Church Creates Space For 'Kids Hope,' Relationships in Schools
/As mentors and kids filed into the Kids Hope classroom at Eagle Rock Elementary this week, high-fiving and catching up on the important details that had taken place in the last seven days since they'd seen each other, I saw a little guy sit down at his desk, lean into his mentor and say, "I love being a Hope kid."I'm so grateful that our church believed in creating a space like this in our neighborhood — believed in going out the doors of the church to our local public school to connect with families who would never come through the church doors on their own — believed in the power of relationships to infuse a life with hope.This little boy and his family are now a regular part of our church community. Every Sunday he attends Kids Church while the rest of his family attend the 11:15 am North service.It turns out, hope is contagious, and not just for the kids!— Sarah Dornbos
Kids Hope USA is a national organization that has been equipping local churches to form partnerships with their local public elementary school for more than 20 years. Volunteer mentors are recruited and trained by the church, and matched with an at-risk student referred by the school — because we know that ultimately it's relationships that transform the lives of students and communities. For more information about Kids Hope Eagle Rock contact Sarah Dornbos at or visit
One simple thing will make a big difference in the life of an at-risk child: One-on-one, positive attention from a responsible, caring adult. Kids Hope USA develops these one-on-one relationships through the creation of church-school partnerships that pair church members with at-risk kids in supportive, mentoring relationships.Kids Hope USA mentors spend just one hour per week, reading, talking, playing and listening to a child at school. By helping the child feel loved and valued, they help that child to learn, grow and succeed.You can change a life ... and that’s no small change.
TOGETHER LA EVENTS: Kids Hope Los Angeles Appreciation Night with USA Leader