Every Man Ministries: Male Strength Under Attack

 Male strength is under assault in today's culture. Strength without character is in the news everyday and it makes men appear appear just dangerous. But what does strength with character look like and would the world welcome it? We need strong men but the right kind of strong men - men who are strong and good.

Dangerous Good: The Coming Revolution of Men Who Care


Jesus Has Suffered Enough Says Ignite LA Men’s Conference Speaker

LOS ANGELES — Jesus has suffered enough said Every Man Ministries founder Kenny Luck, who will be speaking at Ignite LA, a two-day men’s conference at Desert Reign Church in Downey beginning this Friday (March 9) at 5 pm.Luck's words come from the perspective of witnessing to a broken male culture.“Jesus has suffered enough,” he said recently at a men’s study (VIDEO BELOW) held at Crossline Community Church in Laguna Hills where he is also a pastor. “Don’t grieve the spirit of Christ through personal choices to sin by giving yourself self-rationalized permission to put the pause button on your relationship with God.”His admonition comes at a time when the subject of “broken men” has surfaced more frequently in mainstream media as the root of serious problems in the U.S., including mass shootings.In a recent New York Times op-ed piece, The Boys Are Not All Right, Michael Ian Black writes that “...the man who feels lost but wishes to preserve his fully masculine self has only two choices: withdrawal or rage. We’ve seen what withdrawal and rage have the potential to do. School shootings are only the most public of tragedies. Others, on a smaller scale, take place across the country daily; another commonality among shooters is a history of abuse toward women.”KEEPING THE MAIN THING THE MAIN THINGLuck, who has authored and co-authored more than 20 books for men, has been addressing “broken male culture” for the past three decades.Ignite LA - Jesus Has Suffered Enough “My prayer for all that live in LA and Orange counties and wherever you live is that people would recognize large communities of men for one thing: they recognize them for having been with Jesus. That they become sources of life and it’s a noteworthy miracle, and that would be a witness for God that would create so much salvation in a city and so much life,” Luck said.“Knowing the Lord is the main thing of life. The only thing left for us to do is to declare surrender,” Luck adds. “I’m not surrendering to anybody, but I’ll surrender to Christ.”On Friday, the conference opens for check-in and coffee at 5 pm, and Session 1 from 7-9 pm. Saturday’s schedule includes a 7 am check-in, Session 2 at 9-11 am, lunch, and Session 3 from 12 to 2 pm.For registration and more information go to the conference website: ignitela.net.IGNITE LA MEN'S CONFERENCE MARCH 9-10REGISTER NOW!

The Harvey Weinsteins and Broken Male Culture Can No Longer Hide

Discussions about Harvey Weinstein, the #MeToo campaign, and all points inbetween continue to demonstrate the ripple effect well after it was revealed that one of Hollywood’s most powerful men abused women as part of a hideous routine that was kept secret.The waves of revelations coming from not only the Hollywood entertainment business, but other industries as well are of tsunami proportions leading one to believe that the Weinsteins of the world can no longer hide.“The Lord has allowed Weinstein's perversion to be revealed, because He wants to do something dramatic," writes Reverend David Kubal, who is the President and CEO of Intercessors for America (IFA). “He has shifted the intercessory battle from the special forces to the Church at large, calling us all to pray..."Pastor and Every Man Ministries founder Kenny Luck took the opportunity of the Weinstein reveal and aftershocks to share (WATCH VIDEO BELOW) that his ministry has already been on mission to reverse the cycle of immature, unhealthy men through the power of the gospel and the example of Jesus Christ.“Broken male culture has lost its ability to do one thing — hide,” Luck said. “That means other-centered and healthy masculine expression should make itself known and be appreciated.”Harvey Weinstein and Broken Male CultureSetting the current Hollywood-centric news aside, he said he began his ministry as the result of witnessing a growing broken male culture (in the U.S. and worldwide) that was inflicting much pain among women.“It was back in 2000, because of issues like this, it was less widely publicized, but it was the treatment of women that got me to start Every Man Ministries,” Luck said. “I call out broken male culture but I don’t stop there.”He said he wants to “reach men with the message of hope and identity that would help them transform from being in a broken male culture to a healthy male culture.” In an effort to break male stereotypes, Luck said he wants to let people know that there are millions of men who want to do what’s right in God’s eyes and be “dangerous good just like Jesus was.”TLA AD Every Man Show bannerKubal and others make the easy claim that: “Prophetic intercessors and Hollywood insiders have known about the power and perversion at the top of many entertainment companies for decades, yet this perversion has been hidden.”“There is obvious demonic activity in a man who has a three-decade reputation for perversion and power. We don't have to wonder about this one,” Kubal writes. “In the second most powerful town on the globe – second to Washington D.C. – the stakes are high for our enemy to do what he can to enslave and destroy. I am writing about Hollywood, because there is a significant connection in the spiritual realm between the two most powerful cities in the world. A purified Hollywood would dramatically affect Washington, DC.”He adds, “Many strategic warfare missions have gone into Hollywood to fight these powers of darkness and pray for the love of Jesus to invade Tinseltown. Many great ministries focus on praying for Hollywood (check out my good friends at http://hollywoodprayernetwork.org/).”Kubal asks for prayer for the following:1. Pray for purity. ‘Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.’ (Matthew 5:8) So many in Hollywood are chasing fame and fortune to fill the ‘God hole’ in their hearts, which ultimately leads to despair. Perversion leads to deeper levels of perversion, while purity leads to higher levels of fulfillment.2. Pray for boldness. ‘What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?’ (Romans 8:31) Now is the time for the Church to pray for those who know the dark secrets to come forward without fear of losing work or their fame.3. Pray for salvation. ‘Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.’ (Acts 4:12) We must pray for the salvation of movie executives that God would save their souls and that they would have dramatically impact Hollywood.”

Every Man Ministries Founder Kenny Luck On Weinstein and Broken Male Culture

Kenny Vlog #3 from Every Man Ministries on Vimeo.

The Casting Couch, Harvey Weinstein, and How to Navigate Inside Hollywood