God Even Calls Broken Believers into Ministry

Editor's Note: Testimonies can play a huge part in encouraging one another in our walk with Christ, our ministry journeys, and in fostering unity within our community of believers. For this reason, I've included this story told by a ministry leader (below). Hundreds of thousands of people are now in recovery from their deepest hurts, habits, and hang-ups thanks to Celebrate Recovery, which is now a ministry featured in over 25,000 churches. Founded by John Baker as a signature ministry of Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California, Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered approach to finding healing and wholeness.I’m a grateful believer in Jesus Christ who struggles with insecurity, anxiety, and sexual addiction, and my name is Andy.


I was raised in a wonderful home, the middle child of three brothers, and a son to a mom and a dad who loved their children dearly. My parents both grew up in homes with alcoholic fathers who would occasionally turn abusive. Due to this, my parents endured a great deal of dysfunction growing up but promised each other that their children would grow up in a stable home. Mom and Dad achieved this to the best of their ability. They gave my brothers and me a home where we were loved, and they raised us to work hard and always do our best.Growing up I became quite competitive with my siblings, particularly my older brother. When I compared myself to him I always felt like I fell short somehow, and I began to deeply resent him and became jealous of him. I wanted to show him that I was better than him, that somehow I had worth and value. It would mean that I wasn’t as fat or slow or stupid as I always thought I was when I compared myself to him. Over time this desire to prove myself would bleed into other areas and relationships in my life.Throughout school I learned that I could prove myself worthy of the love and affirmation I thirsted for through my behavior and good grades. When I succeeded in that, I felt fulfilled and content. When I failed to meet the standard I thought everyone had for me, my soul ached and longed to feel loved. I also developed a reputation as a “nerd,” which hindered me in finding relationships and affection from the girls I liked. My hunger for love and acceptance ultimately led me to cope using pornography, starting around seventh grade. I longed for love and acceptance, and porn never rejected me. So it became my drug of choice for the next 12 years. My heart would run to porn anytime my relationships, my performance, or my situations failed to leave me feeling worthy, accepted, or loved. This pain ultimately led me to start drinking and partying in order to fit in and feel accepted toward the end of high school. This had won me most of the “acceptance” I had always thought I wanted. Still I felt a profound sense of emptiness inside me.In the fall of 2009 I started my college career at a private Christian school in Missouri. I went from partying and drinking with my friends from the high school football team to living in the dorms with a lot of very sheltered, highly judgmental Christian students. My gut told me the only way I would survive this place was to keep my mask on and hide any guilt or shame for my past mistakes. So I did. Over the next four years I hid my pornography addiction, my drinking, a two-year-long unhealthy relationship, a lifestyle of partying, an extremely low self-esteem, and multiple negative physical relationships with girls around the college. It seemed as though I was looking for love and affirmation anywhere but from God. I thought there was no way he could love me or use me. Thankfully, God had other plans.During college, I started to serve at a campus ministry where I was asked to lead worship and eventually train others to do the same. God placed me in a leadership role that I had no business being in. I would lead worship on Monday nights and sing of the grace and love of God, all while secretly seeking to be satisfied by my sin. Even in spite of my brokenness, God used me and called me into full-time ministry.By 2015 I had moved to Arkansas. I had been working as an intern at a church for six months and was about to step into a role with a ministry called The Landing. I was no longer struggling with alcohol and bad relationships. But I was still addicted to pornography, extremely co-dependent, and completely terrified. How could God call me to a recovery ministry and lead students when my life was a wreck and I couldn’t manage my own sin struggles? The answer to that question came as my friend and supervisor, Rodney, asked me to join a Step Study he was leading.Together LA -God Even Calls Broken Believers into MinistryI thought opening up about my sin and shame would result in the end of my ministry career. But what I found was a deeper experience of God’s grace. Walking through the principles and steps of Celebrate Recovery®, I found I really was powerless to control my life and that I wasn’t alone in ministry, even as a young pastor. I learned in a deeper way that God really did care about me personally and that I had the freedom through Christ to live as God wanted me to. But more than anything, I learned that my struggles with porn, alcohol, and shame over past decisions were a result of thirsting for love, affirmation, and acceptance in things that could never satisfy. I have come to experience through Celebrate Recovery that God is the way, the truth, and the life, and all of my longings and desires are satisfied in him.I am so thankful that God led me to Celebrate Recovery. It has completely changed my life, my marriage, my ministry, and my relationship with Jesus Christ. I have found freedom from porn, and God continues to peel back more layers of my heart in order to make me more like him. I’m not “out of the woods,” but with the help of my forever family and the tools God has given me through Celebrate Recovery, I know I can continue to grow closer to him each day. Thank you for letting me share.Published with permission from Pastors.com. To learn more about Celebrate Recovery go here.

Prison Fellowship Leaders Past and Present: Advocates of Hope and Peace

There is a large army of Christians fighting to give hope through the gospel to those in and getting out of Los Angeles prisons.Earlier this week, we pointed to a Prison Fellowship article about a man whose life of gangs, drugs, and violence was transformed in the process of accepting Jesus while in prison.Among the responses Together LA received as the result of recommending the article was one from Marty Angelo, someone who was mentored by Chuck Colson, the founder of Prison Fellowship. Angelo, who leads an outreach ministry to prisons/jails, substance abuse recovery programs, and troubled celebrities, wanted to compliment the work of Together LA and share his own story about his relationship with Prison Fellowship.His own transformation is quite dramatic when you consider that Angelo describes himself as being transformed "from a left-wing, '60s, radical, liberal, drugged, hippie Democrat to an on-fire Christian Conservative.In a memorial tribute piece about Colson (1931-2012), “How Jesus Christ Used Charles W. ‘Chuck’ Colson to Inspire Me,” he writes:

Chuck Colson was once considered Richard Nixon’s “hatchet man” and his special legal counsel, so how in the world would someone like me ever get to meet a high-caliber politician like him... leave alone turn out to actually like the guy?Well, we met because we both got arrested and went to prison. In both of our lives we praised God for allowing that to happen. By experiencing our “prison moments” we came to understand that God had a much different purpose for our lives then we could ever dream possible.Colson taught me that we both experienced in our own ways the long arm of God. We learned first-hand that prison is what God uses as a common denominator breaking down social and political barriers proving He is God and not us. Chuck also taught me that self-righteousness/pride is what stood in the way of our understanding that Jesus Christ is in control... not us.Prison has the potential of bringing one to his or her knees crying out to God for help and that happened to both Chuck Colson and myself at just about the same time in history... over 30 years ago.

In another part of his Colson memorial tribute article, Angelo writes:

Who knows what God is going to do with us once He comes into our lives? One thing I know for sure is that I am grateful that Colson didn't turn his back on prisoners, ex-prisoners or their families. I don't know where I would be today if it wasn't for Chuck's commitment and drive to spread the message that Christ has a better way.Only Jesus Christ could have changed Chuck Colson’s heart as He did my own. We were both considered brothers and it took Jesus to miraculously make that happen.Chuck Colson never hid for one minute the Christ that lived in him. He became one of my first Christian role models from the moment I met him.Colson became known in our nation’s prisons... in prisoner lingo, as "the real deal.” He never forgot where he came from. It wasn’t the White House that changed Charles W. Colson... it was facing the Big House... pouring out his heart to Jesus Christ while sitting in his car in a driveway facing an unknown future in prison.

READ FULL POST HERE: “How Jesus Christ Used Charles W. ‘Chuck’ Colson to Inspire Me”[gallery type="slideshow" size="full" ids="2740,2741,2742"]I wanted to point out one more article in regards to Prison Fellowship because the community of Christians within prison ministry in Los Angeles is larger than we might expect. If you throw in addiction recovery ministries (because the two are often inter-related), then we can begin to realize that there’s a lot of inter-connectivity. We are all better together.World Magazine, in their current issue, features a piece on James Ackerman, who last year became the president and CEO of Prison Fellowship. World states that Ackerman was previously an executive at media companies including A&E Television Networks, British Sky Broadcasting, Documentary Channel, and Broadway Systems. World published edited excerpts of its Q&A in front of students at Patrick Henry College.

WORLD: And you have a lot of work, in part because of the theological background of U.S. prisons. Quakers and others thought prisoners in penitentiaries would sit and think about their crimes and become penitent. How has that worked out?ACKERMAN: Not well. The population in American prisons has ballooned from approximately 440,000 men and women in prison 40 years ago, to 2.2 million men and women in federal and state prisons today. We are warehousing men and women.WORLD: We have a higher percentage of people in prison than Russia or China has.ACKERMAN: The United States represents just under 5 percent of the world’s population, but we house 25 percent of the world’s incarcerated population.WORLD: I spent a night in a cell at the Louisiana State Penitentiary at the invitation of Warden Burl Cain, a member of your Prison Fellowship board. He encourages some of his inmates to get seminary degrees in prison and minister to others.ACKERMAN: It’s his vision to get seminary programs launched in prisons all over the country. Long-termers and lifers become advocates of hope and peace.

READ FULL WORLD MAGAZINE ARTICLE HERE: FROM HOLLYWOOD TO PRISON REFORMFinally, I’d like to add this from the Preface of the Life Recovery Bible:The Bible is the greatest book on recovery ever written. It its pages we see God set out a plan for the recovery of his broken people and creation. We meet numerous individuals whose hurting lives are restored through the wisdom and power of God. We meet the God who is waiting with arms outstretched for all of us to turn back to him, seek after his will, and recover the wonderful life he has for each of us…...Let us set out together on the journey toward healing and new found strength — not strength found within ourself, but strength found through trusting God and allowing him to direct our decisions and plans...