Fellowship Monrovia: Hungry (I'm Falling On My Knees) [Worship Video]
/Fellowship Monrovia posted on its Facebook page recently this masterful video below with the suggestion (caption) to: Take a few minutes out of the busyness of your day to come to the Lord and worship.
Hungry (I'm Falling On My Knees)
Hungry, I come to youFor I know You satisfyI am empty but I knowYour love does not run drySo I wait for YouSo I wait for YouI'm falling on my kneesOffering all of meJesus, You're all this heartIs living forBroken, I run to YouFor Your arms are open wideI am weary but I knowYour touch restores my lifeSo I wait for YouSo I wait for YouI'm falling on my kneesOffering all of meJesus, You're all this heartIs living forHungry, I come to YouFor I know You satisfyI am empty but I knowYour love does not run dry
About Fellowship Monrovia
Founded in Monrovia, California in 2012, Fellowship is a Gospel-centered, multiethnic, intergenerational church that exists to make disciples.Join us on Sundays!One church. Two Locations. Five Service Times.Monrovia High School Campus (MHS)845 W. Colorado Blvd.Monrovia, CA 91016Service Times: 8:15, 10, 11:45 AMHuntington Drive Campus (HDC)401 E. Huntington Dr.Monrovia, CA 91016Service Times: 9 & 11 AMWebsite: https://madeforfellowship.com/
Editor's Note
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