Texas-Sized Gospel Party Includes Call For Another Jesus Revolution

It may have been a “Texas-sized Gospel party” as CBN News called it but it was also a plea to God for revival at Crossover Harvest America in Arlington, Texas on Sunday (6/10/18).


A crowd of more than 35,000 at AT&T Stadium and a global livestream audience (SEE UPDATED NUMBERS IN GREG LAURIE'S TWEET ABOVE) heard a message of hope and faith from evangelist Greg Laurie. A video tribute to the late Billy Graham was shown early during the event. Near the conclusion, more than 2,300 individuals came forward at Laurie's invitation to make a commitment to Christ, filling the field.


"There will never be another Billy Graham, but we must all carry the torch of proclamation evangelism to the next generation," Laurie said. "When Billy Graham was here at the Cotton Bowl 46 years ago, the Jesus Movement was exploding and the world was uprooted. Today, there are more mobile devices than there are people. And because of the explosion of technology, we are the first generation with the ability to fulfill the Great Commission in our lifetime."How many of you think America needs a revival?" he asked rhetorically. "There is hope for America tonight; it's not a political solution, it's a spiritual solution – our nation has spiritual roots, regardless of what the revisionists say."We need another Jesus Revolution, and I pray it starts here tonight. I pray this Gospel message will spread like wildfire across Texas and America," Laurie added.[ictt-tweet-blockquote hashtags="" via=""]We need another Jesus Revolution, and I pray it starts here tonight. - Greg Laurie, Harvest America 2018[/ictt-tweet-blockquote]He shared "the one message that brings hope to a hopeless culture," in the first stadium evangelistic crusade since Graham died in February."I'm going to ask you to put aside your biases and preconceptions tonight and listen with your heart," he said. "I'm going to share something with you that can change your life.HARVEST-AMERICA-DALLAS-GREG LAURIE BW PRAYER"We think today in our culture, 'if only I could be rich and famous, then I will be happy.' This week alone, look at what happened. Two well-known celebrities took their own lives – designer Kate Spade and television personality Anthony Bourdain. Wealth, possessions, all the things the world has to offer – drugs, sex, drinking – will not make you happy," Laurie said.He said he wanted people to leave the crusade knowing they would go to heaven when they die."God will forgive you for whatever you've done," Laurie said. "Don't live another day without Jesus Christ."Laurie noted that current events seem to mirror biblical prophecy of the end times. "I don't know when the end of the world will come, but the end of my world or your world can come earlier than expected," he said.Laurie said that being a good person isn't enough. To get into heaven, you must turn away from your sins and accept Christ. "God does not grade on the curve," he said. "He grades on the cross."HARVEST-AMERICA-DALLAS-ON-FIELD-JESUS REVOLUTIONThe event was broadcast around the world via satellite and the Internet, with more than 92,000 individuals viewing online. In addition, this crusade was first opportunity for people to extend the Harvest feed via Facebook Live to their followers. This year also marks the largest live radio broadcast audience of any Harvest event to-date, with more than 800 radio outlets carrying the AT&T Stadium live feed.The crusade featured music from top Christian artists such as Phil Wickham, Chris Tomlin, David Crowder, Trip Lee, Tedashii, KB and Switchfoot. Admission was free.This year is the second time that the Harvest Crusades have partnered with Crossover, the evangelistic outreach preceding the annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention, which will be held Tuesdayand Wednesday in Dallas this year. Another 600 individuals made faith decisions as a result of the Crossover activities.Three hundred eighty local churches worked on the crusade. Dr. Jack Graham of Prestonwood Baptist Church, a member of Harvest America's advisory board of local pastors and ministry leaders, gave the opening prayer during the simulcast portion of the event.Laurie, who has held crusades in Australia, Canada and New Zealand, serves as senior pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship, based in Riverside, California, which oversees the Harvest Crusades. The ministry exists for the purpose of presenting the life-changing message of Jesus Christ to as many people as possible, and to help believers mature in their faith. More information is available at Harvest America.Contributing content above provided by A. Larry Ross Communications.PHOTOS: HEADLINE BANNER: AT&T Stadium field with Harvest America across end zone. (HARVEST AMERICA). TOP: Greg Laurie receives prayer prior to event (HARVEST AMERICA). BOTTOM: New believers receive prayer on field at AT&T Stadium. (TOGETHER LA/ALEX MURASHKO) BELOW: Praising God during Harvest America 2018 held at AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Texas. (HARVEST AMERICA)

The Bubble That Bursts; Thoughts on Recent Suicides

The Bubble That Bursts

Thoughts on the tragic death of fashion icon Kate Spade


A wave of sorrow swept the world last Tuesday, as our news outlets and social media timelines were filled with one gut-punching headline: Kate Spade, beloved fashion designer known for her bright and whimsical designs, committed suicide by hanging on Tuesday morning in her Manhattan home. Like everyone else, I found myself in complete shock.Amidst all of the positive slogans and bright colors her work displayed, Kate apparently found herself despondent, hopeless and ultimately, willing to take her own life—the life that so many others around the globe envied. Kate was only 55 years old, and she leaves behind a 13-year-old daughter, Francis Beatrix Spade, and her husband, Andrew. One fashion reporter, who knew Kate personally, said this: “I will never know the source of her sorrow. But how heartbreaking and unfortunate that the joy, pride, and delight this insightful designer brought millions of women wasn’t enough to invoke a smile that went deeper than brilliant branding strategy.” *Kate’s death follows other well-known designers who have tragically taken their own lives in the same way. L’Wren Scott in March 2014, and British designer Alexander McQueen four years earlier. In just the last year, musician Chester Bennington from Linkin Park, and Soundgarden’s lead singer also committed suicide by hanging. Comedian Robin Williams did the same. It’s all so devastatingly sad.Fashion is all about how you look on the outside, but regardless of how put together one may present themselves, it does not change who they are on the inside.

Know this: everyone, and I mean everyone—rock stars, movie stars, fashion designers and everyday people like you and I, all have a few things in common:

We are all empty.We are all lonely.We are all seeking meaning and purpose in life.

Former teen Heartthrob, David Cassidy, died earlier this year. Throughout his life, he struggled with an addiction to alcohol. He said he had given it up, but unfortunately that just wasn’t the case.

“The fact is that I lied about my drinking,” he said. “I did this to myself to cover up the sadness and the emptiness.”Famous people aren’t exempt from sadness, loneliness and emptiness—they are human, just like us. The only difference is they just happen to have the money, fame and luxurious lifestyles many dream of having—except they get to experience firsthand just how empty it all is.A doctor named Robin Smith wrote a book called “Hungry: The Truth about being Full”, and in it she writes about those who feel an emptiness in their lives after experiencing success. She calls it being “hungry for the high note.” She goes on to write about the early deaths of Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston. “People say that drugs killed them. Drugs didn’t Kill them. What killed them is they were striving and hungry. They were striving to ‘Hit the high note again.”We have heard the expression, “There is nothing new under the sun.”That phrase was given by King Solomon, who went on a binge to personally experience every pleasure this world had to offer. Solomon lived in a luxurious palace, with servants, a expansive gardens and everything a King of his day could ever desire. He had women at his beck and call, and more wine that a man could drink in a lifetime. He had it all, and yet…he had nothing. Wise old King Solomon summed it up this way: “Everything is meaningless!” (Ecc.1:2)The word for meaningless that Solomon used can be translated to emptiness, futility, meaninglessness, nothingness or simply, a ‘bubble that bursts”.That is where God comes in. King Solomon, who had been raised with faith, abandoned it for a good part of his life. After realizing it the world had nothing good to offer him, he returned to the Lord in the end.My wife likes to put puzzles together. I have no idea why, but she will work meticulously, placing every puzzle piece in it’s proper place until it’s completed. The other day, she had almost finished the puzzle, but one piece suddenly went missing. We both got down on our hands and knees, searching tirelessly for that one missing piece. We finally found it, and completed her puzzle.Life can be that way too.We think we have all the things we want to make us happy, and yet we find ourselves like these celebrities we mentioned earlier: searching, sad, empty, lonely and ultimately, unfulfilled with the lives we are living.God holds the missing piece you are looking for in life. The bible is full of broken, lonely heartbroken people, but it is also full of hope, love and the message of Jesus Christ. I believe that through a relationship with Him, you can find peace, comfort, contentment and an abundant life. If you are feeling despondent enough to take your own life, please reach out for help. And don’t forget to reach up to God.He has the missing piece you are looking for.I will talk about this and much more this Sunday at www.harvestamerica.comAbove video and story originally appeared on Greg Laurie's Facebook page

Thoughts on the Tragic Death of Anthony Bourdain

We have once again been hit with the news of yet another tragic celebrity suicide, this time it is famed bad boy chef and media personality, Anthony Bourdain, who took his own life by hanging. A sudden wave of shock has filled America and the rest of the world that Anthony so famously traveled.Bourdain’s death follows all-too closely on the heels of the suicides of other notable people in recent months, including Chris Cornell, Chester Bennington and of course just this week, Kate Spade, all by hanging.These suicides are all in pattern with a national trend of increased suicides in America... FULL STORY - THE DAILY CALLER

Steve McQueen Finally Tells World 'What Christ Did For Me' Through Film

Legendary actor Steve McQueen returned to the screen Sunday (June 11) before an audience of 38,000 packed into a Phoenix stadium for the Harvest America Crusade as Pastor Greg Laurie shared the most important part of McQueen’s saga.Laurie, a McQueen fan whose book, Steve McQueen: The Salvation of an American Icon has now been made into a documentary, gave the audience a preview of his film.“I thought this is a story that needs to be told,” Laurie said. “It’s a story McQueen, in his own words, worried he’d never be able to share with the world. Now, almost 40 years after his step into heaven, he’ll finally get the chance.”“And one thing Steve said before he died was, ‘My only regret in life is that I was not able to tell people about what Christ did for me,'” he added.Steve McQueenMcQueen, who starred in more than two dozen films from 1953-1980, died in 1980 at the age of 50 from mesothelioma.“In a significant turn toward the end of his life, ironically, just before he found out that he had cancer and while still the top movie star on earth, Steve did something that showed me that he really was ‘the coolest of them all.’ He put his faith in God and became a believer in Jesus Christ,” said Laurie.“He was simultaneously the most unlikely and then again maybe the most likely person to come to faith in God,” Laurie said.

Steve McQueen: Something was missing

Despite being one of the most in-demand actors in Hollywood at the peak of his career — and one of its highest-paid — Laurie said McQueen sought out a spiritual significance in his life.“When you’ve experienced everything that this culture offers, you will see how empty it is,” Laurie said. “That was true of Steve: He had it all, but something was missing, and that led him to a little church in Santa Paula, California, where he heard the message of Jesus Christ for maybe the first time in a way he understood it.”

Steve McQueen’s Missing Bullitt Car: The Big Reveal [EXCLUSIVE VIDEO]

Laurie said McQueen’s experience was like that of many others: He asked a church-going friend if they could attend church together. In this case, Laurie noted, the friend was flight instructor Sammy Mason, who was teaching McQueen to fly a biplane.Leonard DeWitt, the pastor of Ventura Missionary Church at the time, helped McQueen accept Christ, Laurie said.“I know this because Pastor DeWitt met with Steve maybe a month after that, and they had a long discussion where the pastor answered a lot of Steve’s questions,” Laurie said. “The pastor asked Steve, ‘Have you become a born-again Christian?’ And Steve said he had.”

Steve McQueen: American Icon Official Trailer

Laurie said there is a message in McQueen’s journey.“Steve had the statistical cards stacked against him — no father in his life, an alcoholic mother who really didn’t have time for him,” Laurie said. “The fame and all the power he acquired actually, in some ways, made his life worse. It was like throwing gasoline on a fire.“He could have ended up overdosing on drugs or killed behind the wheel of an automobile, but yet he made his way to hear the gospel and so I think the takeaway truth is, ‘Wow, if God can reach someone like Steve, he can certainly reach me,’” he said.The article above was originally published at Western Journalism.

Behind the Scenes Harvest America and NAMB Unify Christians, Churches

Behind the scenes of Harvest America 2017 in Phoenix on Sunday (June 11), a huge urban outreach partnership between the North American Mission Board’s (NAMB) Crossover Arizona and Greg Laurie’s Harvest America was a success story on many levels.The two organizations joined forces to host a three-day evangelistic outreach in Phoenix that involved training, street evangelism and service projects before culminating in Harvest America’s Sunday night crusade, NAMB reported.“God is faithful to glorify His name! 38,000 people came to #CrossoverArizona with Harvest America, and 42,305 people watched the live stream from 83 different countries,” stated NAMB. “But it gets better—2,904 stepped forward in the stadium and decided to follow Jesus and hundreds more committed online! All glory and thanksgiving to God as we anticipate what He will do next year in Dallas.”NAMB also reported that another 494 indicated that they had made salvation decisions online.Fifty Crossover volunteers gathered on Saturday (June 10) to fix up Arizona homes, Josie Bingham wrote in an article for NAMB. "They repaired plumbing, cleaned houses, painted walls and landscaped yards during the 'Love in Action' service project at several transitional houses owned by Dream City Church and its affiliate, Dream Center.TogetherLA.net spoke with Joel Southerland, who is the Director of Evangelism with North American Mission Board, backstage at Harvest America on Sunday and was asked more about the partnership with Harvest.“What we’re doing here is called Crossover and it happens every year around the Southern Baptist Convention,” Southerland told TLA. “We do an evangelistic effort around our annual meeting and have been doing so since the late 80s.’He added, “We felt like this partnership would give us the biggest reach we’ve ever had for a Crossover event. Greg and his team met with us and it was great from the very beginning.”More than 400 churches in the Phoenix area and Arizona area partnered to host and participate in Crossover Arizona and Harvest America. More than 5,000 volunteers signed up to be a part of the event from Arizona and from around the nation. “It’s a really Kingdom-minded effort between Southern Baptist Churches and even non-Southern Baptist Churches of similar theologies that are coming together and preaching the gospel,” Southerland said.[gallery type="slideshow" ids="2904,2901,2905,2906" orderby="rand"]“For us it’s been a great experience of churches coming together,” he continued. “When we got together 16 months ago with the Phoenix leadership team and cast the vision, the leadership team from the very beginning was really excited about the ability to partner and have that unity around the city and have that unified vision of reaching as many people as we can with the gospel in the Phoenix area.”Southerland said that NAMB has a “great network of churches,” including in the Phoenix area where the Southern Baptist churches are greatly respected. “Harvest and Greg Laurie have a great reputation in this area. So, I think that when we take our great network and the network and reputation of Harvest and Greg Laurie that already existed it was just easy to match. I don’t think unity was ever a problem from day one.”When asked about the way urban outreach fits into the event, he said, “We have 32 focus cities all around the United States, all major cities, and Phoenix is one of those cities. We have a big church planting effort that goes on in all of those 32 cities. Doing it in an urban context fits right into our philosophy of ministry.”What about non-Southern Baptist churches with perhaps a different theology?“If your main goal is to reach people with the gospel we are willing to partner and see that happen,” Southerland said.

WATCH Harvest America 2017 from Phoenix [VIDEO]

Greg Laurie's Harvest America 2017 Delivers Org's Largest 1-Day Audience

PHOENIX, Ariz. — Harvest America at the University of Phoenix Stadium on Sunday (June 11, 2017) reached audiences across the country and around the world with a message of God’s love in what became the single largest event in the history of the organization.Evangelist Greg Laurie took the stage Sunday evening in front of a live audience of 38,000 gathered in Glendale, Arizona, as well as even larger simulcast and broadcast audiences. Before the sun went down in the Valley of the Sun, the gathering had gone down as one of the largest one-day evangelistic events in American history.“Earlier this year we proclaimed 2017 the ‘Year of Good News’ with the singular mission of bringing the gospel to as many people as possible,” said Greg Laurie, the founder of Harvest America who has been called “the evangelist of the future” by Billy Graham. “Our goal remains to deliver that message through as many channels as possible in order to reach all the way to the ends of the earth, and Harvest America 2017 demonstrated what’s possible in this new world.”In addition to the 38,000 people who attended the free Harvest America outreach at the University of Phoenix Stadium, millions around the world participated in Harvest America 2017 through a live broadcast via Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN), which this year broadcast Harvest America live for the first time on its global family of networks which spans 174 countries; online streaming via www.HarvestAmerica.com and on World Net Daily; live radio broadcasts carried by more than 600 radio outlets; and live simulcasts to more than 3,758 host locations across the U.S., including churches, homes and theaters.The online stream at www.HarvestAmerica.com was viewed live in 83 countries around the world. The broadcast was additionally available on Facebook LIVE.Appearing onstage with evangelist Greg Laurie was Phoenix’s own American Idol Jordin Sparks, as well as popular Christian artists NEEDTOBREATHE, MercyMe, Trip Lee, Phil Wickham and NBC The Voice’s Brennley Brown.All who participated in Harvest America united behind one message, the eternal hope that can be found through a relationship with Jesus Christ, which was presented by Laurie during his talk which answered the question, “what is the meaning of life?”Referencing the story of the prodigal son, Laurie said, “Maybe you don’t know God or maybe, like the prodigal son, you know God but you’ve turned your back on Him. Maybe you have things that should make you happy, but don’t make you happy. What’s the answer? Jesus. The missing piece you are looking for is Jesus Christ, because he will give you the meaning in life that you want.”Laurie continued, “If you decide to come back to God, He wants to throw his arms around you and say welcome home son, welcome home daughter, I’ve missed you—just like father of prodigal son. The father ran to the son, and that’s what he will do if you come to Him. He accepted the son as he was, in tattered rags. You might think that you need to clean up your life before you come to God, but He says come as you are and he will forgive you, he will accept you, he will change you. You’re not too old or young.”Laurie preached from one of Billy Graham’s Bibles, a Bible first given to the Hollywood icon Steve McQueen after his conversion. McQueen is the subject of Laurie’s latest book, Steve McQueen: The Salvation of an American Icon, which releases Tuesday, June 13.Inviting those in Phoenix and those watching around the world to put their faith in Christ, Laurie urged, “One sin is enough to keep you out of heaven. Every one of us has sinned. God doesn’t grade on a curve, but that’s where Jesus comes in. You must recognize you are a sinner, but then you must recognize that Jesus Christ died on the cross for you. If you want your sins forgiven, if you want your guilt taken away, if you want to find meaning and purpose in your life, come forward. I’m going to ask you to get up out of your seats and make a stand for Jesus Christ.”At the end of the evening, thousands of people walked down to the floor of the University of Phoenix Stadium to indicate their decision to follow Jesus Christ, and thousands more registered their commitment online or at host locations nationwide.More than 420 local churches and up to 10,000 volunteers participated in Harvest America 2017, many of whom are members of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), which is gathering in Phoenix for its annual convention this week. The SBC and its North American Missions Board (NAMB) collaborated with Harvest America to make the outreach its 29th annual Crossover evangelism event. Crossover support included local community service, street evangelism and a “Tell Someone” rally held Friday night.“We are unbelievably grateful for the support of local churches throughout the Valley of the Sun, the Southern Baptist Convention, the North American Mission Board, and especially for Kevin Ezell who saw what we envisioned from the beginning,” said Laurie. “Together, we all worked to bring the Gospel to this community and to bring it from this community throughout the world.”Before Harvest America 2017, Greg Laurie’s Harvest events had drawn more than 5.7 million people to stadiums and arenas around the world since 1990, with another 1.8 million people attending virtually via the internet.Harvest Crusades with Greg Laurie will hold its next outreach, 2017 SoCal Harvest, at Angel Stadium in Anaheim, California, Aug. 18-20. On June 10, 2018, Harvest Crusades will take Harvest America back to the Dallas Metroplex.In addition to founding the Harvest Crusades, Laurie also serves as senior pastor of one of the largest churches in America, Harvest Christian Fellowship, which has campuses in Riverside and Irvine, California, and Maui, Hawaii. He serves on the board of directors for the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.WATCH HARVEST AMERICA 2017 - GREG LAURIE'S MESSAGE: WHAT IS THE MEANING OF LIFE?Harvest America 2017

Harvest Crusades Story: 'I'd Been a Meth Addict For Over 20 Years'

“When I came to the Harvest Crusade it was the last place you would expect me to be, but obviously God had an appointment for me there,” said Thomas, who now serves as a ministry leader for a team at his church that engages new believers with follow-up. “I came to the Harvest in 2008. That’s where I received Christ. I was 43 years old. Up until that point, I had been a methamphetamine addict for over 20 years.”Listen to his amazing story of transformation in the One Ten Pictures video below.

TogetherLA.net to LIVESTREAM Harvest America 2017

When world-renowned evangelist Greg Laurie takes the stage at the University of Phoenix Stadium in Arizona this Sunday, a life-changing message of hope will go global, organizers said. Harvest America 2017, an unprecedented, one-day evangelistic outreach, will bring the love of Christ "live" to hundreds of millions of people worldwide.The TogetherLA.net website has been officially named as a platform to livestream Harvest America 2017 with Greg Laurie, scheduled for this Sunday (June 11) in the University of Phoenix stadium and as a nationwide live simulcast beginning at 5 pm (PT).Simply go to TogetherLA.net to watch the Harvest America 2017 broadcast on Sunday."Just before He returned to Heaven, Jesus instructed His disciples to take His Gospel message to the ends of the earth," said Laurie, founder of the Harvest America outreach. "With state-of-the art technology and the help of our partners, TBN and the Southern Baptist Convention, we are responding to Christ's challenge with a one-night, global outreach unlike anything done before," added Laurie, who has been called "the evangelist of the future" by Billy Graham and has been leading Harvest events for more than a quarter century.While technology will be used to reach a national and international audience, hands and feet will be at work reaching those in the Phoenix area. Thousands of volunteers from the Southern Baptist Convention's annual meeting, which will take place in Phoenix just after Harvest America, will serve in various capacities to engage and interact with attendees and the wider community before, during and after the one-night event.HARVEST AMERICA 2017 Jordin SparksIn addition to the message of hope delivered by Laurie, Harvest America will feature music from top name Christian artists including NEEDTOBREATHE, MercyMe, Jordin Sparks, Trip Lee, Phil Wickham and Brennley Brown. Harvest America is free to attend and open to all who come—in person, online, or via the live satellite broadcast.Founded in 1990 by Greg Laurie, pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside and Irvine, Calif., and Maui, Hawaii, Harvest Crusade events have been attended by more than 7.6 million people worldwide, both in-person and via live Internet broadcasts. In 2012, a new nationwide simulcast called Harvest America was born, expanding the reach of the gospel even further. The 2016 Harvest America event, held at AT&T Stadium in Dallas, was live streamed to more than 7,200 remote host locations and drew a combined 357,000 participants, making it the largest one-day live evangelistic event in American history.

Harvest Crusades Story: ‘I’d Been a Meth Addict For Over 20 Years’

Evangelical Pastors, Leaders Come Together to Call Christians to Make 2017 'The Year of Good News'

'We commit to preach louder than our nation's politics, and we aim to make the message of Jesus Christ transcend the monopoly of our media.'

 RIVERSIDE, Calif. — A cross-denominational group of some of America's most influential Evangelical pastors and leaders has come together to call Christians to make 2017 "The Year of Good News."Pastor and Harvest Crusades founder Greg Laurie—who organized the letter—is joined by Evangelist Rev. Franklin Graham, Assemblies of God General Superintendent George Wood, Southern Baptist President Steve Gaines, Author Anne Graham Lotz, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary President Al Mohler, Family Talk Founder Dr. James Dobson, among others, in signing and publishing the letter urging American Christians to make 2017 the year they "share the message of Jesus with everyone they can at every opportunity they can.""In a time of bad news, distracting news, divisive news, disorderly news, and, sometimes, depressing news we—as Christians and as leaders—want to recommit ourselves to making sure that the Good News of Jesus cuts through it all," says the letter.The letter, which is a strong reminder of the Christian calling to be bearers of good news, was also signed by pastors David Jeremiah, Levi Lusko, Robert Morris, Ronnie Floyd, Skip Heitzig, and James MacDonald, as well as authors Max Lucado, Joel Rosenberg, and Randy Alcorn. Christian leaders such as Eric Metaxas, Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, and O. S. Hawkins also added their names to the letter.Christians everywhere are invited to join the "Year of Good News" with #YearOfGoodNews and to add their names at: goodnews.harvestamerica.com."We need a national miracle to heal our political, racial and cultural divisions, and that miracle is found in the power of Jesus to change our hearts," say the Evangelical leaders. "Therefore, we commit to preach louder than our nation's politics, and we aim to make the message of Jesus Christ transcend the monopoly of our media."The letter in its entirety, with its full list of signatories, is copied below.

The Year of Good News

In a time of bad news, distracting news, divisive news, disorderly news, and, sometimes, depressing news we—as Christians and as leaders—want to recommit ourselves to making sure that the Good News of Jesus cuts through it all. We call upon Christians in America to make 2017 "The Year of Good News."Christians everywhere must share the message of Jesus with everyone they can at every opportunity they can. Pastors must preach the Gospel boldly and pray intentionally for national revival.Despite the divisions and distractions dividing our nation and disorienting our culture, we believe that the Gospel of Jesus Christ remains the hope of the world and is more needed in our nation now than at almost any point in our nations history.This is not to diminish the important good works and example that the Church as a whole provides, but it is to emphasize that Jesus has commanded us to "go into all the world and preach the Gospel" and to "make disciples of all nations."Our message is the Good News that God loved us so much He sent His son to this earth on a rescue mission. Jesus who is fully God and fully man lived a perfect life, died a perfect death and rose again from the grave.We need a national miracle to heal our political, racial and cultural divisions, and that miracle is found in the power of Jesus to change our hearts. Therefore, we commit to preach louder than our nation's politics, and we aim to make the message of Jesus Christ transcend the monopoly of our media. We confess our only hope of unity is on the level ground at the foot of the cross of Jesus, and our only hope of healing is in the victory achieved through his empty tomb.The gospel is the timeless, God-honored, God-ordained message that can change a human heart for time and eternity. We accept Jesus' command to proclaim his message, wherever we are to whomever we are around.Because 2017 is such a critical year for America, it must become the Year of Good News.Signed,Greg LauriePastor, Harvest Christian FellowshipCathe LaurieSpeaker, AuthorFranklin GrahamBilly Graham Evangelistic AssociationAl MohlerPresident, Southern Baptist Theological SeminaryAnne Graham LotzAuthorJames DobsonAuthor, Family Talk with James DobsonJack GrahamPastor, Prestonwood ChurchSteve GainesPresident, Southern Baptist ConventionDavid JeremiahPastor, Shadow Mountain Community ChurchChris TomlinMusician, SongwriterMax LucadoAuthorRussell MoorePresident, Ethics & Religious Liberty CommissionJames MacDonaldFounder and Senior Pastor, Harvest Bible ChapelGeorge WoodGeneral Superintendent, Assemblies of GodEric MetaxasAuthor, Speaker, Radio HostKevin EzellPresident, North American Mission Board (NAMB)Robert MorrisPastor, Gateway ChurchRonnie FloydSenior Pastor, Cross ChurchJoe FochtSenior Pastor, Calvary Chapel of PhiladelphiaBrian BrodersenSenior Pastor, Calvary Chapel of Costa MesaJoel RosenbergAuthorLevi LuskoPastor, Fresh Life ChurchOS HawkinsPresident, Guidestone Financial ResourcesRandy AlcornAuthorWillie JordanCofounder and President, Fred Jordan MissionsRev. Samuel RodriguezPresident, National Hispanic Christian Leadership ConferenceSkip HeitzigFounder and Senior Pastor, Calvary of AlbuquerqueLee StrobelAuthor__________Pastor Greg Laurie serves as the senior pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, California, one of the largest churches in America; is the author of more than 70 books; hosts the nationally syndicated radio broadcast, A New Beginning; and is the founder of Harvest Crusades, a large-scale evangelistic ministry whose next event, Harvest America, will be held June 11 in Phoenix at the University of Phoenix Stadium and broadcast live nationwide. His next book "Steve McQueen: The Salvation of an American Icon" releases on June 13.Photo at top: Jeremy Bishop

Harvest Crusades Story: ‘I’d Been a Meth Addict For Over 20 Years’