North American Mission Board: Pray For Church Planters
/A church planting core team is essential to the success of a church plant. These faithful servants often work full-time vocational jobs and work alongside the church planter to help execute his vision for this exciting new work.By North American Mission BoardHere are some ways you can pray for a church plant’s core team:1. Pray that they would be disciple-makers. The call to make disciples is for all believers, but it is especially essential that the core team of a church plant takes this mandate seriously. Pray for them as they navigate relationships and lead others toward a relationship with Christ.2. Pray for a sense of ownership and purpose. It is vital that the core team understands the vision of the church planter to truly take ownership of his or her role. Pray that they would have clarity to best understand their purpose in this kingdom work.3. Pray for unity among the core team. Satan often looks for ways to tear down churches starting with the leadership. Pray for these leaders to set aside pride and preference. Pray that they would seek to encourage each other as they pursue the task ahead.
Los Angeles
Known as the “City of Angels,” Los Angeles is the second largest city in the United States. The metropolitan area has a population of about 20 million people, and there are roughly 400 people groups represented by culture, ethnicity and language. Home to Hollywood and some of the most influential men and women in the world, L.A. is consistently in the global spotlight. This a city of impact, and the Church is desperately needed among the number.Explore Los Angeles63 CHURCH PLANTS IN YOUR AREA145 NAMB CHURCH PARTNERSOn the Web