Stimulus Funds Are For Churches, Nonprofits and Sole-Proprietors Too

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Many small businesses and organizations are in dire straits as life, and cash flow, grinds to a halt. The economic reach of the Coronavirus shutdown is unparalleled and it is affecting for-profit businesses, churches, nonprofits and sole-proprietors alike. 

If you run an organization with less than 500 employees and you are suffering financial hardship due to COVID-19, listen up. The federal government just passed a $2 trillion stimulus bill, and $349 billion is set aside to help you via the Paycheck Protection Program. It is intended to ensure small businesses and a number of other entity types can continue to pay their employees and prevent layoffs. 


Is this a loan or a grant?

• These funds are designated as forgivable loans, as long as the funds are used to pay employees, rent, utilities and other business-related debts. That means the principle effectively becomes a grant 8 weeks following the distribution of the loan.

Do I have to pay interest?

• You are not responsible for interest on the forgiven loan amount. However, if you do not retain your original employees, then your loan will not be forgiven in full and you will be responsible for the interest accrued on the unforgiven loan amount.

Who qualifies for these funds?

• A number of entities qualify for these funds including businesses, nonprofits, houses of worship, freelancers, self-employed, and even gig workers like Uber and Lyft drivers.

When can I apply for these funds?

• Organizations should be able to apply by April 3, 2020 (strong emphasis on should, as the scale of this endeavor is unprecedented).

Who is facilitating these loans?

• Funds will be offered through most FDIC-insured banks, credit unions and fintech lenders, in addition to established Small Business Administration lenders.

How do I apply?

• Per the U.S. Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship FAQs, you can call your bank or find a list of SBA-approved lenders in your area through the SBA’s online Lender Match tool. 

 If you would like additional information on this program and all you will need to apply for funding, TogetherLA is hosting an information session on Thursday, April 2 at 12:00 PM PDT. Click here to register

Children in Foster Care: If Christians won’t help, who will?


Scripture and Statistics:

God’s deep concern for orphans and the fatherless is very evident in scripture. *The Bible also makes it clear that Christians are to have this same depth of concern. **These scriptures are not only a command, but also a definition: This is what Christ followers do. They care for kids without families.

In the U.S., thankfully, we don’t have orphanages any more. But we do have children without families. Our “orphans”are children in foster care – over 21,000 in LA County alone. Many of them live in group homes (our nation’s“orphanages”), going through each day with the knowledge that no one really wants them.

Consider the difficult life of a child in foster care: Taken from his or her family without warning and dropped off at the homeof a stranger, often without his or her siblings, and without familiar toys, clothing or anything else. It’s confusing, destabilizing… terrifying. Trying to adjust to an unknown family, sleeping in a strange bed, figuring out an unfamiliar school setting, trying to make new friends – all without the support of familiar faces. 

And then far too often the child is moved again. And again. There are instances of children living in more than 15 foster homes within a period of a few years, and each move deepens the damage to the child.

The Christian church hasn’t done enough for these kids. We help the homeless, an important ministry – but are we aware that over 50% of the homeless spent time in foster care? We are concerned about sex trafficking – but do we know the FBI estimates that over 70% of American girls/women in the U.S. sex trade have a history of foster care? We have prison ministries – but have we heard that 40-60% of inmates were once in foster care? These statistics reveal that to attack the root of these problems, we must help kids in foster care. 

Some additional statistics – if a child “ages out” of foster care without a stable and caring adult in their lives:

•  1 in 3 will experience homelessness in the future
•  1 in 2 will be unemployed at age 24
•  96 in 100 will not get a college degree
•  1 in 5 will end up in jail
•  4 in 5 will become parents in their teens or early 20’s, and the cycle will likely repeat

Every day, 54 of America’s foster children “age out” of the system, often with nowhere to go. That’s 1,620 every month, 19,440 a year.

If Christians won’t help, who will?

Christians: the solution to the statistics

The Christian community can change the statistics – in fact, they are called to do so. Christians are uniquely positioned to help kids in foster care not just with their physical and emotional needs, but with their deep spiritual need to hear of the Father who loves them.

There are so many other avenues to help – here are just a few ways loving Christian singles or couples, old or young, can make a major impact: 

•  Assist at a youth group for kids in foster care—serving a meal, talking with kids, doing crafts, playing games
•  Be an educational advocate for a child in foster care, making sure his/her educational needs are met
•  Provide encouragement and guidance to a foster youth aging out of foster care, providing job/life skills
•  Be a camp counselor at a Christian summer camp for kids in foster care, loving and encouraging them
•  Befriend a child waiting to be adopted, providing him or her with support and encouragement
•  Be a court appointed advocate for a foster child
•  Become a foster parent – couples and singles of varying ages can open their home to a child
•  Support a foster parent in your congregation with meals, prayers, babysitting, etc.
•  Adopt a child – if one family from every church in your county adopted one waiting child, there would be no waiting children. No county in the U.S. has more children waiting for a family than it has churches.

We can make an eternal difference

The really great news is that by getting involved with children in foster care, Christians are not only able to love and serve as Jesus demonstrated, but are also able to tell them about their Heavenly Father who loves them. Christians can make an eternal difference in the life of a child by helping them develop a personal relationship with Jesus. That is great news.

So step in! If Christians won’t help…who will?

*Ps 68:5, Deut 10:18, Deut 14:29, PS 19:14, IS 1:23
**Ps 68:5, Deut 10:18, Deut 14:29, PS 19:14, IS 1:23


Nothing Brings A Neighborhood Together Like A Run on Baby Wipes

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Today I spent nearly two hours looking for baby wipes, again. I’m not looking to fill a warehouse or sell them to the highest bidder. I just have a baby and well, we all know how that goes. I suppose I should have stockpiled two weeks ago when I first noticed I was running out, but to be honest it didn’t cross my mind that people might be curating collections of wipes in addition to toilet paper. Oh, and I also don’t have stockpiling as a line-item in my budget.

I’m hoping I don’t have to make my own wipes so I put out an APB on my neighborhood app, asking if anyone has the lowdown on which stores within a 20-mile radius still have wipes. And you know what I found? Definitely not any stores with wipes. I did, however, find incredible neighbors. In a matter of minutes, people I’d never met offered me a package or two of baby wipes from their own stash, and free of charge! Others offered me inside knowledge of when their local store would be getting another shipment.

Let me just stop to tell you that I live in a suburban area where each house is securely surrounded by a cinder block wall. People are friendly, but you really have to think outside the box to meet your neighbors. I’ve lived here for 8 months and today I had only met 2 neighbors.  But funny enough, social distancing might just be bringing us together. 

I decided to respond to the plethora of offers once I got home from a walk with my girls. While out, I struck up a conversation (at a socially safe distance of course) with some folks who were enjoying the afternoon sun out on their patio. We were sharing stories of Lockdown 2020 and I mentioned not being able to find wipes. This woman jumped up and said “We have wipes!” She quickly ran inside and brought out a package. After telling her I didn’t want to take her supply, she insisted I needed them more than she did and promptly put them in the undercarriage of my baby girl’s stroller. I later found out she was going to bake cookies with her daughter but didn’t have eggs. But not to worry; I have plenty!

When I got home from my walk, I had a message waiting for me from another neighbor from the app who told me she had left two packages of wipes on her porch for me to pick up. 

In less than 24 hours, I’ve met 3 neighbors I likely would not have met otherwise. And I have a feeling this is just the beginning. Funny enough, social distancing might just be bringing us together. 

Sarah Martel Lee currently lives in Phoenix, AZ and loves words - writing them, editing them, using them to tell stories and communicate ideas. In her own words she writes, “I love to find order out of chaos. I spent 10 years building a business from scratch, learning an industry that was foreign to me. And in recent years, I’ve had the privilege of walking some stellar nonprofit organizations through the business-building process. I am a wife and together we are raising three sweet little girls.”

In The Age of Coronavirus: Love Your Neighbor

When 2020 first rolled around, the idea that entire countries would soon be on lockdown would have sounded preposterous. But in just a few months, life as we knew it has halted to a stop. Large gatherings are being banned across the country. Some states are mandating that bars and restaurants shut their doors, save for deliveries, for several weeks. We are being told to stay 6 feet away from one another. That is the average width of a car!

The CDC and state public health department are providing best practices given the information they have. But who is providing best practices for how we are to follow Christ in the age of coronavirus?

We need to talk practical application because Jesus did not give caveats for loving our neighbors. So how do we love those around us when social distancing is the rule of the day? And how should we encourage our congregations and circles of influence to take advantage of the most unexpected of circumstances.

  1. Soak up God’s Word. Let His comfort wash over you. Meditate on His truth so that when your friends and neighbors begin talking about their fears, and they will, you have a salve for their fear-filled soul.

  2. Stay home! This sounds counterproductive, but right now one very practical way to love our communities is to keep our physical distance. There is still so much unknown about this virus but we do know it is possible to be asymptomatic and still be contagious.

  3. Get on an app like Nextdoor to get in touch with your neighbors. Once you are on the app, use it purposefully. Start conversations. Ask people what their needs are. Find out what people are worried about. And once you know, ask the Lord to guide you how to meet that need in a safe and practical way. Oh, and ask your neighbors if you can pray for them. More than ever, people want to talk and they are willing to engage in a greater depth of conversation.

  4. Reach out to your friends and neighbors and ask them if they need someone to get groceries for them. We often bemoan the evils of social media, but this is a great opportunity to use it in a way that can bless others.

  5. There is a decent chance some of our friends and neighbors over 60 haven’t mastered the use of video chat, ordering groceries online, or even email. If you are able to do so without putting them at risk, offer to help them get online or do their grocery order for them.

  6. Make your community feel known. Everyone is isolated right now and while many introverts are living their bliss, your extroverts may be having an exceptionally hard time. Engage them in text and email conversation. Send them video greetings. Consider asking them to do a daily bible study or devotional over Skype or Facetime.

  7. Be authentic. Don’t pretend you do not experience anxiety. Be honest with your community about your anxiety but always, always bring your fears back to the anchor of God’s Word. We are reminded in Philippians 4 that when we have anxiety, we are to bring it to God with prayer, supplication and thanksgiving. We are to train our thoughts on that which is true. Read Philippians 4:4-9. Chew on it. Practice it. Be reminded that the Lord is near!

COVID-19: What’s Love Got To Do With It?


TogetherLA is a movement of pastors, church leaders and people of faith who love LA. And there is no better time to discuss what it means to love LA than when a global pandemic reaches our shores.

What seemed like someone else’s concern just a few weeks ago is now the concern of every person on planet earth. It is hard to believe that statement is not hyperbole. COVID-19, aka the novel Coronavirus, is now a pandemic. The goal is no longer to stop the disease in its tracks, but rather reduce the rate at which the disease spreads.

Every company, organization and social institution is asking what their responsibility needs to be in mitigating the spread of the Coronavirus, and that includes churches. But churches have historically been a place of refuge in situations such as these. So what should our response be when it might be most beneficial to close our doors? Do we continue to host live services, community groups and classes, or do we disrupt our accessibility to the masses to reduce spread?

California officials are calling for a cancellation of all large group gatherings of 250 people or more, as are many other cities and states throughout the country. Churches in the LA area and beyond have decided to move their gatherings online, or cancel them altogether for the foreseeable future. And for good reason.

Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, the nation’s leading expert on infectious diseases, told Congress today that “Right now, all of us, regardless of what testing is going on, need to be doing the kind of distancing, avoiding crowds, teleworking when possible. I said it many times and I’ll say it again. This is not business as usual.”

How do we, as a church, best love our city? We certainly do not want to react in fear. We want to be confident that God is in control and will provide all we need. However, we also want to lean in to the common grace God has afforded us through the wisdom of science and medicine. And if we look at past pandemics, enforcing social distancing has historically been extremely effective at lowering morbidity rates and reducing the rate of spread.

We have to ask ourselves - is it more loving for us to provide traditional gatherings for our congregants and our city, or is it more loving to place a temporary halt on our daily lives in order to fight for the safety of those who are most vulnerable among us?

In the coming days we will look at how the Coronavirus is affecting all areas of life and church and what it looks like to love LA in these unprecedented times.

The ABCD's of Making Disciples

Want to make disciples but feel overwhelmed in where to start? Here are four practical steps that just might help you.

 1. Assess- what relationships do you already have in your life with people outside of the Faith? People at work, at the gym, on the block, in your family. Start with the relationships God has already entrusted to you. For it is God who determined our time and place so that people may find Him (Acts 17:26-27).

2. Bless- in what ways can you be a blessing to them? Maybe buying a co-worker lunch or coffee? Maybe picking up trash on your block? Maybe asking for prayer requests? Maybe helping someone with a project? This should be driven because of our call to love our neighbor as God commands us. Obviously we want to share the Gospel with them, but that is not why we love and serve people. We love, because we have first been loved (1 John 4:19). 

3. Cultivate- how can you take the relationship deeper? Can you invite someone over for dinner? Can you grab coffee with someone? As relationships cultivate, they end up incorporating what is important to us- our passions, our likes, our dislikes. Let the Gospel naturally become part of these conversations. Ask to share your testimony. Ask questions about their "faith journey".

4. Disciple- as your friends now engage with you spiritually, search for ways to disciple them. If they are yet convinced of the Good News of salvation, listen to their questions and prayerfully seek for answers as Luke does with Theophilus (Luke 1:3-4). If they place their trust in Jesus, partner with them in their spiritual growth and development. Engage them with the Scriptures in everyday conversations and let them see more and more of the character of God in your life. 


Hollywood Coworking Space Provides Soul Care Epiphany Space, Part 2

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Melissa Smith, the Founder and Executive Director of Hollywood’s Epiphany Space,  shared with us how her coworking space began. If you missed it, you can find Part 1 here.

TogetherLA: What are some of the pressing needs you see among your client base and their peer/social groups?

Melissa Smith: My quick take on the pressing needs in our community:

 1. Work! Even when we have gigs and projects in our field that pay adequately, there is always the awareness of needing to line up the next one.

2. Networking. Getting in front of the people looking to mentor, hire, and otherwise ‘validate’ (I use the word loosely, since our entire purpose is to find validation outside of success at work) what we create.

3. Stability. LA in general and Hollywood in particular experiences a constant state of change, which can be terrifying without some sense of rootedness.

4. Community. Everyone needs a sense of belonging to feel safe. A place to feel accepted and seen, especially while pursuing work in a highly competitive industry where even success breeds extreme isolation.

5. Spiritual healing. Some challenges of life and work in the LA arts/entertainment industry just can’t be touched by anything other than Jesus. 

TogetherLA: On your website you mentioned meeting a number of actors who have broken relationships with parents. I would love to hear more about that, and how you’ve seen needs met through organic interactions like with you and your daughter.

Melissa Smith: In my pastoral training, I’ve learned that one of our core needs as humans is to belong. As a Hollywood citizen, I find myself in a culture that is far from hospitable, particularly to creative professionals - there are gates and gatekeepers on every corner with big KEEP OUT signs posted (sometimes literally). Add to this that many people come here because of the lack of support in their families of origin.

When we first opened in 2013, our newborn daughter Viola was with me every day at Epiphany Space. God brought multiple people to the space during that season who missed the nurturing of a mother in their childhood. I would listen to their stories while caring for Viola, and occasionally ask them to hold her or watch her a moment. God used those interactions to show what parental love looks like. Several people in our new community allowed God’s love and kindness to heal deep places in their hearts and memories. 

So many of us come to Hollywood to BE somebody and to prove that we have value. The city offers plenty of opportunities to exploit our talent, time and money for that chance to make an impression on the big decision-makers in the industry. Epiphany Space has a mandate to nurture and demonstrate acceptance and “enoughness” to all; no matter what’s going on with your career.

TogetherLA: As you were cultivating the environment at Epiphany Space, what mistakes did you make?

Melissa Smith: Experimenting and failure are important elements in creating, and God has taught me this lesson over and over as Epiphany Space has come into existence. 

The unfolding of Epiphany has been different than expected. When applying for 501(c)(3) status, we had to generate a business plan (eek!). We faithfully put together budgets and plans, but when it came time to make those numbers a reality, the way of growth was very different from what we anticipated. At times it has seemed like a failure.

I did not expect to have a baby and launch our space at the same time. Because of this, I was dependent on others for help to do things I would have normally done myself. This dependent collaboration has created something more beautiful than I could have achieved on my own. 

I also greatly underestimated the pressure our marriage would be under in having a new baby, running Epiphany and experiencing many lean financial years for Epiphany and our family. I’m so glad I have the support of friends nearby and family far away, who have helped out with childcare, donations, and random errands. 

TogetherLA: You refer to Epiphany Space becoming more and more the nurturing hive of creativity that was born in your heart in 2009. What images, interactions and outcomes come to mind when you use that phrase?

 Just as the body of Christ has many parts and giftings that work together, Epiphany’s community is full of talented people who encourage one another and share skills. Natural collaborations have included…

· Bands, backup musicians for performances and recordings as musicians come together at Epiphany Space, befriend one another, and make plans together outside of the space

· Actors, editors and crew for film projects who all met through coworking and events in the space

· Freelance work relationships and referring work to one another

· Salute Your Shorts Fest is now in its fourth year, after the two founders met and made friends through coworking at Epiphany Space

· All the time, we see members brainstorming, reading for each others’ audition tapes, running lines, or weighing in on music and edits for reels and commercial projects

o  True story: two actors in our community were submitted for the same role by their agents. Instead of competing with each other they learned lines and practiced for the audition together. I LOVE that!

· Friends to celebrate with and journey through disappointment with 

· And even though we are not a Christian club, we have teamed up with community members who love Jesus for more explicitly Christ-centered events; I and a few friends meet once a week to worship and pray for Hollywood and our people, and we’ve held larger prayer gatherings and ‘listening groups’ as well.

What Hollywood Dreamers Want Churches to Know

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If your church is in the LA area, you have people in your community and likely attending your services who are pursuing work in the entertainment industry. The industry can feel like a different world, with vastly different standards for work hours and success than the average 9-to-5 career. While parts of it can be glamorous, many of us pursuing work in entertainment experience it as an isolating and discouraging uphill battle. As we navigate the murkiness of Hollywood’s waters, we long for church communities that understand what life can be like for us. Here are a few of the biggest things we want you to know if you want your church to be home for Hollywood dreamers. 

We Need Flexibility 

One of the hardest parts about this world is how unpredictable our schedules are. For a lot of types of work in Hollywood, work is gig-based and inconsistent. We can go days or weeks without getting a gig, which means we take what we can get. 

In the film industry, for example, plenty of people do work as an extra, often for income and experience as they’re getting started. The majority of time we get booked the night before, and are only given a call time and location. We have no idea if we’re going to get kept for 3 hours or 16 hours. This makes planning our social calendar extremely difficult. We often feel like fickle friends, but have no control over our work hours other than having to turn down a gig, which means losing an entire day’s pay.

This can definitely be a barrier to integrating into a church. Because we have no control over our work hours and are often desperate for whatever gigs come our way, we’re probably going to be inconsistent with attending regular services, making it to small group meetings, and volunteering. We are also desperate for a community that will be understanding of our messy lifestyles as we do our best to function with limited control over our schedules. 

We need church staff that won’t hold it against us if we can’t commit to a fixed volunteer schedule, small group leaders that won’t be upset if we don’t make it to every meeting, and a church community around us that won’t make us feel judged for spotty attendance. 

Most of Us Work Multiple Jobs

To stay afloat in a gig economy, where we might go weeks without getting booked, a lot of us are taking whatever side jobs we can get that work within our unpredictable schedules. For some of us, especially those early into our careers, our main income might not even come from the entertainment industry. The question, “What do you do?” makes a lot of us squirm for a few reasons, one being that the answer isn’t simple. You’ll find people pursuing a career in the industry who are also baristas, servers, bartenders, freelancers, or substitute teachers.

When careers come up in conversation, it can feel embarrassing to talk about our messy job situation when most other people can answer with one simple word. It can feel like most people have their career all figured out and settled, while we do this balancing act to make ends meet, not even knowing if we’ll ever ‘make it’ in the industry. We crave understanding and support from people as we wrestle with the shame we often feel. 

It can be especially important to be sensitive to think about this with programming. Some churches try to organize small groups or discussions around work, organizing people into groups by career field. Volunteer applications might ask you to list your career or employer. Consider ways you can be sensitive to the wide range of people who don’t fit neatly into one category. 


It’s a Slow Climb Up the Ladder

One of the first questions a lot of actors get when they share what they do is, “What have you been on that I’ve probably seen?” A lot of people don’t realize that for most of us in the entertainment industry, it often takes years to work our way up to notable projects, if we ever make it big. Questions like this just add to the sense of shame we have about what an uphill battle it is to try to make it in Hollywood. 

We would love to have our church community help encourage us in whatever stage we’re in, celebrating the little successes that might not seem that important to other people. For a lot of us, little successes are all we’ll get for years on end. Get excited for the musician who got booked for a coffee shop gig, the stunt performer who got to double someone in a student film, and the choreographer hired for a small community theater production. 

Hollywood Coworking Space Provides Soul Care Epiphany Space, Part 1

Epiphany Space, Los Angeles, California

Epiphany Space, Los Angeles, California

As more and more people telecommute or work non-traditional jobs, coworking spaces are meeting some very practical needs. In the past five years, they’ve grown by more than 200% as people look for structure, community and accountability. Epiphany Space, which exists to serve Hollywood’s creative professionals, goes outside the box and seeks to be a place for work, soul care, and even family.

Epiphany Space’s founder, Melissa Smith, recently took some time to share about her passion project.

TogetherLA: Epiphany Space was born out of some crazy circumstances. Tell us how Epiphany Space came to be. 

Melissa Smith: 

There are a number of ways God spoke to me about this desire [to create Epiphany Space], and the steps toward execution. I’ll try to consolidate. If you want the whole story of visions, dreams, confirmations, and tests, just ask - I love telling it! It all starts in 2008, when my screenwriter husband Bren and I left our vibrant artist community in New York City to pursue his film career in Los Angeles. Unfortunately, we arrived during the 2008 financial crisis and the WGA writer’s strike. 

We experienced firsthand the challenges of being creatives in LA. The sunshine and pace of life in LA is wonderful, but work schedules, geography, excessive traffic, and the exorbitant cost of living - not to mention separation from family, for most of us who have moved away from home to be here - perpetuate a sense of isolation and disconnection. 

My husband and I saw a need for a place where independent and freelance artists could gather, work on their own projects and be in an intentional life-giving community.

One day, while driving past the Warner Brothers studio lot on my way to volunteer with a local non-profit, I had an open vision from God. In the vision, there were three glass boxes, each box contained a house and the houses represented a perfectly good life blessed of God. The first house was “low risk, low reward,” the second house was “moderate risk, moderate reward,” and the final house was “high risk, high reward.” In that moment God asked me to choose which life I would have. In my heart of hearts, I knew that if I chose either of the first two I would always wonder what the “high risk, high reward” life would have been. So I chose the third box. 

Yes. I did that.

As I grappled with the aforementioned challenges of life in my new city, I began to envision a large facility that could host a vibrant multi-disciplinary community including film, theater, dance, music and fine art. Various mediums of art and craft informing each other. Facility, talent and resources being shared. People from every walk of life creating together. Collaboration and encouragement, not toxic competition. Resources to help creatives become healthy and thriving - which impacted their art. Life and creative energy flowing through the space and out into the world around it. God’s creative presence filled the place and influenced everyone who came near. 

Anyone who has started something new has probably asked the questions I asked: is this my thing, or does it already exist and can I be a part of it? Where can I even find out about something like this? If it doesn’t exist, who can help me create it - or am I all on my own?

Through advice and intercession, my role became clear: create an artist community and coworking space that also makes room for artists’ spiritual and emotional support.  

As a New York executive, I had been a key player in starting restaurants, catering companies and a corporate dining facility. But that was all in collaboration and under the oversight of other people who carried the vision (and the funding). I had never dreamed of venturing out on my own until this desire for a creative hub began haunting my dreams and waking hours.

I started with what I had. Friends and I co-worked in each other’s apartments. I began meeting with artists of all disciplines for coffee, hearing their stories, helping them process life and pain. I was ordained and commissioned as a minister by my home church in Georgia and in 2010 we formed a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization for Epiphany Space. The big challenge for us was how to take Epiphany Space from a private living room to a public space in expensive Los Angeles - Hollywood, no less.

Then I got pregnant. It was the spring of 2013, and I had a dream that my husband and I forgot we had a surrogate. In the dream, the surrogate was fully pregnant on the birthing table and I was behind her - also fully pregnant - helping her give birth. The dream ended with my husband and I having two girls! 

I knew the dream was significant, but was not sure why until a few months later. Ecclesia, our local church community, asked if Epiphany Space would be interested in sharing a building - a former preschool just off Sunset Boulevard. Renting space in someone else’s building did not fit my initial vision, but the surrogate dream gave me courage to move forward and accept the offer. 

Epiphany Space had $2,000 in our bank account when I toured the new location, so we launched an IndieGogo campaign to raise $50,000. We campaigned hard, our creative community and friends back home gave generously. And when the campaign ended (scheduled to coincide with my baby’s supposed arrival), we had not met our goal and I had not started labor. I sat in my rocking chair on my due date with $4,500 and no baby.

Uncomfortably tired, with a swirl of thoughts and emotions, I decided. We were moving forward. We had barely enough money to pay the first month’s rent and I’d probably have to move most of the secondhand furniture from my apartment into the space, but we were moving forward. 

Then I got an email from friends to see how the campaign and I were doing. I sent an emotional and rambling email to them. They were out of the country but responded, saying they had some money put aside that they had wanted to contribute to a good cause. The funds had only become available that morning, so they were writing to let me know that a check for $40,000 was on its way. 

I cried. I was completely overwhelmed. It felt to me like God said, “You’ve done your part, now let me do mine.” 

My daughter was born a few days later, and we received the keys to our new space. Family members flew in, friends volunteered and together we transformed the rooms with paint and elbow grease. We made a few strategic purchases and scoured secondhand shops for furniture. Pirate Art Department, our set designer friends, created tables and a work bar. Our doors opened in October 2013, less than a month later, with our daughter Viola as our mascot. 

I was surprised (and am now thankful), by how I was shaped in the midst of this journey to create and birth Epiphany Space. I became a mother, a minister and a non-profit executive at the same time. I felt intimidated at the prospect of having my daughter and the co-working community simultaneously,but having her with me in the space was a huge part of inviting people to the family of Epiphany Space. My unhealthy independence and perfectionism yielded to the refining of motherhood and learning to thrive with limited resources.

Dear Los Angeles, A Letter to a Grieving City

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By Jeremy Treat

Los Angeles is hurting, again. The helicopter that went down with Kobe Bryant and his daughter Giana, along with seven other beloved people, struck a nerve in Los Angeles, sending reverberations of pain throughout the city. While a celebrity death is no more of a loss than any death, this tragedy has uniquely shaken L.A. Why? From my perspective, as a pastor in Los Angeles, the answers reveal much about the City of Angels and the people who call it home. 

A tragedy as wide-reaching as the death of Kobe Bryant seems to have tapped into the personal pain we all carry, opening up space for everyone to lament together. We’re all suffering in one form or another, dealing with loss, trauma, or disappointment. What’s happening in L.A. right now is that a common loss has created a sense of a communal release, a cathartic experience of the city groaning with agony. As we mourn with those who mourn, we learn that somehow pain is more bearable when it’s shared. 

Kobe’s death is also striking a nerve because it exposes many of the facades of day-to-day life and forces us to confront reality. One person’s initial response to the news of the crash is revealing: “He can’t die. He’s Kobe.” She said it, but that’s how we all felt. It’s sad to say, but, for me, Kobe’s death humanized him. He’s not a “celebrity” or even a “legend,” he was a father, a husband, a person—just like you and me. A loss like this pulls back the curtain on L.A. culture that attempts to ignore the fragility of life, avoid the inevitability of death, and live as if what really matters is image and fame. Death isn’t the exception, it’s the norm. It comes sooner for some, but the shock that we feel ought to make us ponder what really matters most in life.

Perhaps the greatest reason Kobe’s death is affecting Los Angeles so deeply is because of the way Kobe represents L.A. I don’t mean in the superficial sense of gracing billboards and being associated with the city at large. The depth of pain is a result not of Kobe’s celebrity but of his story. Like many Angelenos, Kobe came to L.A. at a young age with much potential. The success and the city got to him in many ways, however, and by the age of twenty-five, his dream had become a nightmare. Kobe wasn’t on SportsCenter for basketball highlights but for his trial over rape allegations. But as Kobe moved into his early forties, he was focused on being a good dad to his daughters, giving back to the community, and maturing as a man. I think Angelenos are grieving so deeply because they identify with eighteen to twenty-five-year-old Kobe but they want to be like forty-one-year-old Kobe. 

Amidst the pain and confusion of this loss, many people in Los Angeles are asking, “What can I do with all this sorrow and sadness?” Right now, we need to grieve. Rather than ignoring, minimizing, or numbing the pain, we should lament the pain, acknowledging the loss for what it is. It’s okay to cry. Grief is the appropriate response to loss.

The Pros and Cons of SoFi Stadium


Inglewood’s new SoFi stadium, home to the Los Angeles Chargers and Rams, is slated to open in July 2020. It will be christened by Taylor Swift’s 2020 tour, and may even host the 2020 NFL season opener. With architecture that is a feat of engineering, technology that is second-to-none, and a price tag that makes it the most expensive stadium in NFL history, countless stakeholders and fans are awaiting its unveiling.

While the stadium promises to bring upwards of 10,000 permanent jobs and consistent tourism to the storied Inglewood neighborhood, not everyone is hopeful that all of the change will be positive. Inglewood has most certainly had a troubled past, with high unemployment and crime rates that have slowly abated over the last 10 years. But it also has a long, rich history as an enclave for both African American and Hispanic communities.

 From the outside, this looks like a huge win for the city. But for many longtime residents and mom and pop shops, they fear the gentrification will bring rising property values and rent that will eventually price them out of the neighborhood. And many small businesses wonder how long they’ll be able to compete against chains moving into the surrounding areas. To that end, the city has established a 5-year rent control. 

 So what is the fear, and what can we learn from history? As property gets gobbled up nearby, the costs of housing and goods will eventually increase, pushing out those with low and fixed incomes. To those unaffected by this change, it is easy to overlook the problem. But for a traditionally African-American and Latino community, they can look forward to displacement and removal from their community and social support system.

This story is not new. We have seen it again and again across the country. New developments make way for forward progress as old neighborhoods reinvent themselves. But that reinvention almost always comes with a loss of the embedded culture that kept those social networks thriving.

This happened just a decade ago in Chicago’s infamous Cabrini-Green neighborhood. New developments created new, more expensive housing opportunities on prime real estate. As the upwardly mobile moved in, those who had long called it home were forced out and it disrupted an entire cultural ecosystem. Lives were uprooted, extended families no longer had opportunity to live in close proximity and care for one another. It had real consequences. The single mom working two jobs who lived next door to her aunts was relocated 30 miles away and lost her free childcare. She lost her social construct of proximity and togetherness.

 Yes, the pros and cons of these changes can be argued for days. But the benefits on one side do not negate the difficulties that many will face at the same time. So what do we do about this? Do we stand in the way of change and progress and innovation to ensure that no social and cultural norms are disrupted? Do we give development a full-court press and trust that economic benefit to the city will do the most good, regardless of the collateral damage? 

The answer is not easy. But maybe we start but acknowledging there are many stakeholders aside from the NFL and those who stand to make money from their new neighbor. 

 Maybe we make this the start of the conversation, rather than just the beginning and the end. Maybe we ask each other what we are responsible for, with the knowledge we have. And maybe we seek the Lord and ask how we might bring His peace to those who are getting displaced for the sake of Inglewood’s economic improvement.

Ancient Wisdom for a Fractured Society

Reality LA recently hosted award-winning author, James K.A. Smith, for a discussion on how ancient wisdom can still help Christians navigate the world today. The insights he shared largely came from Saint Augustine, a 5th century theologian and political advocate for legal mercy, refuge for fugitives and slaves, and revolutionary hope. As we enter this politically-charged election year in an increasingly divided society, Augustine’s life and writing offer a wealth of wisdom that can help us navigate some of the big questions surrounding faith and politics.

Should Christians care about politics?

Some Christians disengage politics based on flawed views that politics are inherently worldly and evil, while others are paralyzed by the overwhelming and seemingly broken system we live in. The truth is, we need a system in place in order to share life with others. Politics are a necessary reality in our world. Therefore, as Christians who are called to engage the world, we are called and empowered to be political (not partisan) ambassadors of Christ.

In our society, politics wield the most power in shaping the lives of others on a large scale. Politics are a foundational avenue to help work toward the common good, meaning shalom and wholeness for our neighbors in all aspects of life. By engaging in this system, we are working to care for our neighbor and for the vulnerable. In the midst of this, we also acknowledge that politics are not the ultimate reality, which is that Christ is on the throne, and no ruler can save us or our world.

What shapes our political identity?

A central understanding that Augustine challenges us to have is knowing when we are. In his book, The City of God, he uses the metaphors of the ‘earthly city’ and ‘the City of God’ to help highlight the tension between the world and God’s kingdom. We are living in the time between the cross and kingdom come, which means we are citizens of God living in the earthly city. In this tension, we hope and pray for the kingdom to be fully realized, and in the meantime act as ambassadors for the kingdom to our world.

The metaphor highlights the different loves and driving passions for each city. The earthly city functions based on the drive for power and domination. The City of God is ordered around a pursuit of the common good through sacrifice, worship and selflessness. As we acknowledge these different ambitions, we do our best to forge a common life with citizens of the earthly city. We engage the systems in place to seek harmony and wholeness, while resting in the ultimate hope of the coming kingdom.

How should we prepare for this divisive election year?

Understand the Tension

Everyone is looking for a story to live into that is bigger than ourselves. Without the vision of God’s story, many people see politics as the bigger story they can root their identity in, especially with the increasing awareness and passion for social justice in our society. We should seek to understand how personal and foundational politics can be to others, while understanding for ourselves that God plays a longer game than the news and election cycles.

As we partner with others in their pursuit of seeking purpose and justice, we too should seek to serve institutions – not for their own sake, but for the sake of how they serve others. We recognize the dangers of nostalgia, the status quo, and divisive partisan identity, as we seek to be curators of collaboration and the common good within the political system.

Be Rooted in Christian Community

Our participation in the church helps shape our vision for this entire process. Christian community is a place to practice mutual submission, and to refresh our posture of hope and joy in a fractured world. Without it, we can lose sight of our true identity as citizens of the City of God, lose our vision for the common good, and lose ourselves in the messages of the earthly city.

This does not mean that Christian community is a utopia or collective of identical beliefs. It can only teach us collaboration because it is a place of fellow, flawed people. If we’re not careful, we can let politics be what tears us apart. When discussing politics with a fellow Christian, especially in times of disagreement, we should approach the encounter with a posture of humility. We need to recognize our shortcomings, enter the conversation seeking to learn, and always give others the benefit of the doubt. We should share our process of how we arrived at our current views, and focus on shared Christian values that led us there. We are not called to debate and convince. We are called to nourish friendships, to love, and to respectfully dialogue.

Pastors Luncheon Write-Up

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At the end of January, hundreds of pastors gathered together at the 2020 Greater Los Angeles Pastors Luncheon, with the focus of Uniting to End the Foster Crisis. There are far reaching consequences of the current shortage of foster parents and lack of support for biological parents facing separation from their children, and the church has the potential to bring an end to this crisis.

Numerous sponsors and speakers came together to put on this event and connect pastors with resources for their churches. Speakers included Ginger Pryor, Chief Deputy Director of DCFS, Bishop Ed Smith, the founder of the Nehemiah Project LA, and Andy Byrd, a foster and adoptive father.  There was also a panel consisting of a foster mom who has cared for over 1,000 children, a biological father recently reunited with his daughter after she had been placed in foster care, and a woman who had recently aged out of the foster care system. Below you’ll find some of the most important takeaways from the event that can help your church understand the crisis and the many ways people can help.

It’s a Root Issue

The church invests so much time, energy, and care into helping address some of the biggest social issues of our time. Churches around the LA area are actively involved in helping people who are homeless, imprisoned, or victims of sex trafficking. What many may not realize, however, is that foster care has been identified as a primary risk factor for all of these issues.

Recent research has estimated that over 75% of people currently imprisoned, 50% of people who are homeless, and 80% of people who are victims of sex trafficking spent time in the foster care system. Instead of focusing only on restoration later in life, making safe spaces for kids in foster care would drastically reduce the amount of people who end up imprisoned, homeless, or trafficked. Of course, this is not just about statistics, but the transformational power that a safe home can offer each and every child.

Care for the Child and Biological Parents

One of the panelists at the event was a biological father whose daughter had been placed in foster care while he was dealing with difficult personal issues. While he was extremely grateful for the care his daughter received during that time, he expressed how much harder the healing process was for him because so many people, including his own church community, didn’t extend care for his brokenness, too. 

Many people don’t realize that the goal of foster care is reunification with the biological parent(s) if possible, and only adoption if necessary. As Christians, that sentiment should deeply resonate with us as we acknowledge that God’s desire for the world is reconciliation and wholeness. Bearing the same intention, we should engage fostering as an opportunity to care not just for a displaced child, but for the healing of the biological parent(s), hoping that they can be reunited and made whole.

What Can the Church Do? 

There is such good news for the foster crisis, and that is that the church can truly make a tangible impact. Not everyone is able to open their home as a foster parent, but if only 10% of churchgoers did, there would be a home for every foster child that needs one. The rest of the church can still play a vital role. 

Churches can help in donating resources for foster and biological families. They can help make sure foster children have access to things like counseling and job skill training, and be intentional to make sure they feel welcomed in the church community. They can be a place of safety and support to biological parents that are separated from their children, both for emotional care and helping them work on the issues that led to the separation. There is a way that every single person can help, and when we do, we not only drastically impact that child, but help to address a far-reaching social crisis. See the resources below to explore how you can get started.


Donate and Volunteer

CarePortal – This online platform helps children in need get connected to people willing to provide tangible resources, like a crib, clothes, car seat, etc. This service is already helping biological foster families stay intact, preserving foster care placements, helping foster youth as they age out of the system, and so much more.

Royal Family KIDS – Camps and mentoring programs are available for children in the foster care system. Help volunteer or donate to an existing RFK program, or consider starting one in your area.

The Nehemiah Project LA – A group raising awareness and providing resources for youth transitioning out of the foster care system. Help this vulnerable people group today by donating.

Love SCV – Connecting community needs with community resources. Volunteer to help mentor foster youth, or donate to their work.

FamilyTable – Partners with churches and communities to help empower and train people in LA to help end the foster crisis.

Foster and Adoption Resources

Olive Crest – This non-profit organization offers a range of services for potential foster and adoptive families, biological families, and foster children. 

Koinonia Family Services – A foster and adoption agency that also offers support and intervention resources. 

America’s Christian Credit Union – Loans and grants are available to help with adoption costs. 

The Death of Kobe Bryant: Fallen Icons and Heart of Popular Culture

By Justin BaileyOn Sunday, January 26, 2020, Kobe Bryant, his thirteen-year-old daughter Gianna, and seven others were killed in a helicopter crash. The deaths sent shockwaves through the NBA, Los Angeles, and the world at large. NBA teams started games by taking 24 and 8 second violations, in tribute to the numbers he wore. Talk show hosts wept openly. Sports analysts spoke of lost friendship, reconciliation, and death. Tributes poured out from a whole generation who had grown up wanting to be like him.Read the full article here.

A Night with Bob Doll


Tuesday evening, January 14th, Together LA hosted a beautiful dinner under the stars with Chief Equity Strategist at Nuveen and philanthropist, Bob Doll. The event was held at the home of Together LA founder, Brannin and Tanya Pitre. We had nearly 40 people in attendance. It was a diverse crowd including marketplace leaders in the areas of finance, investing, start-ups and business ownership.  We also hosted non profit leaders from various organizations focused on integrating work and faith, justice, and mercy, as well as local pastors and professors of theology.

Some notable attendees include anti-trafficking activist and founder of Dressember Foundation, Blythe Hill. Jocelyn White founder of LA anti-trafficking organizaiton, Slavery No More, Tom Hseih, entrepreuner and CEO of the new start up, Float, Joanna Waterfall, Founder of Yellow Collective, and Jonathon Wu from Made to Flourish.

We enjoyed a vibrant discussion on investing, money, philanthropy, and other topics. More importantly, we heard a variety of interesting perspectives on how we use the tools of finance and investing to enhance human flourishing.

In addition, Bob Doll shared his top 10 predictions for 2020 and then took time for questions and answers and discussion at the end. Here are his predictions for the new year, and we are pleased to bring you a video interview with Bob Doll in the coming weeks.

If you missed it, here is a downloadable copy of his Top 10 2020 predictions.

The vision of Together LA is to bring marketplace leaders, pastors, nonprofit leaders, and others together to work together to answer the question, how do we love and serve the city of LA. And this event with Bob Doll was a reflection of the vision. We look forward to bringing more events like this to the city of LA this year in many different capacities.


Reimagining Work Healthcare in LA

This past weekend, the Center for Faith and Work LA held an event for LA healthcare workers as part of their ongoing event series, Reimagining Work. The event explored what it looks like to view all work in healthcare as a calling from God, and how workers can reimagine what it means to work in the industry in light of their faith and calling. 

Speakers included keynote, Dr. David Levy, neurosurgeon and Author of Gray Matter, and panelists Dr. Kim-Lien Nguyen (Cardiologist), Jaslyn Dixon (LMFT), Dr. Susan Huang (Neurologist and Associate CMO), and Dr. Mike Sunu (Emergency Physician). In all of the rich experiences and perspectives shared, two main themes emerged for healthcare professionals to consider: first, look deeply inward at your sense of calling and holistic health, and then, with renewed vision, consider the way you interact with others and are sensitive to spiritual needs. 

Looking Deeply Inward

Understanding Your Calling

The way you view your purpose in healthcare will define how you do your work. If your purpose is to succeed and rise through the ranks at all costs, as Dr. Levy shared is common in medicine and especially surgery, your ambition will define your work and your relationships. If you see each shift as something to endure in order to get a paycheck, this will drain your passion and work ethic. It’s only when we understand our calling to our work that we can begin to find a healthy sense of our purpose. 

Every person working in healthcare has a profound effect on others. Depending on your type of work, you may literally affect someone’s body, mind, or wellbeing. Regardless of your type of work, you have an effect on the way a patient, a visitor, or a coworker experiences their day. As you wrestle with defining your purpose, understand that God has called you both to do good work and to love others. Your work matters deeply to God and to everyone it impacts. 

Spiritual and Emotional Care

You probably don’t need it to be pointed out that burnout is a serious problem in healthcare. Everything about your work is draining: intense education and training, long shifts, the pressure to work quickly, the nature of the work of caring for others. Trying to do excellent work as well as loving others will only go so far if you’re burnt-out. As Dr. Levy shared, “Stress makes us non-relational.” 

The reality is, you can only give so much without being filled yourself. Jasyln Dixon, the LMFT on the panel, used the profound metaphor of viewing yourself not as a fast-flowing river, but as a reservoir, so filled that you are able to overflow care and service to others. We were all created with limits and the need for Sabbath rest, community, and time with God. This means taking time to recognize what you need and making those needs a priority, both for your sake and to bring your best self into your work.

Looking Outward with Renewed Vision

Finding Space to Care in Efficiency

So many working in healthcare are working in environments with intense pressure to work quickly and efficiently. In the midst of this, it can be difficult just to keep up with your responsibilities, and easy to lose sight of the emotional needs of those around you. The pressure to be efficient can quickly create a disconnected environment: patients in vulnerable positions feeling neglected, family and friends feeling dismissed, coworkers feeling slighted. 

Dr. Sunu, the ER physician on the panel, feels this tension constantly between care and efficiency. He has been struck recently by the reality of Imago Dei, that each person is made in the image of God, and what a difference it can make when he intentionally reminds himself that every patient, family, friend and coworker is someone made in God’s image. While you may not be able to take extra time with someone, it can make a world of difference to use what short moments you do have with someone to slow down your spirit, see God’s image in them, and communicate love and care in your interaction. 

Sensitivity to Spiritual Needs

Many people consider spirituality to be a very private thing, and it is a delicate topic to approach with others. The reality is, awareness of spirituality is usually heightened for patients due to the vulnerable nature of healthcare. Of course, chaplains are available in most cases to address spirituality, but Dr. Levy encourages healthcare providers to be aware of spiritual needs and how you might be able to offer support. 

One way Dr. Levy does this is by offering to say a short prayer for patients prior to being taken into surgery. He began this practice after a dentist offered to do the same for him when he was on edge before a dental procedure, and it deeply affected him. He wrestled with how other staff might view him for incorporating religion, or even how patients might react to the offer, but felt convicted that the potential to help encourage his patients outweighed the risk. While not everyone accepts his offer to pray (which he graciously understands), it has had an incredibly profound effect on so many patients and their families. As you go about your work, keep your spirit open to small ways you can appropriately be a spiritual support to 2others. 

For more information on the CFWLA and the Reimagining Work Series, check out their website, where there will soon be videos released from this event.

Remembering a Legend

As the news of Kobe Bryant's helicopter tragically crashing unfolded today, I could not help but recall the words to the famous hymn “It Is Well With My Soul” and the circumstances in which they were penned.

In 1871, Horatio G. Spafford lost his 2-year-old son and then encountered financial ruin when his properties were lost in the Great Chicago Fire. Two years later, he sent his wife Anna and their four daughters ahead of him to Europe as he was delayed on business. En route to Europe, their boat sank and all four of his daughters died. He quickly boarded a ship to meet his wife, and while passing the area in which their boat sank, he wrote the powerful lyrics to this song.

As the world mourns the loss of Kobe Bryant, Gianna “GG” Bryant, John Altobelli, Keri Altobelli, Alyssa Altobelli, Sarah Chester, Payton Chester, Christina Mauser, and Ara Zobayan, I can only imagine the all-too-real heartache that now resides in these homes. And as I pray for a wife who has lost her partner, husbands who lost wives, a momma who has lost her baby, children who no longer have a parent, I pray that they’ll be met with the same overwhelming Grace that found Spafford all those years ago.

“It Is Well With My Soul”

When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say,
It is well, it is well with my soul.

When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,

When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say,
It is well, it is well with my soul.

It is well with my soul,
It is well, it is well with my soul.

Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come,
Let this blest assurance control,
That Christ hath regarded my helpless estate,
And hath shed His own blood for my soul.

My sin—oh, the bliss of this glorious thought!—
My sin, not in part but the whole,
Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more,
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!

For me, be it Christ, be it Christ hence to live:
If Jordan above me shall roll,
No pang shall be mine, for in death as in life
Thou wilt whisper Thy peace to my soul.

But, Lord, ’tis for Thee, for Thy coming we wait,
The sky, not the grave, is our goal;
Oh, trump of the angel! Oh, voice of the Lord!
Blessed hope, blessed rest of my soul!

And Lord, haste the day when the faith shall be sight,
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll;
The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend,
Even so, it is well with my soul.


Kobe Bryant - It Is Well

As the news of Kobe Bryant's helicopter tragically crashing unfolded today, I could not help but recall the words to the famous hymn “It Is Well With My Soul” and the circumstances in which they were penned.In 1871, Horatio G. Spafford lost his 2-year-old son and then encountered financial ruin when his properties were lost in the Great Chicago Fire. Two years later, he sent his wife Anna and their four daughters ahead of him to Europe as he was delayed on business. En route to Europe, their boat sank and all four of his daughters died. He quickly boarded a ship to meet his wife, and while passing the area in which their boat sank, he wrote the powerful lyrics to this song.As the world mourns the loss of Kobe Bryant, Gianna “GG” Bryant, John Altobelli, Keri Altobelli, Alyssa Altobelli, Sarah Chester, Payton Chester, Christina Mauser, and Ara Zobayan, I can only imagine the all-too-real heartache that now resides in these homes. And as I pray for a wife who has lost her partner, husbands who lost wives, a momma who has lost her baby, children who no longer have a parent, I pray that they’ll be met with the same overwhelming Grace that found Spafford all those years ago.

“It Is Well With My Soul”

When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,When sorrows like sea billows roll;Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say,It is well, it is well with my soul.

Refrain:It is well with my soul,It is well, it is well with my soul.

Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come,Let this blest assurance control,That Christ hath regarded my helpless estate,And hath shed His own blood for my soul.

My sin—oh, the bliss of this glorious thought!—My sin, not in part but the whole,Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more,Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!

For me, be it Christ, be it Christ hence to live:If Jordan above me shall roll,No pang shall be mine, for in death as in lifeThou wilt whisper Thy peace to my soul.

But, Lord, ’tis for Thee, for Thy coming we wait,The sky, not the grave, is our goal;Oh, trump of the angel! Oh, voice of the Lord!Blessed hope, blessed rest of my soul!

And Lord, haste the day when the faith shall be sight,The clouds be rolled back as a scroll;The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend,Even so, it is well with my soul.

Food Truck Expressions of Church

Food Trucks are the metaphor we use to describe Ecclesia’s Missional Collaborations—groups that incarnate the life of Jesus and the Kingdom of God in a particular place or among a pocket of people. They discern what is good news for those to whom they are sent and manifest that good news as an expression of the life of Jesus.

Each collaboration forms a committed core team, develops a set of common and regular practices, and creates intentional community among followers of Jesus and those who may not experience spirituality through traditional institutions.

Meet Jason. 


Jason encountered a community living on the street in a neighborhood he frequented. He decided to share his passion for food and began making a home cooked meal to share with them. Over time, the neighbors began requesting their favorite dishes and then joining Jason in preparing the meal for the whole community. Jason and his team became advocates for these new friends and helped them find jobs, housing and home furnishings until they were all off the street.

For more info on Ecclesia, please visit: ECCLESIA HOLLYWOOD 323.464.8455

Jon Ritner - Part 2 - Forge Hollywood

TLA: Tell us about Forge Hollywood. What do you find is the biggest hurdle to shifting someone’s paradigm to begin living as a missionary?

JR: Forge Hollywood is a local Hub of Forge America/Forge International. Forge partners with the local church to mobilize the everyday people of God to participate in the everyday mission of God. 

• We inspire the church to take steps towards mobilizing the people of God to participate in the mission of God.

• We equip the church to mobilize the people of God to participate in the mission of God and pioneer new expressions of the church across neighborhoods, networks, work spaces, and third spaces.

• We provide the church pathways to pioneer and send new expressions of the church across neighborhoods, networks, work spaces, and third spaces.  

• We provide the church the necessary tools to connect new expressions pioneered.

I started Forge Hollywood as a way to pull individual members out of my Sunday community and train them to live as missionaries. After training about 50 members and sharing their stories on Sunday, we began to see more of a hunger from others to all live this way, which allowed us to bring this language and priority into our gatherings more often. Forge was part of my change strategy for our church when I arrived five years ago. Innovation cannot be dumped into a community from the pulpit; too many people react negatively to ANY change. It has to be diffused into it from Innovators, to Early Adopters, to Early Majority to Late Majority to Laggards, in order for it to be organic and accepted.  


TLA: Forge provides coaching for churches. Is it hard to get a church’s leadership to understand what Forge is doing and want to train their leaders and congregants to view life this way?

JR: Forge started by training individuals but over time as more and more local churches and even denominations see the need for a more robust individual disciple who can make disciples, we are investing more energy in partnerships with local churches. We serve local churches with coaching, mentoring and can even lead local six-month small group learning cohorts for their leaders or congregation. Sadly, so many Hollywood churches have yet to make the paradigm shift needed for the new reality that is rapidly approaching so we have not seen as many churches participate here as Forge is seeing in other parts of the country and Canada/Europe. I meet monthly with some “freaks like me” who are pioneering new church plants, missional initiatives, and Food Trucks in the city for coaching, encouragement and ongoing training. 

 TLA: Your staff works closely with Epiphany Space, which is a coworking space in Hollywood. What have you learned from this partnership? What would you want to pass along to other churches who may have an opportunity to work with/in a coworking environment?

 JR: Epiphany is our best example of a food truck church.  A local community of believers who lead with a mission to bless artists, then seek to create community amongst them, then finally offer ways that the community can engage in acts of worship like prayer and Bible study when they are ready. Eccleisa’s small staff team offices out of Epiphany to model that all believers need to be embedded in the local culture as disciple makers. The partnership is a mutual blessing. Melissa Smith is the main conduit between both worlds, as she serves on our Ecclesia Pastoral Team and is also the Founder and Director of Epiphany Space.  

We have spoken to other churches about starting coworking spaces. The key is that the space has to feel like a neutral space, where non-believers will feel comfortable. The best thing to do would be to take part of the building, set it aside for co-working and be sure to strip it of overt church branding, iconography, etc and then build a team to operate it in a way that is consistent with the needs and desires of the community it seeks to serve (artists, tech startups, small businesses, etc.) You have to believe that blessing people with space and supporting their careers so that they flourish and grow has Kingdom value in and of itself. If you create the space to merely “do evangelism” it will never feel safe to the secular community who sniff out inauthenticity now more than ever.