Hollywood Prayer Network’s National Day of Prayer 2020 Event

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The first Thursday in May has marked the National Day of Prayer in the United States since the Reagan era, and even the Coronavirus couldn’t keep it at bay this year. This year’s National Day of Prayer was marked differently than in years past. There were no sit-down breakfasts, no gatherings around the flagpole. But people still gathered, albeit by Zoom and Facetime and Facebook Live.

This year, the Hollywood Prayer Network (HPN), originally founded by Karen Covell in 2001, hosted a virtual prayer gathering that had nearly 200 attendees from across LA and around the world. As with everything these days, it was weird and different. But it was also so uplifting to see people joining from their living rooms, cars, even walking. 

The event was organized by opening remarks, of reading of Psalm 91, and then times of guided prayer interspersed with corporate singing. Merlinda Balmas, co-lead of the Hollywood chapter of HPN, coordinated the focused prayer for The Culture, The Creatives, The Calling, The Commission, and of course, COVID-19. 

So many of us are Zoomed out after sheltering in place for more than 8 weeks, and we’re even beginning to fatigue of online church. But this event was so cathartic because we were able to see everyone praying and singing together. Rather than just staring at a screen while someone preaches or sings, everyone was participating together. To be able to see faces while everyone cries out to God was so human. It felt like a bit of true community, even among strangers.

During the entire event, participants were chiming in via the chat feature on Zoom. Some were agreeing in prayer with the main speaker. Others were posting their own prayer requests. In addition to prayers for global and national concerns like COVID-19 and justice for Ahmaud Arbery, many lifted up praise for God’s goodness and petitions that He would be made famous in Hollywood and throughout the entertainment world.

Perhaps one of the most poignant prayers posted: “God raise up people to be witnesses to your glory in Hollywood and all cities across the globe.”

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A number of ministry and prayer leaders participated in the May 7th event, including:

HOPE IN THE HILLS - a church in Beverly Hills 

9t5 - A bible study at Warner Bros Studios

MASTERMEDIA - hosts events and prayers for the entertainment industry

IKON - Reality LA’s acting and writing small groups

GREENHOUSE ARTS - hosts informational classes and groups for filmmakers in Los Angeles 

If you would like to find more information about getting involved with Hollywood Prayer Network, including their weekly prayer meetings, you can find them here: https://hollywoodprayernetwork.org/