Behind the Scenes: Synergy of a Script [Journal No 3]

There are times during the process of scriptwriting when an unparalleled melting pot of creativity happens. A special synergy of creativity within a huge writing team for the family, Christmas comedy movie, “The Farmer and The Belle,” produced just such times and a truly inspired script.

The Farmer and The BelleBehind the Scenes: Synergy of a Script [Journal Entry No. 3]

Ginger Beggs, EditorThere were more than a dozen voices that spoke life into the final script of this movie. There were two scripts already written, one by Leo Partible and one by Billy Falcon. The challenge came in not only combining the scripts and filling in or adding what was needed, but for the head writer to take in the many voices and merge it into one.Reuben Evans Together LA - _Family, Christmas Movie_ - _The Farmer and The Belle_ - Christian Christmas Movies - family christmas comedyReuben Evans is the head writer for The Farmer and The Belle, and he took a very creative approach to the script. Reuben took not only the two existing scripts to merge into one, but invited over a dozen other people to give their ideas.Reuben is the ideal head writer for this film’s writing team. He is the Executive Producer of Faithlife TV and Faithlife Films. He's an experienced commercial director and documentary filmmaker. His resume includes projects like “Reunion,” “Archaeology + Jesus,” “Aliens & Demons,” and “Fragments of Truth.” Reuben continues to work in film including the role of Script Development Supervisor for this movie. He resides in Bellingham, Washington, with his wife SaraAnn and three children.FaithLife family Christmas comedy The Farmer and The BelleOne of the magical elements of being able to efficiently and freely share ideas within the creative team is Reuben’s software platform, “Faithlife.” Writers can access the software on their computer, phone or other device, and see what other writers were submitting as well as share comments and ideas of their own. This made for a real-time information stream for all the writers, and most crucially, for Reuben. Check out for a social media platform that is Holy Spirit-breathed to connect, collaborate, pray and live life together.From producers Jim E. Chandler and Jenn Gotzon Chandler to co-writer James M. DeVince, to multiple backgrounds of writers, came the concepts and ideas that Reuben would bring together for the screenplay. The FaithLife platform contributed to the unexplainable spirit of excitement and camaraderie between everyone.As the script was reviewed and ideas shared, everyone communicated with the kind of togetherness normally only known from an in-person story table. It was the biblical “iron sharpening iron” that was so beautiful to experience.The organization of so many ideas from so many people into one cohesive script was not an easy task for Reuben, but by using his platform it was easier to see an idea along with a thread of comments and additions to that particular idea.

READ: The Making of a Family, Christmas Comedy Movie [Journal Entry No. 1]

The making of this film is special for many reasons. The amazing merging of ideas and talent truly helped build the foundation for the film’s message. Each character was given more depth, each scene was expanded in description and every word of dialogue was enriched to help bring the characters to life in a special way. Most of all, the Spirit led all those involved in becoming one for the purpose of setting the scene literally for this hilarious but meaningful family Christmas comedy movie.

READ: Behind the Scenes - Sculpting the Script For ‘The Farmer and The Belle’ [Journal Entry No. 2]

In the next journal we will further explore how the script was decorated to come to life on the big screen, but as a special treat, here’s a message from co-writer and architect behind The Farmer and The Belle script, Reuben Evans:

Christmas Comedy Movie Producers Share Film’s Progress in Exclusive Journal

Together LA - _Family, Christmas Movie_ - _The Farmer and The Belle_ Christian Christmas Movies - family christmas comedyIn the coming weeks, we’ll share with you the in-depth filming and production of Jim and Jenn's real wedding as part of the film and much more. From equipment crew to how to cast the colorful characters that help bring the joy to this holiday film!The producers wish to give you an early Christmas gift!Go to, and they will send you a promo code when the movie releases!Follow the family Christmas comedy movie “The Farmer and The Belle” on Facebook at and get updates on the website at sure to share the ongoing journal posts and hashtag: #TheFarmerandTheBelle #ChristmasComedyMovie #RealLove.Content and editing by Ginger Beggs.