Filming Frantic in New York City; Journaling Behind the Scenes

We just finished shooting in New York!!! It was snowy and magical in Manhattan. It reminded me of the most beautiful backdrop ever seen in Central Park…. And then it melted. Apparently, God cares about film continuity too…:0)

‘The Farmer and The Belle’Behind the Scenes Journal No. 4Filming Frantic in New York City

Jenn Gotzon Chandler, ProducerOur editor, Christopher Ridder made a list of Christmas iconic shots needed in New York City. He was a kid in a candy store when he got off the plane, as he never visited the Big Apple before. What a fun gift. Our second unit director and camera owner Reuben Evans flew in late night Saturday after the snow. Our skeleton crew of volunteers Christopher, Reuben, Jim and myself piled camp style in our humble abode for a winter night’s sleep. We filmed four days of pickup shots including Belle’s Manager Conrad (Rich Swingle) getting kicked out of the cab, hilarious moments of The Farmer (Jim’s character) getting lost in NYC, plates for green screen during cab ride scenes and a needed shot to complete last year’s chase scene.Did you see our first Facebook LIVE of the mounting mayhem (below)?For driving sequences in the film, we used a cloud mount suction-cupped to the hood of our car with Reuben as the technician and me, Jenn, as the driver…. Eeeek! No pedestrians or animals were hurt in the making of this movie. Yes. It was I who was behind the helm of the wheel with feet barely able to touch the pedals. With one eye closed… to pray… God literally moved and arranged the traffic that day. 5th Avenue traffic lights would turn green and the proper amount of taxi cabs would pull in front, filling the camera frame for a glorious image. One time we needed Belle’s Cab, the exact style Belle and her manager (Rich Swingle) get into in the beginning the movie... As soon as we prayed, “Jesus, this is your movie, please provide what is needed for this scene,” the cab appeared out of nowhere. This was one example of the many miracles of answered prayers from filming in Manhattan that week. Including having Rich, a local native help with production in Rockefeller Center, The Plaza Hotel, Central Park and Brooklyn Bridge.

Blessed by volunteers

Many of our production team have believed so much in the story of “The Farmer and The Belle,” they have worked for backend pay or volunteered, like Ginger Beggs, writing the exclusive journals for Christopher Ridder created our pitch trailer, which God used to bring success at AFM American Film Market, ie. potential talks with Hallmark. Our writing team, James M. De Vince, Reuben Evans and Billy Falcon, spent months crafting “The Farmer and The Belle” script, professionals are deeming it an “A” studio worthy script. Our costume designers Lisa Murphy from England making the Matching Adult, Kid and Animal Real Love Pink Onesies, Caroline Lauvetz from Savannah, GA making Belle’s Green Supermodel Coat and KC, jeweler from NYC making our movie’s hero Mojo Bracelet, a scripture inscribed charm bracelet sold with the DVD for girls to know what their worth is based on.Would you like to give a Christmas Gift to help compensate our production team? Jim and Jenn explain how in this video. We are praying for fishes and loaves to raise $35,000 to pay for development, trusting God to bring in the $500,000 for our production.

  • Impact culture with a Hilarious Christmas Movie with Biblical values about finding Real Love (Jesus).
  • Autographed Limited Edition Photograph from THE FARMER AND THE BELLE with Biblical Message.
  • Your Family Name in the Credit Scroll of the Movie.

Christmas Sketch Video

The actors and creators of The Farmer and The Belle, newlyweds Jim E. Chandler (Stranger Things) and Jenn Gotzon Chandler (God’s Country) wish you and your family the merriest Christmas. They created this silly Christmas video exclusively for Together LA to share with you:Silly Christmas Sketch Video movie is about helping girls know their value does not come from their beauty, fame or social following, but by treating and loving one another with grace, forgiveness, respect, honor and love exemplified through God's present to us through the Nativity, Jesus, the Real Love of Christmas.Pray for Jim, me and our team to be used by God making this Family, Christmas Comedy Movie THE FARMER AND THE BELLE into a classic wholesome Christmas tradition for families to enjoy for generations to come. We have filmed 15% of the movie (view trailer) including Christmas in NYC and our wedding. The remaining needs to be filmed at Jim's family's farm in GA. We are praying to premiere on Hallmark for Thanksgiving / Christmas 2018.[gallery type="slideshow" link="none" size="large" ids="3663,3664,3665" orderby="rand"]

PRESS RELEASE: All I Want For Christmas

Together LA Exclusive Journal: Making a Movie

Behind the Scenes: Journal Entry No. 1
