paul and his clear and wise command in Romans 13 to obey the laws of the government because God has ordained the government for his purposes.”Sessions represents a position that many Christians hold to. But perhaps his tell was when he said, “Orderly and lawful processes are good in themselves. Consistent, fair application of law is in itself a good and moral thing and protects the weak — it protects the lawful.”TLA - FAMILIES BELONG - SIGNS FREEWAY ONRAMPThe questions remain: Are these immigration law tactics orderly and lawful processes? Do they really protect the weak? Do they accurately represent a faithful interpretation of scripture?I spoke to Emilio Nunez, who is the Director of Spanish Ministries for the Pacific Church Network in Southern California and pastor at Bell Gardens Baptist, about this issue.“If we’re thinking about Christians (followers of Jesus), I would think that we have to have our priorities properly ordered. What is the most important thing for a Christian?” Nunez said. “For Christians, the principles of the kingdom should be the most important. While one of those values is to respect and honor government (Rom. 13), the first order of value is to say, ‘I have to do what God wants me to do with the people that I’m ministering to.’ And the second order of value is loyalty and love for country — and there’s nothing wrong with that — as long as it doesn’t become an idol that is more powerful in my life than Jesus himself.”The disagreement is clear. Sessions believes that above all, the law should be obeyed as an end in and of itself. And to that, his position is well intentioned, but ultimately flawed.I wonder what Sessions would say to Rahab, a woman who lied to the king of Jericho so that she could protect the lives of foreign spies (Josh. 2:1-7)? Or to the Apostle Paul, who wrote to Philemon to receive Onesimus (a runaway slave) back as a brother and an equal — even though Onesimus had clearly broken the law (Philem. 1:8-17).The law is a good thing when it protects the people that it is designed to serve. However, when the law fails to be a respector of human persons made in God’s image, then our commitment as Christians is to be faithful to a higher law.TLA - FAMILIES BELONG - RESIST SILENCE IS CONSENTIronically, I stood and marched with thousands of non-Christians on Saturday who believe exactly that. Namely, that the current laws pertaining to immigration show no respect for basic human rights. And to that, I stand in solidarity with the thousands that marched to protest such atrocities.Still, I couldn’t help but think that the chants of, “Tell me what democracy looks like,” were a bit naïve as history quickly reminds us that even the best democratic system can never deliver what it promises.And as beautiful as the crowds were on Saturday, the picture of hope was incomplete because it was ultimately misplaced.For any form of government that grounds its hope in democracy will disappoint. Because the truth is, we don’t need a democracy for a better future; we need a monarchy.But you can’t have a monarchy without a king, and that king is Jesus. So in the meantime, we fight for truth and justice.But that’s easier said than done because it appears as if no one can agree on the truth.If only there was a group of people that had the truth.If only there was a group of people willing to stand up for the truth.If only.Maybe someday.PHOTOS by JUSTIN LEVECKJon Garcia is a writer, storyteller, and aspiring theologian. He lives in the Los Angeles area where he spends most of his time working on PhD studies and serving the Latino/a community. For fun, he hosts Storyography, a podcast where he shares true life stories about interesting experiences he’s had.Editor's Note: We want to hear from you on this topic. What is God telling us about our nation's immigration policy? Should there be a louder voice from the Christian community about the separation of children from parents who are being processed for immigration at the border? Please leave comments below.


California Can’t Force Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers to Promote Abortion

Pro-life pregnancy centers offering women alternatives to abortion won a major free speech victory on Tuesday, Christianity Today reported.The Supreme Court ruled 5-4 to block a California law requiring pregnancy centers post referrals to state-funded abortion providers and birth control resources, forcing them to promote services that violate their beliefs, CT stated.CT associate editor, Kate Shellnutt, reported that Christian and pro-life groups celebrated the decision. The legal outcome follows several similar local and state-level reversals across the country in recent years.“We applaud the US Supreme Court for sending a clear statement today that pro-life Americans cannot be discriminated against and targeted by government,” stated Penny Nance, CEO and president of Concerned Women for America.“To be clear, this case was not about abortion. Malicious abortion politics definitely were the motivation behind it, but the case centered on the inappropriate mandate of the state compelling pro-life clinics to promote abortion in violation of their consciences. The case was about forced speech.”


Alliance Defending Freedom President, CEO, and General Counsel Michael Farris told LifeNews he was delighted by the decision.

No one should be forced by the government to express a message that violates their convictions, especially on deeply divisive subjects such as abortion,” said Farris. “In this case, the government used its power to force pro-life pregnancy centers to provide free advertising for abortion. The Supreme Court said that the government can’t do that, and that it must respect pro-life beliefs.Tolerance and respect for good-faith differences of opinion are essential in a diverse society like ours,” Farris added. “They enable us to coexist peacefully with one another. If we want to have freedom for ourselves, we have to extend it to others.”

LifeNews also reported that NIFPA president Thomas Glessner also was happy about today’s ruling.

The right of free speech protected in the First Amendment not only includes the right to speak, but also the right to not be compelled by government to speak a message with which one disagrees and which violates one’s conscience,” said Glessner in comments to LifeNews. “The court correctly found that the California law clearly offends this principle. We are very pleased with the court’s decision and for what it means for the many pro-life centers that serve and empower women in California and throughout the country.”

Families Belong Together; DTLA Rally For Immigration Policy Reform

A demonstration and prayer vigil about US immigration policy under intensified scrutiny organized by religious leaders of different faiths and denominations met outside the Downtown Los Angeles headquarters of ICE and the Department of Homeland Security on Thursday (6/21).


I was fortunate enough to participate in this rally in support of immigration policy reform and to stand in solidarity with my brothers and sisters who are being detained at the southern border of the United States. We gathered, not out of a commitment to either side of the political aisle, but out of a theological commitment to the “other.” It is this theological commitment to the “other” or the stranger that is crucial for us to keep in mind as we witness to the City of Los Angeles, so let’s unpack some of the nuances.TLA - PROTEST PRAYER RALLY DTLA IMMIGRATIONOne of the rabbis in attendance spoke about Jeff Sessions’ quotation of Romans 13, noting that Sessions used this passage as a way to keep the people obedient to the law of the land. Speaking out of the prophetic tradition of the Jewish religion, this rabbi asserted that instead, the Torah is about dissent, about challenging authority. Moses did not abide by the law of his land, but instead followed the will of the Lord, went to the ruling authority of his day, and said, “What you are doing is unjust! Let my people go.”Therefore, as religious leaders of our day, we are similarly called to approach our political leaders with the message, “What you are doing at the border is unjust! Return these children to their parents and let God’s people go.” This demonstration — and the immigration reform movement at large — was not fueled by rebellion against current immigration policies for rebellion’s sake. It was a Holy Spirit filled beckoning for lawmakers to reform policies that are morally inconsistent with the Law of God.The treatment of undocumented immigrants at the southern border is inhumane and demonic. By separating children from their mothers and fathers and detaining them for many days we are forgetting what one rabbi said is the greatest lesson in the Torah, that every human is made in the Image of God. No matter one’s ethnicity, gender, class, or documentation, they bear the Image of God and should be treated with dignity and respect. What is happening at our southern border is neither dignifying nor respectful, it is disgraceful and should be stopped immediately.Some good news is that President Trump recently signed an executive order to ban the practice of separating children from their families. This is evidence that the Holy Spirit is moving and that public pressure on politicians works to enact substantial social change!Indeed, it is because of this victory that religious leaders urge us to keep fighting for the change we desire to see in our society. As one pastor noted, we must not stop until we are sure these children are returned to their parents. We must ensure that the policies fought for are carried out. And we should not stop there! Christians should organize and fight until the laws of our land reflect the realities of the Kingdom of God, where every human being is recognized and dignified as bearers of God’s image.If you want to join in on these efforts to bring immigrant families back together or just want to learn more, getting involved with organizations like Matthew 25, CLUE, and PICOH California are a great place to start. There will be demonstrations at the border near San Diego this weekend (June 23-24), and I invite you to be a part of this movement.Colton Curry reports on and participates in local and global Social Justice issues. He holds a B.A. in Practical Theology from Howard Payne University, and has a MDiv from Fuller Theological Seminary with an emphasis in Christian Ethics. Contact: A protest and prayer vigil about US immigration policy under recent intensified scrutiny organized by religious leaders of different faiths and denominations met outside the Downtown Los Angeles headquarters of ICE and the Department of Homeland Security on Thursday (6/21). (Together LA/Colton Curry)

READ: Digging a Well in the Desert; Social Justice as Spiritual Sustenance

Hispanic Evangelical Leaders React To President's Action, Crisis At The Border

A nationwide outrage over an immigration policy that allowed the separation of children from parents detained at the southern border did not appear to diffuse much despite President Donald Trump’s executive order signed Wednesday to stop the practice.While leaders in the Hispanic evangelical community in the U.S., such as Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, and Wilfredo De Jesús, influential speaker and pastor, praised the President for his action, they also expressed disappointment.“I join with millions of Americans of all political persuasions in expressing my relief that our country’s collective crescendo of horror at seeing families separated at our southern border has led this administration to urgently advance an executive order to keep families intact during processing,” Rodriguez, who is also the pastor of New Season Church in Sacramento and Los Angeles, stated. “That being said, I think once again leaning only on presidential executive orders to fix our failing immigration system would be an egregious mistake that will only create additional crises in the future. Let us not settle for so little when it comes to reform."De Jesús, Senior Pastor of New Life Covenant Church in Chicago and author of "Move Into More," said in a statement also released yesterday: “While I am pleased that President Trump today signed an executive order to allow immigrant children to stay with their parents caught crossing the border illegally, I am disappointed that this action took so long.“Since President Trump entered the Oval Office, he has claimed to be an ally to people of faith. Evangelicals closest to President Trump must be less concerned with their relationship to the president and more concerned with speaking boldly to stand up for the oppressed.”He added that God does not close his eyes on how we care for individuals.“The Bible clearly states in Matthew 25 how we are to respond to strangers in our land. If we treat people with value and love, He will bless our nation,” he said.“We are a country built on values, yet we are experiencing moral decay. Over the last 40 years, we have lost ground in the value system on which this nation was founded.“For too long, we have put a Band-Aid on our immigration system. Republicans and Democrats must quit using family, an institution God created, as pawns for their benefit, and instead put aside their differences and fix this broken system before it is too late.”De Jesús concluded, “Now is the time for the Church – the greatest institution on the planet – to rise up and fight for these people who are being marginalized and ostracized.”

Southern Baptist Convention Passes Resolutions in Response to #MeToo

The Southern Baptist Convention officially acknowledged its come-to-Jesus moment by passing resolutions at its annual meeting on Tuesday (6/12). All this coming as leaders of America’s largest Protestant denomination aim for better responses to sexism and abuse.The #MeToo movement's spotlight on sexism and abuse, which began as revelations in the entertainment industry, now includes a sharp focus on the Christian community as a whole.Among the 16 resolutions passed by the SBC delegation in Dallas were measures acknowledging women’s involvement in the SBC, condemning abuse, and upholding the dignity of ministers, Christianity Today reported.Although the resolutions addressed women and the climate of sexual misconduct, they did not contain the exact language proposed by Jason K. Allen, president of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. CT said that the adopted resolutions similarly stated:We deplore, apologize, and ask forgiveness for failures to protect the abused, failures that have occurred in evangelical churches and ministries, including such failures within our own denomination.Biblical headship blesses, honors, and protects wives and children and does not require them to submit to sin or to abuse.We call upon pastors, ministry leaders, entity leaders, and denominational representatives to pursue moral and sexual purity in all relationships before God and with others and to guard their life and doctrine scrupulously.“Especially as we reel from events of recent days, the value of women inside the SBC needs to be proclaimed from the biggest stages we’ve got,” Sarah Short, who’s attending the meeting from the Summit Church in North Carolina (Her pastor, J. D. Greear was elected SBC president, also on Tuesday), told CT. “Our brightest and most revered leaders need to say it with their mouths and our convention needs to adopt it as a resolution. It’s time.”READ MORE AT CHRISTIANITY TODAY

Union Rescue Mission 5k Hits Fundraising Goal with Help of 'Average Joe'

Perhaps the success of the Union Rescue Mission’s first 5k Walk fundraiser held on Saturday (June 2, 2018) can not be fully gauged by the half million dollars raised (so far) by hundreds of participants, but by the increased level of community involvement.


The walk helped the Christian organization that tackles homelessness to move from tapping solely into the rich and famous for funds to inviting the “Average Joe” to be part of the process. A process that includes a leader and partners with epic dreams.Together LA - Union Rescue Mission 5kUnion Rescue Mission CEO, Rev. Andrew Bales told Together LA earlier in the week, before the 5k, that the course had to circle LA Live three times rather than having to force businesses on another planned route to shut down for a few hours.Sponsors at the event’s start and finish line manning booths in between the Staples Center and Microsoft Theater included financial giants like Wells Fargo, Costco, and Herbalife, but there was also a prayer tent hosted by a small Downtown LA church.A Christian musical group dubbed “The URM Band” led those awaiting the start of the walk in worship and the atmosphere was filled with joy amongst a backdrop of iconic symbols of financial power. The irony was not lost in the small sea of Average Joes.TLA’s interview with Bales below reveals some of the dynamics of homelessness in the city and the Mission’s plans for the future.Together LA: Let's start with the 5K. How did the 5K idea come about?Rev. Andrew Bales: So the vision I had was while walking from wherever to Skid Row and back. Richard Newcomb, our board member has helped other groups do successful 5Ks. In fact, he does a 5K every year in New Orleans that he does in honor of his dad.And so years ago, I wanted to do a mud run or something like that and the idea didn't go over well with our team at that time. But, when Richard came on our board a few years ago and then we had a partner in this idea, we finally had the courage to try to pull it off. So, it really came from Richard and I and his vision for Union Rescue Mission to have a event where the “Average Joe” like us can participate rather than showing up and spending a lot on a ticket to a gala.TLA: So, prior to this 5K what was your major fundraiser for URM?Bales: It's been our Hearts for Hope fundraiser for Hope Gardens, our site for families out in Sylmar. And we did it for many years at the Four Seasons Hotel. [The fundraiser] started as a fashion show and then became like an entertainment night. The last one we had was at the Beverly Hilton and we actually had Angela Bassett as our emcee (or host) for the night.Our most successful event ever was this Sports LA event at the Hilton three or four years ago where we raised 4.3 million. It wasn't an URM-hosted event, but we were the beneficiaries. Then, we did our 125th anniversary fall gala at the Beverly Hilton. So, most of our big events have been, you know, kind of expensive.TLA: If you were to have a dream list fulfilled in regards to your ministry what would that be or what would you like to see happen?Bales: Well, we're busy trying to pull off some of our dreams right now. We're putting up a sprung structure in our back parking lot.TLA: I'm sorry, what's a sprung structure?Bales: A sprung structure is heated and air conditioned and it's more like a permanent tent. It's not really tent, but it's like one of those things that people put up to set up a driving range or you know, or hotel puts out for a reception area.It's a inexpensive, quick way to respond to the need and it's going to be for 136 single ladies, it's going to be in our back parking lot (in the city) because of what we're doing. The city was encouraged by the Urban Land Institute to model something like we're doing and to put four sprung structures in every district, 15 districts of the city. But they've chosen only to do one at this point. We hope that by us doing our sprung structure that we inspire others to get to that point where we have four in each district by the end of the year, that we put a roof over 13,000 people. I know we need to do more than that, but, but at least that's a start.And then we also are putting up a satellite [facility] in south LA County that'll be like a mini Union Rescue Mission, about 80,000 square feet for 80 families. It will be for 320 total people, so that people in South LA don't have to come to Skid Row for help. They can go to South LA. We already have Hope Gardens out in Sylmar for over 60 families, moms and kids, and also 24 senior ladies in permanent supportive housing. And what we want to do is have regionalized services in each area of LA County, decentralize Skid Row so that people in every part of LA County can, you know, if they lose their home, they can go right in their own neighborhood and get help and neighborhoods will help their own neighbors so everybody doesn't have to come to the mean streets of Skid Row.Then, I would like to create affordable smaller homes. There is a way to do 3D printing, concrete homes that have a bathroom, kitchen, 660 square feet for $10,000 each. And so I, I'd really like to create some neighborhoods of affordable housing that any income could afford to own. So, those are some of the dreams that we have.TLA: Where would the land be for the homes?Bales: We have some land. We have 77 acres out in Sylmar and then we have a donor who has 80 other parcels that I've been trying to get a hold of. And then, perhaps we have to go as far as Palmdale and Lancaster. The city owns many parcels of land and the Metro Rail owns lots of land.Together LA - Union Rescue Mission 5kTLA: How, how has your relationship been with the city? It must be pretty good.Bales: Pretty good. However, they can't fund us. They won't fund us. City and County won't fund us because of our faith. But we have helped model what needs to be done. If you were to call the county 211 number and say, “I'm a dad and mom with three kids,” they'd say the only place to go is Union Rescue Mission. So, they know what we do and respect us and count on us to come through. We never turn away a family with children who comes through our door. We never turn away a woman, a single woman who comes to our door. Rarely would we ever turn away a man. Every night the police call me and see how many bunks we have open and I will never tell them that we have no bunks. So, really we never turn away a man either and that makes us a very unique mission. We're the only rescue mission that welcomes single men, single women, moms with kids, dads with kids and two parent families with kids.TLA: In a video recently released to promote the 5k you mention how the situation is pretty grave. It's gotten worse. What would you tell just the average person that looks at the homeless situation, sees that it looks pretty hopeless. How do we address the homeless situation?Bales: If we all work together, we could be like New York City, that puts a roof over 95% of the people experiencing homelessness and is embarrassed about the 5% that are still on the streets. And it's really an all out, all hands on deck, emergency approach. If we were like that, we would see a different city and we'd live up to be in the City of Angels.In LA, we only put a roof over 25% of people experiencing homelessness and we leave 75% out on the streets, which is destroying and devouring those people. We come up with a lot of excuses. I mean, you know, like the weather is good so people come here. That is an absolute myth and an absolutely false excuse. The majority of people on the streets of LA are Angelenos, longtime Angelenos. You can die from the weather on the streets. We know people who've died on the streets of LA. So there's really no excuse not to act now.Even the excuse that many Christians use, you know, "The poor you'll always have with you." But the problem is they're not finishing the verse, “The poor you'll always have with you, so be kind to them every day." Jesus in that verse is quoting Deuteronomy 15. It says, "The poor you'll always have with you, so be kind to them everyday and lend them a hand and lift them out of poverty." It's an action verse, not an excuse verse, and we turn it into an excuse like the homeless you'll always have with you. Well, that's not what needs to be communicated.We could live in the city where not one precious human being lives on the streets. And I would love to be part of making that happen in Los Angeles. That would really be the ultimate dream for me. That before I'm gone from this earth that we didn't wait for heaven to address the situation of homelessness here on earth.PHOTOS: URMOn the Web The deadline for the matching challenge gift to help men, women, children, and families on Skid Row overcome homelessness and begin new lives of hope has been extended to June 30. Go to URM's website to donate.

Union Rescue Mission’s First 5k Walk To Fight Homelessness; WATCH Heartbreaking Skid Row Video

Jesus Also Came to Disrupt the Political Status Quo

I remember hearing in Government Class that there was a separation between church and state. The state couldn’t interfere with the church and the church wasn’t supposed to interfere with matters of the state (government).


In learning more about Jesus and the Gospel, it is apparent that Jesus was very much involved with matters of the state. His involvement was based on justice, righteousness, and showing that the last will be first and the first will be last in the Kingdom of God.


On June 5th, we will go to the polls to elect people into governmental office and to affect policy. There has been this misnomer that politics and our beliefs don’t mix. For those of us that are followers of Christ, there has always been this intersection of politics, faith, and the church.There has been this lens of looking at politics from the perspective of: “What would Jesus do?” This level of tension was seen in our last Presidential election, where white evangelicals and black evangelicals were divided between the context of who would collect their vote. Black evangelicals were questioning if their pastors were voting and leading their congregations to vote along faith lines or from a posture of privilege. This caused some evangelical churches to see an exodus of their African American congregants.For the church of today there has to be those hills that we will stick our sword in the ground as a testament of what we have been called to do and who we follow. As followers of Christ, we have a responsibility to not forget that there are some issues that are non-negotiable when it comes to our walk with God. In the Book of Amos 5:23-24...Take away from me the noise of your songs;to the melody of your harps I will not listen.But let justice roll down like waters,and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.Amos reminds us that we have to be mindful of not getting too caught up in the activity of our way of living (power, money, privilege) and lose the heart for justice and righteousness. Justice and righteousness need to be the bookends to WHO we are as Christ followers and WHOSE we are as children of God. If we are voting based on our status, privilege, or prejudices, then we are forsaking the least of those amongst us.As voting followers of Christ there has to be a compassionate attitude that is taken beyond the veil of the booth, that is not concerned about voting along cultural lines but voting along what is in the best interest of the marginalized. So, when we ask the question of ‘is there a way to vote as a Christian?’ The response is yes! Yes, we should be voting with the mind and heart of Christ. We should remember that God is not a respecter of person. We should remember that Jesus was not connected to a political party but was sold out to the establishment of the Kingdom of God.Politics encompasses ALL of society, culture, race, economics, age, and gender to name a few. When we think about politics and our faith, we should look at examples from the life of Jesus. Jesus was one that came to disrupt the political climate. Jesus was one who disturbed the status quo. One of the ways that He did that was by speaking truth to power. Jesus was speaking truth to power during his turning over the tables moment in the temple. Jesus was speaking truth to power when he told the men, those of you who are without sin cast the first stone. Jesus was speaking truth to power by detouring his agenda to have a life changing conversation with the woman at the well. He gave her the living water of righteousness instead of the contaminated water of system. Jesus was speaking truth to power when He called Zacchaeus from the tree to build a relationship with him. He looked pass his height restriction to transform his condition. Jesus was speaking to truth to power when he met the woman at the well. He loved her for who she was and was not prejudice against her.Jesus came not to be like those politicians at that time, but to redeem them through the work and attitude of the Gospel. Our politics can’t be converted to God and not be converted to the least of us. When we vote we have a responsibility to remember Luke 4:18-19.The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,because he has anointed meto proclaim good news to the poor.He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captivesand recovering of sight to the blind,to set at liberty those who are oppressed,to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor.Remember we have some people like Zacchaeus’, some like the woman at the well, some people like the woman that committed adultery, some people that are imprisoned like Paul was, that need us to remember our faith and the one that we follow when we vote.[ictt-tweet-blockquote hashtags="#HowWouldJesusVote" via=""]Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. - MLK, Jr[/ictt-tweet-blockquote]Rev. Cedric J. Nelms is Lead Pastor at Chosen Generation Fellowship Church. On the web: www.cjnministries.comFranklin Graham Answers Do Religion and Politics Mix

The Politics of Jesus and the Color Purple

My belief and thoughts on the politics of Jesus would take more than just one blog article to make my point but this is an attempt to give a general overview.


This past election cycle was challenging for African American Christians who wanted to be faithful to their Christian values and faithful to their neighbors who are marginalized and maligned by an American Christianity that sometimes doesn’t have the same viewpoints and approach to solving the world’s problems in practical ways. This is what I believe that one Christian hip hop artist tried to express in an article in Christianity Today a couple of years ago.


I find it interesting that Franklin Graham is going on tour with this campaign “Decision America,” encouraging Christians to vote when in the past much of mainline evangelical Christianity said politics and religion shouldn’t mix. In the historic African American church and amongst mainline black evangelicals they have never separated the two. They understood there needed to be engagement with biblical values AND social justice.Let me start by saying that I don’t believe that people who voted for Trump and were Republican are all racists just as others on the right shouldn’t believe that anyone who voted Democrat supports abortion. At the end of the day, where I draw the line is at the same ledge that James Baldwin did when he said, “We can disagree and still love each other unless your disagreement is rooted in my oppression and denial of my humanity and right to exist.”If Jesus were to vote today he wouldn’t be on the side of the Republican ticket or the Democratic ticket. His agenda would be and always has been a Kingdom agenda. Today’s politics and climate of our American culture and Christianity has led us to take sides based on our own flawed interpretation of scripture to confirm our own agendas.Two issues in particular I’d like highlight to prove my point. There has been documented and historical evidence proving the reality of voter suppression. This is played out in both Texas and North Carolina most recently. Coincidentally, both of these states were in violation of federal law. This was the Republican Party’s attempt at subverting the Voting Rights Acts by enacting what has been termed as Voter ID Laws. Yes, on the surface it sounds legitimate but when you dig deeper there is something more nefarious that targets specifically African American communities in poor areas.If Jesus were to vote I’m quite confident he wouldn’t vote Democrat but would be in line with the Democratic party on the issue of Voter suppression.Quite interestingly, just as vigorous in defending the right to vote, Jesus would also defend the right to religious expression and fight against religious exclusion. This idea of exclusion plays out in different ways, including the far left’s launch of an all-out attack on those who have Christian beliefs that are contrary to the agenda of Democratic party. There are examples and reports of many people who are running for office and who have run that received threats on their lives because they supported the right to life, or stood against same sex marriage. Some of these pastors are leading predominantly African American churches, too.Jesus dealt with similar trappings and issues in the gospel. One pericope that I point to specifically is when he was asked by the Pharisees and Herodians in the gospel of Mark about paying taxes. The Bible said he saw their hypocrisy and how they wanted to trap him in his words. Jesus responded as one who is about the Kingdom of God and not the politics of the Pharisees or any other religious or political group of his day. He said, “Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and unto God what is God’s.” When you look at his response it doesn’t say that he was on either side of the issue exclusively.This shows us that the politics of Jesus doesn’t land on one side of the coin but both. In considering how Jesus would vote, we should consider the perspective of the Kingdom and what an upside-down Kingdom looks like when fighting for the poor, disenfranchised, the privileged and the outcast.Unfortunately, I think Franklin Graham got it wrong when he encouraged Christians in California to vote because they need to penetrate the “blue wall.” I think if Jesus was preparing his people to vote, it would be because the wall he wants people to penetrate is purple.That’s the color of the Kingdom. It’s the color of royalty.Rev. Pete Watts oversees World Impact’s mission for all of Los Angeles and its surrounding communities. Born and raised in Southern California, Pete holds a Masters in Communication and Education. After serving as an elementary school teacher, he opened the Thurgood Marshall Entrepreneurial Academy Charter Middle School in 2007. Pete has also felt God’s calling him to preach. After being ordained by Missionary Baptist Church in Compton, he and his wife Didi launched The R.O.C.K. Church in 2008.To find out more about Rev. Pete Watts, check out his blog.Franklin Graham Answers Do Religion and Politics Mix

Evangelicals Don't Agree on Politics, But We Must Learn To Disagree Well

Evangelicals disagree on politics, but how we disagree is more important than building consensus.


There were at least five different types of evangelicals in the previous presidential election: Clinton supporters, enthusiastic Trump supporters, reluctant Trump supporters, protest voters who supported neither Clinton nor Trump (also called nevertrumpers), and non-voters. While most of the media attention has gone to the enthusiastic Trump supporters, they represented less than half of all evangelicals. In reality, evangelicals were quite divided on presidential vote choice, as they are on many political issues.Evangelicals, by and large, share a common theology and worldview, so why can't we agree on which political candidates to support?Together LA - How Would Jesus VoteI've observed evangelicals from across the political spectrum make the case that the differences are due to some spiritual or theological deficiency among those who support the "wrong" candidate. "Once we all have the correct view of scripture, we'll agree on politics," many evangelicals have assumed. My younger self would've agreed with that statement. I now find it incredibly naive. I've criticized evangelicals who support our current president, and will continue to do so. But I don't think our political differences signal a spiritual deficiency. That would be akin to the sort of legalism Paul slams in Galatians. ...Napp Nazworth, Ph.D., is political analyst and politics editor for The Christian Post.Contact:, @NappNazworth (Twitter)


Editor's Note: The above article is part of Together LA's "How Would Jesus Vote?" series that was kicked off this week with the TLA exclusive: Do Religion and Politics Mix? Franklin Graham Answers On Decision America TourFranklin Graham Takes Fight to 'Godless' Progressives in California With New Tour [Christian Post] 

Union Rescue Mission's First 5k Walk To Fight Homelessness; WATCH Heartbreaking Skid Row Video

Homelessness is devastating communities nationwide, but nowhere more than in Los Angeles, said organizers of the Union Rescue Mission's inaugural 5k Walk to Fight Homelessness planned for Saturday, June 2."We now have more than 58,000 men, women and children living on Skid Row and throughout Los Angeles County each day," URM said. "For more than 126 years, Union Rescue Mission has provided safe shelter, meals, long-term rehabilitation programs, education, counseling, medical services and encouragement to help our neighbors escape homelessness forever. But with the skyrocketing increase in women and children on the streets, we need your help!"Organizers said, "This is your opportunity to turn your compassion into action. We would like to invite you to join us for our inaugural 5k Walk to Fight Homelessness. Proceeds from the walk will go toward the continuation of our life-saving programs and services to help those experiencing homelessness find their way home."Union Rescue Mission (URM) is one of the largest missions of its kind in America — bringing help and hope to men, women, and children experiencing homelessness in Downtown Los Angeles, the organization states on its website. URM was founded in 1891 by Lyman Stewart, president and founder of Union Oil Company. George A. Hilton served as the first superintendent of the Mission, originally known as the Pacific Gospel Union. During those early days, URM took to the streets in gospel wagons to offer food, clothing, and salvation to the less fortunate. Over the years, URM has continued and expanded its efforts to feed both the body and the soul, helping individuals and families break the cycle of poverty and achieve self-sufficiency.URM states that its mission is to embrace people with the compassion of Christ. The organization's Guiding Principles are to serve God, under the Lordship of Jesus Christ and:

  • We will serve the whole person in mind, body, and spirit
  • We will always serve others with humility
  • We will treat all people, who are created in the image of God, with dignity and respect
  • We will meet, or exceed, the expectations of those we serve
  • We will actively find new ways to be good stewards of the resources entrusted to us
  • We will be truthful and accountable in our work together
  • We will do what we say we will do
  • We will intentionally look at new and innovative ways to do our work
  • We will share our expertise with others

The walk begins at LA Live and travels through the streets of Downtown Los Angeles.Date: Saturday, June 2nd, 2018Location: LA Live / Staples Arena, Los Angeles, CARegistration Fee: Free!On-Site Walk Registration: 8:00 am PSTWalk Start Time: 9:30 am PSTParking: Structure parking is available in the West Garage(Lot W - Enter on Chick Hearn Ct.) for $15 a carPublic transportation is strongly encouraged.Event Website: public transportation information, please visit LA Live's Visitor - URM skid row screen shot

4-Year-Old Gives Sandwiches and Love To Homeless [VIDEO]

Delivering chicken sandwiches to the homeless is "just the right thing to do," said 4-year-old Austin Perine of Birmingham, Alabama, in a video interview with a CBS Evening News reporter that's gone viral.Austin, who dresses up with a super hero cape for his weekly rounds among the homeless, tells each person, "don't forget to show love" after he gives out a sandwich.When Austin first learned that people were homeless, he asked his parents to dedicate all his allowance and money they’d spend on toys to buy chicken sandwiches to donate, according to CBS Evening News.Austin also introduces himself as “President Austin.” Austin’s father, TJ Perine, said Austin believes it’s the president’s job to help feed the homeless.“Feeding the homeless is the highlight of my life,” Austin said.He’s also working to establish a shelter facility with hopes to expand nationwide, according to the boy's Twitter account managed by his dad.Austine Pirine Feeds Homeless

Human Trafficking: Churches Must Move Beyond Awareness

Although the Church excels in bringing awareness to the gravity of human trafficking it must do a better job of mobilizing people to strategically fight the problem, said author and social justice advocate Danielle Strickland recently.“I think the commodification of human beings is one of the gravest and most intense issues of our time,” Strickland told TogetherLA (VIDEO BELOW) before she spoke on stage at Catalyst West in Irvine (April 12-13). “I really feel like history is going to shine a light on this season of the Church and ask, ‘What did you do about it?’”She said the Church is “a good place to start but it’s a bad place to finish,” when it comes to moving beyond simply knowing the problem exists.“The strategy work is where I think we actually need some help, the actual mobilization of people,” Strickland explained. “I think there’s lots of room to improve. There’s safe houses that need to be established. There’s survivor recovery services, outreach and prevention.”Strickland helped the Salvation Army launch SA Justice based in the Los Angeles area several years ago and is now ambassador for Compassion International. She is co-founder of Infinitum, Amplify Peace and the Brave Global Campaign.She told TLA that one of the key elements of fighting human trafficking is partnership.“It’s partnership with community, it’s partnership with anybody really, other churches, other organizations, the NGOs, task forces, homeland security, social services, and really creating partnerships where we work together because the crime is really bigger than any of us,” Strickland said.Seventy to 80 percent of domestic sex trafficking victims in American cities come from the Foster Care system, she said. The statistic could be taken as “paralyzing information, but on the other end, it’s exciting because we know their names. We had this idea that if exploiters can target vulnerable girls for exploitation, why can’t the church target vulnerable girls for redemption? And of course, we can,” Strickland explains. “So, it’s kind of this brave strategy that’s a church based strategy to mobilize the whole church."The Brave Global Campaign is about mobilizing churches to reach vulnerable girls before they’re trafficked.Together LA - Danielle Strickland - Catalyst West“Ultimately, the answer for that stat is adoptive families, safe families, Foster Care, but the question is not what do families do, but what does the church do? So we came up with this campaign called Brave where churches create catalytic events in partnership with the local community to actually get the girls at risk of trafficking and say, ‘Hey, we think you are the solution and not the problem.”She adds, “I feel it’s a time when the Church has an answer with the sacredness of humanity. That every life matters to God because everyone was created with the sacred image of God inside of them, and so to acknowledge that, to recognize that, means that we fight things like slavery and trafficking and injustice.”[bctt tweet="It’s a time when the Church has an answer with the sacredness of humanity. That every life matters to God because everyone was created with the sacred image of God inside of them. - Danielle Strickland #humantrafficking " via="no"]Together LA - Danielle Strickland - Catalyst West stage wide

City Transformation and Social Justice Start With Dangerous Good

The model for positive transformation taking place in a city has already been provided by Jesus and a movement of "dangerous good."The belief that issues such as violent crime, homelessness, dissolved families, and the abuse of women can be resolved by simply providing more of the commonly applied tactics falls woefully short of what a movement of men led by the Holy Spirit can accomplish, author and men’s ministry leader Kenny Luck said recently.“City transformation is documented in the Book of Acts,” said Luck in his Every Man Ministries vlog (SEE BELOW). “Matthew 11:20 tells us that Jesus did miracles in a city when he wanted to create repentance, to produce a change of heart toward belief in Him as the son of God and salvation.“This was his city transformation model. He wanted cities to repent. He provided tangible miracles as evidence of his power that were easily seen in demonstrable ways.”Together LA - City Transformation Dangerous GoodIt is this model that begins with individual men, small groups, and movements that can provide positive results in cities such as Los Angeles today.“There are social justice issues that will not be resolved by money, education, more politics or more activism,” Luck said. “They will be resolved by transformed men who stop buying prostitutes, who start fathering their families, who stop beating their women, who stop committing violent crimes and felonies, who stop killing each other, who stop divorcing and start staying with their women, and start bringing life and health to their city on a large scale."He explains that the men documented in the Bible (Acts) who became followers of Christ became spirit filled and in this process they started changing, enabling them to “love, heal, and bring God’s justice in the city.”He adds, “The miracle people witnessed in the city of Jerusalem was men taken over by the Holy Spirit and that created a tsunami of salvation and collateral blessing and transformation across that city.”In addition, opposition from others came then and will now. Such a movement of activated Christ followers in today’s times will produce “a massive blowback by evil.” As Luck said, “They go together.”To counter the opposition and tackle social injustice it will take a “dangerous good movement of spirit empowered men” or a movement of “dangerously good men,” Luck said. 

Jesus and Politics: The Congressional Race That Could Have Been

LOS ANGELES — Within just days of each other's announcements, two women who are unified in their proclamations of Jesus as their savior but are opposites when it comes to political party affiliation recently dropped out of a congressional race for a southern Los Angeles District.TOGETHER LA - STACEY DASH 1Had the race continued, the ensuing battle between the two could have clearly reflected the current divide that's visible not only in the nation at large but within the Christian community in America.A race between actress and former FOX News political commentator Stacey Dash and Compton Mayor Aja Brown could have been an opportunity to raise the current "liberal Christian" versus "conservative Christian" debate to another level.Could-ah. Should-ah. Would-ah.TOGETHER LA - AJA BROWNOne week after Dash announced her withdrawal, Brown announced that she is dropping out of the race as well for the 44th Congressional District. Brown's decision was centered on the fact she is pregnant with her first child.“I am excited and blessed to announce that my husband of 14 years and I are expecting our first child,” Brown said in a statement released Thursday evening, April 5. “We are overjoyed at the opportunity to become parents and look forward to starting our family.”Family commitments supersede her ability to run for higher office, Brown said in the statement. She said she will continue to focus on the issues facing Compton.Just a little under a week earlier, Dash had dropped out of the race.Brown, who was featured at the Together LA 2015 conference, announced her run for the district in early March. Nanette Barragán is the current Representative of the district which includes parts of San Pedro, Wilmington, North Long Beach and south Los Angeles.Dash, who appeared on CBN News several years ago, gave her testimony of coming to faith in God during a segment, From Clueless to Conservative: Stacey Dash's Unlikely Hollywood Story, of the Christian-based network’s 700 Club show. Brown has been part of leading a revival of sorts in Compton that includes the revitalization of the city with the help of several Christian organizations and nonprofits.Dash’s statement about her withdrawal, which she made on Twitter and Facebook, is below.

After much prayer, introspection and discussions with my family, I am withdrawing my candidacy for California’s 44th Congressional District.I started this run with the intention to address the pressing issues in the district where I live. I hoped, and remain hopeful, that I can assist people living here on the national level. My goal was, and remains, to improve the lives of people who have been forgotten for decades by the Democratic Party.At this point, I believe that the overall bitterness surrounding our political process, participating in the rigors of campaigning, and holding elected office would be detrimental to the health and wellbeing of my family. I would never want to betray the personal and spiritual principles I believe in most: that my God and my family come first.The constituents living in the 44th District deserve a representative who is fully dedicated to improving their lives. I believe we live under a system of “Plantation Politics,” which offers people on the lower end of the economic spectrum little more than symbolic gestures instead of true political empowerment and improvement. The high crime rate, unacceptable high school dropout rate, and decaying infrastructure are all problems that could receive federal attention and funds, but not if we focus on distractions and partisanship instead.My political positions have often been labeled as controversial, but the real controversy is how decades of government corruption and political disempowerment have created a system where skyrocketing home prices, dirty needles in the streets, and long bus trips to other districts for jobs are somehow considered acceptable by the government officials representing the 44th District.The people living here deserve better. I will continue to speak out about these and other problems facing this district, as well as the distractions that take the place of real change.I am grateful for the prayers, love, and support I have received. Deciding to withdraw my candidacy was a difficult choice, but I have to go where I feel God is leading me.My Thanks.My Love.My Gratitude.God Bless You.Stacey Lauretta Dash

PHOTO TOP: Stacey Dash/Facebook Page, PHOTO NEXT: Mayor Aja Brown/Facebook Page