Urban Church Planter: First, What Does the City Need?

To truly be an urban pastor planting an urban church one must first get to know the broken parts of the city, said Pastor Cedric Nelms of Chosen Generation Church in Long Beach, during a panel discussion about Los Angeles.


“We are very diverse here in our city and I think the best way for us to come together is to be able to plant transformational communities … so that means we are walking into the community asking the questions about what are the needs of the community,” said Nelms, who was recently named City Director for World Impact Los Angeles.He told TogetherLA that Jesus assessed the needs of every situation he came upon “before he actually brought the solution.”“That’s how you begin to transform a community because now you are getting into the dirty part, the grimy part of what it actually means to be an urban pastor planting an urban church,” he said.

4 Pastors Get Real About Los Angeles – Part 1

It may seem like a daunting task to figure out what’s broken in Los Angeles then offer a way to fix everything, but that’s not what four Christian leaders from various parts of L.A. set out to do during a panel discussion at Philosopher’s Cafe (Thursdays at Metropolis) in Santa Monica last month.Co-hosted by Together LA, the panel — Broken City – Is there hope for Los Angeles? — began with moderator Steve Snook of Metro Church giving a heads up to the direction the discussion will go.“I’m going to tell you right now, there’s hope all the way across this panel,” said Snook, a longtime pastor in Santa Monica. “You’re going to hear us being really honest about the brokenness that we see, but not spending much time on the brokenness without getting to a place where we talk about some of what we see happening even now and what is coming based upon the hope that is within us.”Cedric NelmsNelms is certainly on the same page.“We have to get unified in understanding that yes, we can be a different color, we can be a different culture, we can be a different race, we can even have a different creed, but we also have to understand that there is only one gospel and one Lord,” he said.The demographics of the community Nelms ministers in includes a population that is 60 percent Hispanic, 40 percent African American, he said. “In that context, three of their top four things on their list community-wise (needs and desires) were job training, youth engagement, and most of all, unification.”Nelms recently described the work of World Impact.“World Impact is a Christian missions organization committed to facilitating church-planting movements by evangelizing, equipping and empowering the unchurched urban poor,” he said. “World Impact’s purpose is to honor and glorify God and to delight in Him among the unchurched urban poor by knowing God and making Him known.“One of the initiatives that World Impact has for the urban pastor is the Urban Church Association (UCA). It is a coalition of urban church pastors that meet once a month for networking, resourcing, reproduction, and soul care. ...Not only do they collaborate and encourage each other, they seek to bring unity to the Body of Christ while transforming their communities together.”This article is the second in a four-part series about the panel discussion hosted by Philosopher’s Cafe and TogetherLA.net on June 15, 2017. The full panel discussion can be viewed on Facebook by clicking on Part 1 and Part 2.Video and photos by One Ten Pictures.4 Pastors Get Real About the City – Together LA Pop-Up Part 1 (Michael Mata)Urban Church Planter: First, What Does the City Need? Part 2 (Cedric Nelms)‘Beautiful’ Westside Striken with Spiritual Poverty a Unified Church Can Cure – Part 3 (Steve Snook)LA Pastors’ Bottom Line: We Want to Help the City That We Live In – FINAL (Brannin Pitre)

D. A. Horton on Reach Fellowship; What Is the FABRIC For Los Angeles?

Together LA had the opportunity to catch D.A. Horton of Reach Fellowship at the recent Send Conference as he opened the two-day event during the first session and we wanted to share something about his ministry. The Send Conference was hosted by the North American Mission Board in Long Beach, California.Horton and his family relocated to California to plant Reach Fellowship in south Los Angeles County. D.A. was sent out by the Summit Network after he completed his residency at Summit Church in Durham, North Carolina. He has served as an urban church planter/pastor in Kansas City, Missouri, for nearly six years, a National Coordinator of Urban Student Ministries, the Urban Initiatives Team at the North American Mission Board (NAMB) and the Executive Director at ReachLife Ministries, the non-profit arm of Reach Records. He earned his bachelor of science in Biblical Studies from Calvary Bible College, his master's degree in Christian Studies from Calvary Theological Seminary and is currently working on his doctorate in Applied Theology at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.Reach Fellowship's launch team meets weekly at a local community center in the 90805 for vision, prayer, and fellowship, as they look to launch in 2017, according to the website. Horton and his team are currently inviting others to join and/or support them.We found Reach Fellowship's plan (below) for South Los Angeles County inspiring and useful.

South Los Angeles County needs gospel-centered, multi-ethnic, cultural, and generational led churches that model for their people long-lasting engagement as they intersect in the Six Avenues (F.A.B.R.I.C.) of life while mobilizing their people to do the same.FAMILY – Our homes are the first place of ministry and will mirror Ephesians 5:22-6:4 which then will lead our entire fellowship to practice familial interdependence.AUTHORITY (SCRIPTURE & GOVERNMENT) – Our rule of faith & practice the Bible, commands we pray and respect our national, state and local leaders (1 Timothy 2:1-6).BUSINESS – Our money will be stewarded for God’s glory as it’s shared with those in need (Philippians 4:10-20) as we teach them principles of biblical stewardship.RELIGION – Our hearts will be filled compassion (Matthew 9:35-38) when we give reasonable responses for the hope we have in Christ (1 Peter 3:13-17) when our evangelistic efforts are opposed.INSTITUTIONS OF LEARNING & REHABILITATION – Our time will be spent volunteering/working educational and correctional systems in order to see the gospel reach the lost (Romans 10:9-17).CULTURE (ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT) – Our focus will be to assess the culture’s beliefs, language, and practices and filter them through Scripture before identifying ways to engage with the lost in our city (Acts 17:16-34 & 1 Thessalonians 2:8).

Photo: Courtesy of North American Mission Board.