USA Olympic Surfing Coach Joey Buran, The Open, and Worship Generation

Joey Buran, who kept a close eye on the U.S. Open of Surfing 2018 held in Huntington Beach last week (7/28-8/5), hung up his USA Olympic Surfing Team Coach hat down for a moment and gave a message at the regular Saturday evening service at Worship Generation church.TLA - Joey Buran - USA Olympic Surfing Coach - Worship Generation PastorBuran, who is the lead pastor at the church in Fountain Valley, delivered a message of transformation and salvation, something that he's experienced first hand as a young professional surfer, who shortly after winning the 1984 Pipeline Masters, became depressed and suicidal."I just could not find a clear purpose to live," Buran told author and WBUR commentator, Bill Littlefield. Buran tried to kill himself with a drug overdose in 1986."I tell people, 'I know how low you can go,' " he says in the podcast, 'California Kid' Finds Meaning As A Minister — Then U.S. Surf Team Head Coach,’ published on the WBUR website. "Because I’ve been strapped into a straitjacket in a hospital and have the doctors talk to me like there’s something wrong with me, which, usually, if you try to take your own life, that’s how they talk to you."Watch Beyond the Dream (below) to catch more of Buran’s story.Beyond the Dream from Worship Generation on Vimeo.


Jennifer Hudson Shares Son's Amazing 'Hallelujah' on Instagram Video

Singer Jennifer Hudson is known for her amazing pipes, but it turns out, the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree. The “American Idol” alum recently shared an Instagram video of her 7-year-old son belting out “Hallelujah.”“This is so precious to me. I can’t even begin to describe how it melts my heart,” Hudson wrote in the video’s caption. “I did not want to shame my baby by shouting but…look at him…he so serious and focused!”Hudson called the moment a “mother’s dream.” Watch her son, David Otunga, Jr., perform below:

At the end of the video, the little boy appears shy and smiles as Hudson excitedly proclaims that her “baby is singing.”The clip quickly garnered more than 176,000 views and 1,129 comments, with fans praising David’s singing chops. One commenter wrote, “That is totally awesome. He is adorable,” with another adding, “What a blessing.”As Faithwire reported, Hudson also recently brought the house down when she sang an impromptu hymn on “The Late Show” with Stephen Colbert. Watch that moment below at the 3:01-mark:This article originally appeared at Faithwire.