Pastors: Should You Promote a Political Opinion?
/During the current political climate that has shockingly pitted Christian-against-Christian, at least in ideological beliefs, should pastors endorse candidates or express political opinions?Pastors should consider the spiritual ramifications of promoting a political candidate, “especially in this day and age,” said a pastor and church security expert recently from Orange County, California.Kevin Robertson, author of Church Security: Providing a Safe Worship Environment, made his Facebook post on election day last week and although the subject matter wasn’t about church security, it did address the divisive nature found within the country and churches today.“Here's a thought for my Pastor friends,” states Robertson, who conducts church security conferences throughout the United States. “As a nation as we go to the voting booths today (June 5, 2018), it's a right, a privilege and a responsibility for each citizen, for everyone of us. That being said, I don't [impose] my personal decisions on this onto other pastors. This is just something to think about, something to consider.“In 1 Corinthians 10:23, it says we are allowed to do anything, but not everything is beneficial. As a pastor, do I have the right to promote a political candidate? Sure. But I think about it this way — I have friends that are Conservative, Liberal, Republican, Democrat, Independent and one that says he's a Socialist. Many of these friends of mine are not Christians.”He coninued, “If as a pastor, if I were to openly promote a Democrat or a Republican, etc., candidate then I have just built a wall between myself and the person on the ‘other side.’ As a pastor, as Christians, our goal, our hope and efforts should be focused on The Great Commission, (Matthew 28:16-20), building a ‘bridge’ with someone so that Christ can ‘walk across.’“Do I have the right and the freedom to express my political beliefs, absolutely. However, I had to decide, for me personally, which is more important to me: my freedom to express my voting decision, or my desire to build a friendship, a relationship with any and everyone that doesn't have a personal relationship with Christ? Especially in this day and age, regardless of which side of the aisle one's on, politics can be an extremely divisive topic. Just something for my pastor friends to consider.”Editor’s Note: The above article is part of Together LA’s “How Would Jesus Vote?” series that was kicked off in May with the TLA exclusive: Do Religion and Politics Mix? Franklin Graham Answers On Decision America Tour