Francis Chan Uses Revelation To Call Out Picky American Christians

I'll get to Francis Chan and picky American Christians in a moment, but first...Together LA is a movement that started even before the conference of the same name took place in 2015. Years before the 3-day gathering held at West Angeles Church of God in Christ , pastors in the Los Angeles area met regularly to pray for a movement of unity in the city where churches came together to act as the Church in God's Kingdom.

FROM THE EDITOR, the website, is a continuation of that prayer for unity and glorification of the Church, the one led by God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.As editor of this website, it is my prayer that members of the Church use this site to connect with others, share with others, encourage and inspire others.So, here's an action step for you! Watch this video (BELOW) of Francis Chan calling out (picky) Christians in America and then give us your reaction to his message. I'm making an effort to make this site more interactive and I need your help. Let's start here by leaving a comment, and/or sending us an email ( ), and/or sharing this post.I'm sure that many of you have great platforms to share your content. Please consider this platform ( as one you can use as well, as one of your own!

- Alex Murashko, Editor

Francis Chan Uses Revelation To Call Out Picky American Christians

In America, we go to a building we call a church, if we don’t like the music or the speaker or any minor thing about the service, we just move down the street to another church.Chan was recently in China and described the American church that way to the people who attend the underground church–and he said they laughed hysterically. And then they asked, “what happened to you?”In America, Chan lamented, people won’t show up at church unless Hillsong is singing or Tim Keller is preaching. On the other side of the world, Christians worship to be in the presence of God.“What must God think of that?” Chan asks.- Francis Chan: ‘what kind of church would people like?’ Is the Wrong Question,, Bob Ditmer

  • Do you agree? Why or why not?
  • What is your church doing differently?
  • What steps do followers of Jesus need to take next?
  • What kind of church would please God?