Former Miss USA To Host 'Crowned: An Encounter With the King' Women's Event

Kristen Dalton Wolfe is a former Miss USA turned Mrs. Wolfe who believes that every woman is made to sparkle with the radiance of God’s romance, Together LA learned at the She is More website. Though she wore the Miss USA crown, her life was changed when she realized her true identity was rooted in being a daughter of the King. Since then, Kristen has used her passion for women coupled with her background in Psychology to launch, an online magazine to spread God’s message that every woman is royalty. 400,000 readers are impacted every month by the site. Kristen and her husband, Kris Wolfe, founder of are based in Los Angeles and speak regularly in churches, conferences, events and universities.Kristen Dalton WolfeWolfe along with Sheri Rose Shepherd and Jen Lilly will be speaking at the Crowned: An Encounter With the King event planned for Friday and Saturday (April 21 and 22). Below is her recent post, Do You Want to Encounter God and Renew Your Sparkle?Do you want to tangibly encounter God and renew your sparkle? Many women are experiencing burnout, staleness and stillness in their lives and relationship with God. It’s time to get your radiance back.It’s happening! The Lord has told me for a while to do a women’s conference for His daughters. This past December, I spent the day soaking and praying for God to show me what to dream and plan for in 2017.He showed me a vision of a women’s conference. I felt Him say, “My heart is for my daughters to be reconciled back to me and to brighten the sparkle in their dimmed eyes.”I asked Him who He wanted speaking into the women. He showed me a picture of Sheri Rose Shepherd’s face. Sheri Rose is a best-selling author of the His Princess devotionals, which I have devoured. They helped me when I was discovering my royal identity, when I was going through a break-up and healing from depression. I have given so many of her devotionals as gifts because they are transformational and speak to the heart of every woman in a powerful way.I hadn’t even met Sheri yet, but I had an interview on TBN coming up with her in a few weeks. I knew she’d been battling stage four cancer for the last two years, so I wondered if she’d be up for doing a conference. But I trusted that I didn’t need to know the how in all this would work out. The how was up to God.I met Sheri in January when she came in the studio as a guest on my show. She told me it was her first public appearance and interview since leaving her speaking tours to fight cancer. She wasn’t sure why she said YES to me because she had said NO to all other inquiries. But, she felt the Lord had told her to say YES.We absolutely hit it off. She is a kindred spirit and even more full of God in person than on the pages of her books. After our interview, we started texting regularly. A few days later, I boldly told her the vision God had shown me of her doing a conference with me. It wasn’t even a minute later that she wrote me back and said YES.I sat there staring at the screen...Before I wrote her, she explained that God had shown her the same thing and she was going to invite me to do a conference with her. I sat there for a few minutes thinking, what world am I living in? That one of my favorite authors is texting with me for starters. Not only did she just say YES to me, but she was going to invite me to minister alongside her???I could feel God smiling down on my dumbfounded state. The thing is: This conference wasn’t and isn’t my idea. It’s His. And your King cares way more about encountering you than letting anything stand in His way.I am excited to share that the vision God gave me three months ago is coming to pass on Friday, April 21 and Saturday, April 22nd with Crowned: An Encounter With The King.God has laid out the framework and you are invited to an exclusive live audience experience at TBN studios in Irvine, CA for a one hour show and meet and greet with Sheri Rose, Jen Lilley, and I on Friday evening.Saturday is encounter day at the Hyatt Regency in Newport Beach from 10 AM- 2 PM.I can’t even tell you the supernatural ways God has worked to make this weekend so obviously orchestrated and anointed by Him. This is a weekend of renewal, revival, refreshment and for you to remember who you are and what you have as a chosen daughter of the be sure to get your tickets ASAP as there is very limited seating. Use your influence, voice, heart and invite all the women you love. God loves who you love and wants to encounter each one of you in the way you specifically need.I can’t wait to see you there!Kristen Dalton Wolfe's article was originally published at